“I said, don’t fuckingmove,” he growled, shoving her arms higher, enough to make her cry out and arch from the pressure against her shoulders. She was goddamn lucky he had enough restraint to stop from breaking both her damn arms.
Three security guys rushed over to take her into custody. Kai kept a firm hold on her wrists until they cuffed her, then shoved to his feet, water sluicing off him onto the pool deck.
“Get her out of here,” he rasped out, half-afraid of what he might do to her if they didn’t get her out of his sight right fucking now. Because God knew he was amped up and ready to kill, but he wanted answers more. And by God, he’d get them.
A shrill scream behind him split the air. “Look out!”
Kai’s heart rocketed into his throat and he whipped around.Abby.
She was still on her hands and knees at the edge of the pool, but she wasn’t looking at him. He followed her gaze to a man who had appeared near a pathway leading to the pool. He was in silhouette, backlit against the shot-up tiki bar.
But Kai clearly saw his arms rise, along with the pistol in his hands. It was aimed directly at Kai’s chest.
Muttering a curse, Kai dove for the ground just as a shot shattered the taut silence.
Chapter Twenty
Abby jolted as the shot cracked through the air, ice congealing in her veins.
People were screaming again. Running from this new threat.
Through the chaos she cast a frantic glance at Kai, a sob catching in her chest. He was down. She couldn’t see him clearly because of all the people running around. Was he hit?
Trembling from shock and exhaustion, she swung her head back around to look at the shooter. He was still there, weapon pointed at Kai.
He fired again.
“No!” Abby screamed, the word torn from the deepest part of her, but it was drowned out beneath the noise of the panicked people trapped between the shooter and Kai.
The man must have heard her though, because he whirled to face her, weapon aimed. And everything stopped as her gaze locked on the muzzle of the pistol in his hand. Her heart lurched. Time froze.
Blood roared in her ears in deafening waves, heavy as a bass drum, raw terror flooding her body. Lurching to her feet, she took a running step just as a shot detonated behind her.
She flinched, cried out as a concrete planter exploded inches beside her. Desperate to find cover, she ducked behind a huge rectangular-shaped planter filled with tropical plants.
More screaming around her. Two more shots hit the planter, raining bits of plant and ceramic down on her.
Jesus.She huddled there, trapped and helpless. There was nowhere else to go. And he was coming for her.
She cast a frantic glance around, looking for something she could defend herself with.
Her gaze snagged on a dark shape lying on the ground a few feet away. The woman’s fallen pistol.
Stretching out on her stomach, Abby flung out an arm and snatched it just as another bullet smashed into the planter. Shards flew out, nicking her left forearm.
She flipped onto her back, raised the pistol in her shaking hands and braced herself. She’d never fired a gun, didn’t know what the hell else to do, but if he kept coming at her then she had no choice but to shoot. Kai might be bleeding to death right now. Abby had to end this if she could. At least had to try.
Battling the shaking in her arms and hands, she crept to the edge of the planter, risked a peek through the foliage. The man was coming toward her, a dozen yards or so away.
She had to do this. She had to do itnow.
Praying she wouldn’t hit an innocent bystander by mistake, she took aim and fired. The gun bucked in her hand, jerking both arms upward. The man flinched but didn’t stop.
Dammit! She’d missed him.
He adjusted his aim to fire at her, his expression set. Promising death.
Lower, quick!Adjusting her aim, she fired again. Again. He grunted and lurched forward. The hand holding his gun dropped a few inches.