“It totally counts,” Brock informed him, sliding his hands over the belt. “Fits me perfectly, too. I think I’ll wear it home on the flight.”
Maka grunted and struggled to his feet while the team teased him. His expression softened a moment later when someone tossed him a beer. By the time they got on the plane for the first leg of their journey home, Maka merely threw Brock a dirty look before gingerly settling back in his seat.
Time and distance blurred on the trip back to Virginia. By the time they arrived at Quantico at 07:00 local time, everyone was tired but ready for the full day already scheduled.
Back at headquarters that afternoon, Brock groaned and stood on tiptoe to stretch his arms over his head. Commander Taggart hadn’t wasted any time in putting them through their paces on their first morning back stateside. They’d done PT together as a team at 08:00 and had been going full out ever since. Even Maka, who was pretending not to be stiff and sore even though they all knew better.
Brock’s shirt was soaked with sweat, sticking to his body when he pulled his tactical vest over his head. “Does it feel to anyone else like we never even left?”
To his right, Rodriguez barked out a laugh and kept cleaning his Glock. “I was thinking the same thing.”
“Feels good to be back. Home sweet home, boys,” Colebrook said with a grin to Brock’s left as he packed away his gear into his locker.
“Guess Taggart was worried we might have lost our edge over in our favorite stomping grounds. We’re lucky he let us knock off a couple hours early,” Brock said. “Personally, I’m looking forward to heading home and catching up on my sleep.” His internal clock was all screwed up from the time change. Except for him and Lockhart, the rest of the guys were no doubt anxious to get home to their women.
“Hmm, I dunno, we’ve been sharing rooms for so long, maybe you guys should bunk together tonight, so Cap doesn’t get lonely,” Granger called out from the back of the room.
Brock smirked and shook his head at the ribbing. The team could always count on Granger having an endless supply of comebacks and sarcasm. “Had my fill of sleeping next to you guys at Bagram, thanks. And for the record, Granger, you snore like a fucking chainsaw. I don’t know how Taylor stands you.”
Granger stood up from lacing his boots and gave him a cocky grin. “Because I make up for it in other ways that I intend to put to good use tonight.” He bounced his auburn eyebrows up and down for emphasis.
Brock huffed out a laugh. “I don’t wanna know, man. And now, if you’ll all excuse me, and since being team leader has at least a few perks, I’m taking first shower.” He headed off to the shower room, smiling at the verbal jabs called out after him.
After a hot shower and changing into jeans and a Henley shirt, he opened up his locker and took out his phone. He’d missed one call from his bank, and another from Victoria Gomez. He smiled, pleasantly surprised, and waited to call her back until he was headed home in his truck because he wanted to talk to her in private.
Their history was pretty complex, almost as complex as his feelings toward her. Since the night she’d escaped from the cartel not quite a year ago, he and Victoria had formed a bond of sorts. They’d attended various meetings and briefings pertaining to Veneno investigations together over the past twelve months, all strictly business related. But his favorite were the times when they got to meet at the range so he could teach her how to shoot, just the two of them, while her security detail camped out in the lobby.
His background and security clearance were the only reasons it had been allowed. She’d become a pretty decent shot, too. Not exactly the most romantic of settings, but watching her slowly gain her confidence with him while becoming less afraid and far more than proficient with a firearm were rewards in themselves. Those were the only times they’d been alone together, and he wished they’d had more.
The last time he’d seen her was right before they deployed to Afghanistan on this most recent rotation. They’d talked via video chat and emailed or texted back and forth a bit, but always surface stuff and it wasn’t the same as seeing her face to face. He’d texted her last night when his team had arrived home, hoping to talk to her. Figure out a way to see her again.
He dialed her number with his hands-free device as he drove away from base, conscious of the tingle of excitement in his gut.
“Hey, I got your text,” she said when she answered. “Good to be home?”
Even better to hear your voice. “Yup. Didn’t miss the D.C. traffic, though,” he added, now stopped on the highway over a mile from his exit.
“I’ll bet. Everybody on the team okay?”
He loved that she cared enough to ask. There was so much he couldn’t tell her about what had happened while they were away, but he could tell her that. “All good. Every one of us made it back in one piece.” Though Maka would be sore for a few more days.
“I’m glad to hear it.” She cleared her throat, signaling she was about to get down to business. If there was one thing he’d learned about her, it was that she spoke her mind. He found it damn refreshing. “Listen, you can totally say no, but I was wondering if I could come over to talk to you about something.”
His internal radar pinged. Was something wrong? Outside of the range, the only other place he’d seen her was at a hospital, a lawyer’s office or a meeting room in a secure building. “Come over…to my place?”
“Yes. If you’re okay with that,” she added quickly. “I’d have to get clearance from my security team, but since they all know you, under the circumstances I think they’d probably allow it.”
He was still concerned. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, everything’s fine.”
The tension in his gut eased. What did she want to talk to him about that required them to be face to face at his place? He was definitely intrigued, and wasn’t passing up the opportunity to see her. She’d been on his mind constantly while he was away. “Sure, when did you have in mind?”
“I was hoping for tonight, if you’re not too tired. It won’t take long.”
He was bagged, but his tiredness disappeared under a rush of excitement at seeing her again. “Works for me. Have you had dinner?”
“Not yet. Want me to bring something over?”