Page 47 of Fast Fury

Abby tightened her fingers around his. “Are you… Is it dangerous for you to be here?”

“Nah, I’m fine,” he said, brushing it off. But the niggling in his gut said otherwise. It was too much of a coincidence that his personal info had been leaked to the cartel several weeks ago, and now his cousin who made his money in a less than respectable way knew Kai was a FAST member.

Which meant Hani was connected or at least in contact with someone within theVenenocartel. As sickening as that thought was on its own, it also placed Kai in one hell of a moral predicament. Either he had to compromise his professional morals by turning a blind eye to protect his cousin, or he was forced to betray Hani by reporting his cousin and having him investigated. Possibly even arrested.

Although the decision had pretty much been taken out of his hands already. And that weighed heavy as hell on his heart.

Abby kept looking at him with that worried expression. He let go of her hand to slide his around her nape and squeeze gently. “It’s okay, I promise.”

She didn’t seem convinced, but nodded and changed the subject as he pulled up in front of the hotel’s main entrance. “So what are you going to do today?”

“I’ve gotta talk to my grandmother about Hani. And then I’m gonna have to talk to him as well, see where we go from there.” He was looking forward to that as much as he would having a tooth pulled without any anesthetic. Commander Taggart was absolutely going to want to get to the bottom of this. Depending on what Kai found out, he would likely have to bring Hani in, for his cousin’s protection as much as because Kai was obligated to do it.

She winced in sympathy. “I’m really sorry this is happening.”

“Me too.” He sighed. “Sorry I’m not the best company right now. I’m not sure how long this will take, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to see you tonight.”

A look of irritation flickered across her face. “Kai. Stop,” she said in a firm voice. “I understand. There’s no need to apologize. I get it. You just take care of this, that’s priority one, and I’m working all day anyway. I’ll be here when you’re done. But call me if I can help at all, okay? I’m here for you.”

Her support and understanding floored him, especially with something this ugly in the early stages of their relationship.So this is what a healthy, supportive one feels like. It was a novel experience, for sure. “I appreciate that, thank you.”

She leaned forward, took his face in her hands to give him a gentle smile that warmed him from the inside out. “You’re welcome. Good luck,” she said, brushing her lips over his in a teasing kiss that made him ache for more. “I’ll be thinking about you.”

He’d be thinking about her too, about their time in the tent last night and this morning. Wishing he was with her, rather than dealing with this bullshit.

With a soft growl, Kai pulled her closer, sliding his hand into the back of her hair as he deepened the kiss. She tasted like caramel and melted for him like sugar, warm and sweet on his tongue. When he broke the connection her eyes were dilated, her cheeks flushed, lips shiny. Damn, he didn’t want to go. “I’ll call you later.”

“Okay.” She leaned in for one last kiss, gave him a half-smile and climbed out of the car with her bag.

Once Abby was safely inside the hotel, Kai drove away and called Hamilton, who answered immediately. “Maka. How’s life in paradise while the rest of us are trapped back here on the mainland in paperwork and admin hell?”

“Hey, Cap. Honestly? It could be better.”

“Why, what’s up?” His team leader’s tone was sharp.

Kai expelled a hard breath. He couldn’t ignore this predicament with Hani. It had to be dealt with. “I’ve got an unfolding situation here I might need a hand with.”


Diane kept to the shadows as she followed the trafficker’s progress through the most dangerous and impoverished area of Happy Valley. She was down to her last disguise, with a short black wig to complete her new look. Last night she’d managed to get some sleep, but it had been fitful. Bad dreams, guilt, grief, and the look on Dr. Bradshaw’s face when she’d shot him down in cold blood.

She was a murderess.

Her mind rebelled at the idea, refused to believe she’d done it. Killing Bradshaw hadn’t eased her grief at all. Maybe because there were still others she had to eliminate. Only once she was done would she be able to move forward.

For another thirty minutes she followed Hani, the now familiar weight of her pistol at the small of her back giving her a tiny measure of comfort. Twice she felt eyes on her tonight. Both times she found no one watching her. But someone was. Either the police or someone into the drug scene, she wasn’t sure.

Her heart kicked against her ribs, fear mixing with the anxiety.Hurry. Hurry, or they’ll catch you.

So far there hadn’t been a good opportunity to shoot Hani. He’d been in and out of three different houses in the area, always moving fast, and always with people around. Too many witnesses for her to risk attacking here.

She stayed out of sight around the corner of a dilapidated shed on someone’s property as Hani emerged from a run-down house next door and headed to his black pickup. Moving fast, Diane raced around to the alley behind the property, got in her rental and followed him, careful to keep a good distance.

Once she almost lost sight of him when she got stuck at a red light. Luckily, she spotted him again and kept going. Within a mile she realized he was heading home. She knew his address, had been by his luxury townhouse bought by dirty money already so she would know her way around, know where the easiest exits from the complex were.

When she struck, she had to make it fast.

Curling her hands around the steering wheel as he turned into the gated complex, she parked on the side of the road, facing back toward the highway for a quick getaway. She reached up an unsteady hand and curled her fingers around the locket she wore, rage and grief suffusing her.