She raised her eyebrows. “And you let me sweat it out all that time because why?”
He shrugged. “It’s good for you. Didn’t want you to get all full of yourself,” he said with a smile playing around the edges of his mouth.
She snorted. “I’ll remember that.”
“Oh, I know you will.” He glanced at her. “You got time for a quick drink before you meet yourfriend?”
Abby wasn’t telling him anything more about Kai than she already had. She felt crazy protective of him, even though he was huge and badass and could more than look out for himself. “If it’s a really quick one. I’ve made us dinner reservations.”
“Something romantic, I hope?”
She hid a smile. He was a nice man and a great boss, even if he could be a little arrogant at times. Spending this week with him had shown her a far more human side of him than most people ever got to see, and he’d also gotten to know her on a more personal basis. For those things, she was grateful. “You can keep trying, Walter, but I’m not giving you anything more.”
He sighed. “All right, be that way.” He took her elbow gently, gestured with his free hand to a path on the left. “Just through here there’s a little tiki bar by the pool. Sound good?”
“Sure.” Abby went with him, her high heels clicking on the stamped concrete path. Her phone was in her purse. She’d text Kai from the bar and let him know where she was. He was really social and outgoing, so she was sure he wouldn’t mind having a drink with her boss before their private dinner.
“So am I going to get to meet this guy, or what?” Walter asked as they neared the pool. The underwater lights made it glow a beautiful bright turquoise in the darkening twilight.
“You might, if you behave.”
“Good. I need to make sure he’s worthy of you,” he teased.
She smiled. “Oh, he is.” Kai was…incredible. Already familiar to her in so many ways from the start of this trip, but now he meant so much more to her than ever before.
Over the time they’d spent together here they’d not only solidified their bond, but she’d seen so many sides of him that she hadn’t before. The dominant, skilled lover who made her insides quiver with a single look. The trusted friend who cared about her and went out of his way to do things that made her feel special. Even the tender, vulnerable part of him that she bet he’d only ever let a handful of people see.
Strong as he was, watching his cousin die in front of him in such a horrific way had shaken him to the core. It didn’t matter how strong he appeared, or how well he seemed to be handling the loss, Abby knew he was reeling.
She’d hated being away from him today, but he’d had so much to deal with, and it made tonight even more special. Tonight, they could simply relax and be together. She could be there for him without time constraints or schedules, hopefully take his mind off everything else for a few hours.
Right after she got through this drink with Walter.
“I’m glad to hear it,” her boss said, guiding her to the right, toward the well-lit tiki bar set up next to the pool. Three other people were seated around it, talking amongst themselves. “But I’ll be the judge of that when I meet him. You change your flight home yet?”
“Yes. I’ll be staying until after the funeral, and flying home the next day.”
Walter nodded and slid out a stool for her at the bar. “What’ll you have?”
“Lava flow, please.” A piña colada swirled with strawberry syrup, served with a fresh wedge of pineapple here. Work was done, so she was officially off the clock and ready to make the most of her remaining time here.
She settled onto the stool, crossing her ankles and resting the platform portion of her high heels on the foot rung. While Walter ordered their drinks, she reached into her purse for her phone. She’d missed three calls from Kai several minutes ago. Silently laughing at his over-eagerness, she typed out a quick text, alerting him to their slight change of plans.
At tiki bar beside main pool. Come meet boss and me for quick drink before reso.
“I asked him to meet us here,” she said to Walter, who had his back to her as he took her drink from the bartender.
“Good. So what do you have planned for—” His words cut off and he sucked in a sharp breath.
Abby’s head snapped up, her thumb still touching the send button. Walter was staring at something to her left, his face frozen, body tense.
Alarmed, she jerked her head around to see a woman standing twenty feet away from them. Her gaze was fixed on Abby and Walter, her preternatural stillness making Abby’s nape prickle in warning.
As she gaped at the woman, a sudden flash of recognition blasted through her.
The woman who had shot Hani. An image of her had been all over the news.
Now she wore a grayed wig, but there was no mistaking that face…or the deadly intent in her eyes as she stared at them.