Page 87 of Fast Vengeance

She made a choked sound and dropped to her knees in front of the stone, lifting a trembling hand to touch the letters engraved in the cold marble. She had thought she had done her grieving for her mother. But seeing this made it so final. Brought all those horrific memories back.

Her mother had deceived her for years, yet Oceane had long since forgiven her. She had loved her mother more than anyone in this world. The thought of going the rest of her life without ever seeing her mother again was too heavy a burden to carry.

Tears spilled down her face as the sobs wracked her. Everything hit her at once. All the fear. The violence. The loss. And somehow, she had to find the strength to move past it, figure out a way to go on and live her life.

But not here in Veracruz, or even in Mexico. There were too many painful memories here. She needed to start over somewhere else. Wished it could be in the U.S.

Warmth registered through the haze of pain. She slowly became aware that Gabe was hunkered down behind her, both his arms wrapped around her. Supporting her. Comforting and sheltering her. She turned into him and let the grief pour out of her along with the tears, sheltered in his solid embrace.

When she’d finally calmed she sagged against him and stayed like that for a time, staring at the headstone. “At least he made sure her final wishes were carried out,” she said, referring to her father. Why had her mother given Oceane his surname, rather than her own? Maybe because she thought it would offer some sort of protection throughout her life. Oceane still didn’t know what she felt about him, it was all so mixed up and contradictory.

Maybe it always would be. Everything about him confused her. Even her feelings about his death. She wouldn’t be attending his funeral, however. Forgiveness only went so far.

Gabe didn’t say anything, just stroked a soothing hand over her hair. His quiet, solid presence eased her.

She had thought a lot about what she would say to her mother if she ever got the chance to come here. She said it now, the Spanish words flowing from her, gradually easing the ache in her chest. “I love you. I’ll always love you and carry you in my heart. But I’m going to find a way to let the past go now and start living my life. I know you would want that and be proud of me.”

She got up, Gabe helping her, and set the single pink rose on top of the headstone. Her mother’s favorite. “I have to go now. Love you.” Before she could start crying again, she turned away and walked toward the SUV.

Gabe stood at the door when she climbed in. When she straightened from doing up her seatbelt, he was there, taking her face in his hands, his pale gaze searching hers. She wasn’t sure what he saw, or what he was looking for, but then he bent his head and kissed her and she stopped thinking altogether.

His thumb moved softly over her cheek as he straightened, then he shut the door and went around to the driver’s side. He held her hand as he drove her to the hotel where she was booked in under an alias and walked her up to her room. He checked it before allowing her inside.

“You okay?” he asked her quietly when he shut the door behind her.

“I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “A lot has happened. I’m not sure what I feel right now.”

He stood beside the door, hands in his pockets. “I can understand that.”

She turned to face him fully, studied him. He wore a pair of well-worn jeans and a navy blue T-shirt that hugged his muscles. His dark blond hair was cut short, a few days’ worth of stubble on his face.

He was breathtaking. Ruggedly masculine in a way that made her insides go haywire. Always so quiet and contained. But those pale blue eyes of his told a different story. He hid his emotions well, far better than her, but now that she knew him she could read him a little.

And right now, she saw the secret in his eyes along with the masculine hunger when he looked at her.

She didn’t see the point in dancing around her suspicions now, and she wanted to know the answer to the question burning brightest inside her. So she asked him straight out. “You killed Montoya, didn’t you?”

Shock flared in the depths of his eyes, his face going slack with surprise for an instant before he put his calm mask back in place. “What? Why would you think that?”

Too late. He’d already given himself away.

Holding his gaze, she walked toward him, stopped inches away. Close enough that she had to tilt her head back to look into his eyes. “Thank you.”

He stared at her for a heartbeat, then looked away. Not answering, but not denying it either.

“How did he die?”

His gaze came back to hers. Stayed. Almost as if he was trying to decide whether or not she could handle it.

So she pushed. “Was it fast?”

He shook his head slightly. “No. Not fast. I made sure.”

It probably meant there was something seriously wrong with her, but his answer, knowing he would do that for her, was the most amazing demonstration of devotion he could ever have given her. And there was no holding her feelings back for him even a moment longer.

“Gabe.” She stepped up against him, wrapped her arms around his broad back. “I love you.”

She caught his quiet, indrawn breath, the slight jerk of surprise an instant before his heavy arms came around her. “What?”