“And what do you want?”
So many things. “I want to take you out to eat, and go for a long drive. Go to a movie, see the sights. I want to shoot with you and take you out for a picnic. Fly to another country together. Go on a road trip so I can spend all day seducing you while we drive, and have sex whenever and wherever we want.”
Her amusement faded, her expression sobering. “That’s a lot of things to want for people like us.”
He lifted a shoulder, in uncharted territory himself. “It’s a start. What about you? What sorts of things would you want to do?”
She blinked. “I hadn’t thought about it.”
Because she wouldn’t allow herself to. He got that, but it also made him a little sad. She deserved happiness. “Well, give it some thought and then let me know. I’m up for whatever you want, as long as we’re together.”
She looked away, blew out a breath and reached for her bra and shirt lying on the floor nearby. “I can’t give any promises right now.” She dressed quickly, but stayed in his lap as she looked up at him again. “You understand?” There was a hint of regret in her eyes now. And maybe a little worry as well.
“I understand.” Better than she realized. But that didn’t mean he was giving up without a fight. She was worth fighting for.
She nodded, seeming relieved. “Thank you. It’s…not easy for me to…you know.” She made a circular gesture with one hand. “Form bonds.”
Yet they already had. “I know. You lost your parents so young, and then you were taken away from your sister.”
Her eyelids flinched but she still didn’t pull away. “Yeah, that kind of thing leaves a mark.”
A wound. One that never fully healed. “Do you remember any of it?”
“Too much. Including being separated from Megan, and then being told later that she was dead. It was just before my seventh birthday.”
It filled him with a cold rage to think that their own government would have exploited young, frightened orphans to that extent in order to mold them into assassins without giving them a choice. But after everything he’d seen and done in this life so far, nothing much surprised him anymore. “I’m glad you found each other again.”
This time her smile was real, and he swore his heart stopped for a few beats. When she smiled like that it was like watching the sun come out from behind the clouds. “Me too. It’s been amazing getting to know her again, spend time with her. I hope…”
He ran his fingers through her hair. “You hope what?”
“I hope we get a lot more time together before this is all over,” she finished.
She nodded, her gaze far away as she stared at the concrete floor. “Then finding the other Valkyries and setting them all up with new, secure lives where they can be free and not have to watch over their shoulders.”
He didn’t miss that she said they, not including herself in that scenario. Why? Because she didn’t think she deserved that after all she’d done? Or did she think she wouldn’t live long enough for it to happen? The last part triggered all his protective instincts. Shewouldlive to see that happen. He’d make sure of it.
“And then what?” he asked. “Will you finally be free too?”
She met his eyes, the resolve in her gaze hitting him like a punch. “No. Not until I find justice for all of us.”
He nodded. “I get it.”
And I’ll help you do it.
He held the words back, knowing it was way too soon to say them. Whether things worked out between them the way he wanted or not, he would do what he could to help her mete out justice on those assholes by exposing or eliminating the people behind the Valkyrie Program.
“I also want to find my aunt,” she continued.
“Your mom’s sister?” The one who’d declined to take guardianship of her and Megan and dumped them into foster care.
“Yes. I don’t know what happened to her. I’ve looked a couple of times, just briefly, but didn’t find anything on her. Maybe she’s dead.”
“Maybe.” But maybe not. “Either way, you deserve answers.”
A secret, almost startled smile flashed across her face. As if he’d taken her off guard again.