Jesus Christ.The blood drained from his face, his heart knocking against his ribs.How soon?
On her way now.
He was stuck in the air. God, he had to get to her in time.I’m on my way.
Will stay with her until you get here.
Phone in hand, he got up and signaled the crew chief for his headset while the guys all watched him in concern. Matt put it on and spoke to the pilots. “My wife’s being rushed in for an emergency C-section. I need you to drop me off on the hospital roof.” He gave the name and location of it. “Clear it with whoever you need to, use my authorization. Just get me there before the baby’s born.”
“You got it,” one of them replied.
“How far out are we?”
“Eighteen to twenty minutes.”
A long fucking time to wait when the lives of his wife and child were at risk. But this was the best he could do.
When Matt turned around his team members were all staring at him. He slipped his other headset back on and hit the toggle on the cord to talk to them. “Change of plans. Briar hemorrhaged and she’s being prepped for surgery.”
Shock flickered on their faces.
“Pilots are dropping me at the hospital and then flying you guys to base.”
Tuck responded. “Anything you need, brother.”
Bauer nodded and gave him a thumbs up. “Hang in there. Briar’s tough and babies are a lot stronger than they look.”
Matt nodded his thanks and sat his ass back down to wait. He didn’t want to talk, frantic to get to his wife in time.
This was all wrong, was happening too fast. He’d looked it up while he was waiting for Briar to have all her tests done. The baby was way too young to be born yet. The chances of complications or severe problems were high. He’d read things like brain damage, organ failure. Fuck, it was heartbreaking.
ETA 20 minshe sent to Trinity. Tuck reached over to tap his knee. Matt looked up but his phone vibrated again. The blood pulsed in his ears as he read the text.
Doctor can’t wait. Needs to get baby out.
Of course, whatever they needed to do.Understood.
Trinity sent back a thumbs up.In waiting room. They’re putting in a spinal now.
How is she?Matt asked. She must be fucking terrified, although she would never show or admit it. God dammit, he needed to be there. Needed to hold her, at least her hand, and stand beside her through this so she didn’t have to go through it alone.
The one word answer set off a bittersweet pang inside him. Briarwasstrong. The strongest woman he had ever known. And she would fight with everything in her to get through this, protect their baby any way she could.
Be there asap, he typed.Tell her I’m coming.
Will pass it on. Hang in there.
He didn’t have a choice, did he?
The minutes passed by with agonizing slowness. He kept checking his watch, phone in hand so he would get Trinity’s texts the moment she sent an update.
The crew chief flagged him down. Matt started to take his headphones off but the guy held up his hand, fingers outspread, and pointed at the floor.
Five minutes.
Matt nodded, his stomach in knots, willing the helo to go faster. As soon as they began their descent he ripped off his headset and moved toward the crew chief over by the starboard door.