Page 81 of Covert Vengeance

He gestured for them to come in. “Have a seat, then. This won’t take long.”

Amber sat in one wing chair near the desk while Megan shut the door and took the other across from her. Her heart rate picked up when Rycroft reached behind him for a folder and started flipping through the contents.

This was it. She was about to learn what would become of her. Was she being handed over to the Brits? Or the Syrians?

Her whole body chilled at the thought of going to a Syrian prison. Everyone knew how corrupt the judicial system there was.

“After careful consideration and many,manymeetings with our legal teams, this is the best I can do for you.” He held the folder out to her, his silver gaze steady, giving nothing away.

Keeping her expression neutral, refusing to let her nerves show, Amber reached for it. Megan was on her feet in an instant, rushing over to read over Amber’s shoulder.

Her pulse pounded in her ears as she skimmed the document. At first the words didn’t make sense. She read through to the last page, stopped, and realized she was holding her breath.

What the…

She quickly flipped back two pages and read them again, slower this time, making sure she hadn’t misunderstood. Then she read the whole thing through again to make sure she hadn’t missed anything and lowered it to her lap, her mouth dry, heart pounding.

Megan made a distressed sound and snatched it from her. “I wasn’t done yet!”

Rycroft was still leaning against the desk, his arms folded over his broad chest in a casual pose, the hint of a smile tugging at his mouth. He was a good-looking man, and in damn good shape for nearly being a senior citizen.

Amber stared at him. “You’re offering me immunity.” She couldn’t help it if she sounded stunned. She was.

This was the last thing she’d expected. Technically they had enough evidence to at least connect her with her former teammates’ deaths. Enough to charge her and bring her to trial. They might even have more than that, she wasn’t sure. Maybe evidence about former black ops that hadn’t been quite as off the books as she’d thought.

“If you agree to remain on the taskforce we’ve assembled and carry out the remainder of the mission as an official member.”

They wanted her to stay. Wanted her to be part of this—or maybe they needed her, she didn’t care which—and were willing to clear her record of any past crimes or potential charges to make it happen. “There’s no trick?” She’d read it thoroughly, but had she missed something? Some weird little addendum that might trip her up later?

“No. Unless you count the part where it says this agreement is subject to alteration if you break the terms listed.”

Meaning, if she walked away from the taskforce and mission before the other Valkyries were identified and brought in safely. She hadn’t missed it. “I won’t.”

He picked a pen up off the desk and held it out to her. “Just sign it, Amber.”

Fighting a smile, she took it, then slid the papers from Megan’s hand and signed her name at the bottom of the last page. “Here, you witness it.”

Megan signed in the appropriate spot. Amber handed the file back to Rycroft, then turned to her sister. But her voice got stuck in her throat.

I’m free. I’mfree.

Megan let out a whoop and engulfed her in a hug. Amber returned it, still grappling with this new shift in reality. Now she had the possibility of a real life. A future.

A future she didn’t want to spend alone.

“Where’s Jesse, do you know?” she asked Rycroft.

“Right here,” a deep voice said from the doorway.

Amber let go of Megan and jumped to her feet, her heart rolling over at the sight of Jesse standing there.

“And my work here is done.” Rycroft shot her a wink and walked out, followed closely by Megan, who shot her a grin on the way past.

Amber ran her gaze over Jesse. He had bruises forming on his face and arms, a bandage covering his knife wound. “Hi,” she said breathlessly.

One side of his mouth lifted. “Hey.”

A lump filled her throat as she crossed to him. She squeezed her eyes shut as his strong arms came around her, holding her to him, embracing him in return. “Full immunity,” she whispered against the top of his shoulder.