Page 46 of Guarded

“Fine. I really will try.” That was the best she could promise. She wasn’t capable of transforming her entire personality overnight just because he wanted her to. But she absolutely needed to put some effort into making positive changes for their family’s sake.

“Thank you.” He was quiet a moment. “What about hiring a nanny part time?”

Briar shoved one hand into the couch and pushed up to scowl down at him, outraged. “Are you freaking insane? I’m not letting some stranger come in to look after my baby.” Over her damn dead body that was happening. She would never trust an outsider to take care of Rosie at this age. Maybe ever. She’d cross that bridge when they got to it.

He grinned. “So protective. See? You’re more bonded to her than you seem to realize.”

Briar considered that. Was she? She looked over at Rosie, asleep in the bassinet, and her lips curved into a tender smile. Yeah. Yeah, maybe she was.

The moment she thought it, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She loved Rosie. Would take on a freaking grizzly and kill it with her bare hands before ever letting it harm her child.

“I’m glad we had this talk,” Matt teased.

“Me too.” She leaned down to kiss his jaw, the corner of his mouth. “Now you’d better get up and shower if you want to get into work.”

“I’ll go in later to finish up some things.” Pushing at her shoulders gently, they both sat up. “Then I’m taking some time off.”

Her gaze snapped to his. “What? No.”

He nodded. “As soon as I wrap up a couple things on my desk this afternoon I’m taking a leave of absence to help out more around here.”

Oh, shit. “Matt, why did you do that? Now everyone will think I’m an incompetent loser—”

He held up a hand. “Stop. They don’t know shit except that I want time at home with you and Rosie while she’s little. And don’t talk about yourself that way.”

She glowered at him. “For how long?”

“Three months.”

“That long?”

“It’s not that long. And I’m not irreplaceable at work. I damn near missed Rosie’s birth because I wasn’t where I belonged—with you.” He paused a beat, looking into her eyes. “When it counts, you and Rosie come first. My guys can survive without me. The world won’t go to shit if I’m not involved with the teams. Other people are just as trained and capable as me at making critical decisions.”

“Nobody’s as good as you and you know it.”

One side of his mouth curved up. “Well, thank you for that.”

It was the truth. “If you’re doing this because you want more time with Rosie while she’s small, then I’m okay with it. But if you’re doing it because you’re worried I can’t handle it without you here, then—”

He put his fingers over her mouth to stop her. “I know you can handle it. But we’re both at fault for what’s happened with you. Me for assuming you were handling everything fine, and you for letting me think it. That’s on both of us, and we both need to make changes.” He paused, his expression softening. “This time is going to fly by, and I’m never getting it back. I want to be here. It’ll make us all happier.”

She eyed him, still doubtful.

“I’ll still act as a consultant when necessary. Take calls, meetings maybe, things like that. But no travel, no long days or crazy schedules.” He raised his eyebrows, daring her to argue with him. “You and I are a team. We’re going to do this together from now on.”

Well hell, she couldn’t fault his arguments, and she sure wasn’t going to say no to that last part. “All right. I’m on board with that.”

He smiled. A slow, sexy smile that made her heart beat faster. “Good.” He snagged her hand, pulled her off the couch. “Now let’s go up and have a long shower together before Rosie wakes up. I know you love it when I wash your hair, massage your scalp and…other parts.” He gave her a heated look that said that while they might not be able to have sex yet, they could still do plenty of other things in the meantime.

Okay, she wasn’t going to say no to that either.


Five weeks later

Briar’s eyes sprang open when Rosie’s cry woke her from a deep sleep. She sat up, pushed to her feet, feeling light years better than she had during those first few weeks. Matt had taken the night shift to allow her a full night’s sleep.

God, she missed sleep.