Heat bloomed in her belly, a current of arousal flowing through her.
She shot out a hand to grab two slices of toast, then turned her back on the table and started for the doorway.
“Not going to join us?” he asked.
“Nope. On my way to tour the property with Megan. Ready?” she said to her sister, who stood poised in the doorway, having just returned Kiyomi’s tray in the kitchen.
Megan caught on immediately. “Right. Let’s go.”
“Good.” She couldn’t wait to get outside and enjoy the fresh air, away from all the pheromones or whatever the hell was polluting the space between her and Cordova. He muddled her brain and she didn’t like it.
Holding the second piece of toast in her teeth, she helped herself to a cup of coffee from the sideboard on the way to the door and allowed herself a single glance at Cordova’s broad back and shoulders on the way out of the room. Was he still in a lot of pain?
Gah. She shouldn’t give a damn whether he was feeling better or not.
After putting on her boots, she followed Megan out the back entrance. As soon as the door shut behind them, it was suddenly easier to breathe. A formal, manicured garden lay before them. Rows of tightly clipped boxwoods in geometric patterns with golden-toned gravel paths dividing them, topiaries and various flowers filling the beds.
Tipping her head back, Amber closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath of the sweet, pure air. A bumblebee buzzed past. “Mmmm.”
When she opened her eyes, Megan was smiling at her. “I know. It’s amazing here. Want to check out the stable?”
“Sure.” She was glad to be able to spend a little time together, just the two of them.
Pea gravel crunched beneath their boots as they walked down the center path that led to an expanse of lush green lawn, and beyond that, the path to the stable. “How many horses does Marcus have?” Amber asked.
“Eleven right now.”
She nodded. “He a drug lord or something?”
Megan laughed. “No, he inherited the place from a relative. Do you ride?”
“Want to learn? We’ve got some really gentle mounts here. Even kids can ride them.”
“Maybe another time. I’d rather stretch my own legs for now.” To be honest, the idea of riding a thousand-pound, unpredictable animal didn’t thrill her.
“Sure.” Her sister gave her a sidelong look. “So, what’s up with you and Cordova?”
Amber shot her a frown. “Nothing, why?”
“Uh, because the way he looks at you makes me feel like I’m interrupting something?”
She snorted. Yeah, he definitely wasn’t subtle about wanting her. Didn’t even try to hide it in front of others, even though he’d pulled the emergency brake last night, and how screwed up was she that she wanted him even more now?
“There’s nothing going on. The sooner he leaves, the better.” He was a serious distraction she didn’t need, especially considering the situation with Stanislav.
Megan nodded and kept walking for a few moments. “Have you… I mean, have you ever dated anyone?”
“Dated? Not really, other than the doomed relationship I told you about. It only lasted a few months anyhow.” She looked at her sister curiously. “Did you? Before Tyler?”
“I wouldn’t call itdating. Too risky and complicated. You know?”
“I totally know.” They’d all been trained to avoid that kind of attachment. They were tools. Expensive ones, with extremely sharp edges. All that mattered were results, getting the job done, no matter how dangerous. No matter what the cost.
That familiar, deep resentment that had formed inside her from the day her trainer had died and she’d learned the truth about what the government had done to them began to burn once more. She’d adored Barry, and still did, even though he’d lied to her too. They’d used him as much as they had her and the others.