He made a sound of agreement and sank to his knees in front of her to rub his face against her lower belly. Her stomach was still flat as ever. It was so weird to think there was a baby growing inside her.
Matt kissed the spot below her belly button, his lips warm, lingering there. Arousal pulsed through her blood, heady and sweet.
With a saucy smile she threaded a hand through his hair and gave it a tug to make him move lower. “Seeing as I’ve already got you down there on your knees…”
He looked up at her, amusement and desire glowing in his eyes. “So bossy,” he murmured, curving his hands around to cradle her bottom. Holding her with a firm grip so she couldn’t move away as he kissed lower, lower.
A thrill shot through her bloodstream, her body tightening in anticipation of his tongue. “You love that about me.”
He made a low sound of agreement and then her thoughts scattered as he lowered his mouth between her parted thighs.
Chapter Three
If anyone had asked her two years ago whether she could ever have envisioned herself voluntarily attending a baby shower where she was surrounded by a dozen women cooing over baby outfits, Briar would have either laughed her ass off or assumed that person was nuts. Yet here she was, against all odds. Though there wasn’t much she wouldn’t do for Taya.
And the strangest part was, she didn’t hate it even a tenth as much as she would have back then. These women were her friends now. A kind of extended family she’d never imagined having until Matt had come along and reframed her entire world. If she could just get through the event without anyone questioning her about refraining from caffeine or alcohol, she would consider it a win. She and Matt wanted to keep their news quiet until the first trimester was over. But these ladies were sharp.
“Zoe, quit hogging my baby and hand him over to someone else,” Taya chided as she passed by Briar with an empty platter on her way to the kitchen.
Bauer’s wife looked up, her heavily made-up golden eyes widening in bewilderment. “What? I’ve only had him for ten minutes,” she protested in her soft Louisiana drawl.
“Thistime,” Taya said laughingly. “You’re terrible at sharing.”
Zoe’s expression fell, then softened as she looked down at the baby. “I know, but they’re just so sweet and tiny and…ediblewhen they’re newborns,” she said, snuggling Hudson to her floral gothic skull shirt, clearly in no hurry to give him up.
“All right, that’s it.” Summer got up from the overstuffed chair in the corner, marched over and held her hands out for the baby. “Hand him over. That edible comment makes me concerned for his safety. I don’t trust you with him.”
Zoe huffed. “As if.” Reluctantly she handed Hudson over, her gaze following him through the room as Summer walked away, cooing to him.
“My God, you really do look like you want to eat him up,” Rachel said with a laugh, leaning back into the couch with her glass of wine.
“I know.” Zoe reached for the plate of food she had abandoned. “I’m totally ready for another one.”
“I think Clay might have something different to say about that,” Taya teased. “Even if you’re ready, according to Nathan, he wasn’t a fan of the birthing process. The man’s still psychologically traumatized from Libby’s birth.”
“He’straumatized? Okay.” Zoe laughed, a low, throaty sound as sultry and exotic as she was. “He’s so funny.”
Funny? Briar didn’t think of Bauer as funny. The man was hard as iron, barely ever cracked a smile, and if he did, it was almost always for his wife and child. “Need a hand in here?” she asked Taya in the kitchen.
“Sure, you can help me get the rest of these appetizers out of the oven.”
Briar grabbed for the oven mitts. “How come you’re doing all this, anyway? I thought showers meant the new mama sat on a throne while everyone else did her bidding.”
“Nah, that’s not my style, and I’m actually feeling pretty rested. I pumped two bottles so Nathan could take over the overnight feedings last night, so whatever the guys are doing together right now at Zoe and Clay’s place, he’s probably asleep on the couch in the middle of it. Plus all of you brought something for the potluck, so it’s not like I’ve been slaving away in the kitchen or anything.”
Still. “Let me do this, and go sit down.”
Taya shot her a knowing grin, her gray eyes twinkling. “You just want an excuse to hide in here by yourself.”
She totally did. Even though socializing with the team and significant others had become easier for her since she’d first been with Matt, it was still outside of her comfort zone. Her formative years had been spent honing her introverted tendencies and using them to make her into a lethal sniper. It wasn’t easy to undo all that programming. “I’m getting better, though.”
“Yes, you are, and we appreciate that you keep showing up to the get-togethers.” Taya playfully nudged her with her shoulder. “All right, if you’re sure, I’ll leave you to it in here.” She plucked her glass of wine off the countertop. “Only one I’m allowing myself, so I’m going to make it last and enjoy every drop. You want one?”
“No, I’m good.” Of all the HRT women, Briar was closest to Taya. The woman was the kindest, most nurturing person Briar had ever met. Just being in her presence was soothing, like having a hug or fresh chocolate chip cookies warm from the oven. They had become pretty close over the last year or so. She and Matt had been the only guests outside of Taya’s immediate family at her and Schroder’s wedding.
In fact, the only woman Briar was closer to was her fellow ex-Valkyrie, Trinity. Mostly because of their shared history, a lot of it the opposite of pretty. Then there was Georgia, but they didn’t hear from her much. The three of them were still inextricably linked, however. Going through something that intense together created a bond for life.
Briar carried the tray of hot appies out to the table where the team’s significant others were all gathered around admiring the baby gifts and enjoying the food. “Go easy on the cheese dip, it’s the only bowl of it we’ve got,” she said, placing it in the center of the table.