Page 39 of Covert Vengeance

She drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly, focusing on the beauty around her rather than the rage in her heart. Despite all odds, her sister was beside her again.

That was worth every single sacrifice Amber had made along the way.

The sweet scent of hay and horses reached her as they neared the stables. Megan flipped on a light inside the open door and Amber gazed around in awe. “Wow, this place is insane.”

It was spotless, for one, cleaner than a lot of the places she’d slept in over the years. The floors were made of some sort of rubberized tiles. Each horse had its own private stall, and there were iron chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

“I know. These horses live better than most people I know.” Megan crossed to the third stall where a dark brown horse had stuck its head over the door, its ears pricked forward. “This is my buddy Rollo.” She walked up and began stroking the animal’s sleek, powerful neck. “How are you this morning, pal? Sorry I didn’t get to take you for our run this morning, I had things to do. But tomorrow, okay? I promise.”

Amber walked over and held her hand out, palm up, to let Rollo sniff at her. Then she stroked the velvety muzzle. “Where do you ride?”

“Wherever I want. I shoot targets, mostly.”

Amber was surprised. “It doesn’t freak him out?” She nodded at Rollo. “You firing a weapon while you’re in the saddle?”

She smiled. “Not a firearm. Archery.”

“Oh, badass,” Amber said with a chuckle. She could just picture Megan galloping along slinging arrows left and right.

“Itiskinda badass. You should try it. We’ll get you comfortable on a horse first, then you can add the bow and arrow after.”

It sounds nice, but I don’t know how much longer I’ll be here.Sadness filled her at the thought. She glanced down at Megan’s left hand and the shiny ring on her finger. “So did he propose, or what?”

Megan looked at the ring. “No, it’s a promise ring. We’re not in a rush.”

Amber nodded. “He seems like a really good guy.”

Under the circumstances, not everyone would have helped her escape that facility in London. She was glad her sister had found someone who had her back—because Amber knew the only reason Tyler had helped had been because she was Megan’s sister. That kind of loyalty was rare, and almost impossible to come by.

“He is.” Her sister’s expression was so full of love it almost hurt to look at it. “I never expected any of this, or him, but he didn’t give me a choice in the matter. Wouldn’t listen to any of my warnings about getting involved with someone like me.”

Good, although Amber worried about her. She didn’t want to see Megan get hurt after everything she’d been through. “But you’re happy?”

Megan stilled, her hand resting on Rollo’s shoulder as she met Amber’s gaze. “Yeah. Really happy. And if you want the truth… It scares the shit out of me sometimes.”

“Well, yeah. I mean, it’s not like we have a lot of experience with being happy, right?” They were way out of their depth when dealing with messy things like emotion and relationships. “You seem to be doing okay with it, though.”

Megan lifted a shoulder. “I’m just taking this day by day, and being myself. I want to look farther ahead, but part of me just can’t go there, even for him.”

“Because you’ve been trained to expect the worst and be prepared for it.”

Megan nodded, relief filling her pretty hazel eyes. “That’s exactly it.”

“I get it. Trust me. Weallget it.” A tiny pang hit her. A tiny needle prick in a vulnerable spot she never allowed herself to acknowledge. The one that wondered what that would be like—to have that kind of bond and a chance at some level of permanency with a partner who loved and respected her.

She might as well wish for the moon.

Cordova sure as hell wasn’t partner material. She’d never envisioned settling down with someone anyhow. Murky as they were, her memories of her parents’ happy relationship was something she could never aspire to.

“So maybe you can try riding tomorrow?” Megan asked, pulling her from her thoughts.

The eagerness in her sister’s expression made it impossible to say no. “Sure, I’ll give it a shot.”

A big smile formed on Megan’s face, and Amber was once again reminded of the little girl she’d loved so fiercely all those years ago. God, it hurt, to think about all they’d lost, all they’d missed out on together. But she couldn’t focus on that. She had to focus on here and now and be grateful they’d had this reunion.

“I’m so glad you’re back. We’re gonna have so much fun.” Megan started to reach for Amber as if to hug her, then stopped, hesitating as they stared at each other.

Amber grinned, dispelling the awkward lapse. “Come here, goof.” She hugged her sister, the feel of Megan’s arms wound around her back knitting a few of the broken pieces in her soul together again. Healing. They both needed it.