Page 41 of Fast Fury

Coming up on his forearms, still holding her head in one hand, he stared down into her face and shifted his hips. Heat and pressure registered between her legs for a moment, then the muscles beneath her grasping hand contracted and he pushed forward in a slow surge.

Abby’s eyes slammed shut. She sucked in a breath at the heavy, delicious stretch of him burying himself inside her. God, he was thick. And hard.

“Oh, fuck, you feel so good…” He withdrew a little and thrust forward again, her wetness making the motion effortless.

She squirmed beneath him, trying to get the contact she needed on her clit.

Instantly he seized her hip to still her. Bending down for a slow, deep kiss, he smothered her whimper of need.

Strong hands gripped her thighs, pushing them together. He settled his own outside hers, keeping her legs tight together, his cock still lodged deep inside her. Abby slid her arms around him and clung to his shoulders as he stretched out over top of her, instinctively wrapping her calves around his, wanting him closer. Deeper.

His mouth was at her ear now, the weight of his torso distributed along hers, pinning her to the mattress. Easing his hips back, he withdrew a little and stopped, his head resting above and to the side of hers, his warm breath stirring the top of her hair. “Tip your hips downward,” he commanded in a tight whisper.

She did. And he rocked forward, sliding the base of his cock directly over her clit.

Oh, Jesus…

Her ragged gasp filled the tent. Clutching him for dear life, she began moving without conscious thought, hips rolling with his, trying to find exactly the right angle to give her the stimulation she needed to send her over the edge.

“Slower,” he rasped out, his breaths coming faster now, the muscles in his shoulders and back bunched tight as he worked her with small, stroking motions of his hips.

Abby moaned and shuddered, sweat slicking her skin. She was so wet, so swollen, and he was hitting every one of her hot spots with each slow, sensual glide against her. Within a minute they’d found the right motion and rhythm, but she couldn’t hold it. It felt so good and she was too desperate to go slow now.

Kai groaned and held his tempo, the weight and strength of his body keeping her safely anchored while she was about to fly apart. “You gonna come for me, Abby?” he coaxed, his mouth pressed tight to her hair.

She had no choice. It was like being caught in a powerful rip current, the elemental force of it too strong to pull herself free.

Loud, uncontrollable moans rolled from her throat and she didn’t care if anyone overheard her, all ability to think gone, the incredible building pleasure and frantic need for release driving her movements. She rubbed against him, each motion stimulating her clit and sliding the head of his cock against the secret spot inside her.

It was too much, yet not enough. She chased that elusive release with single-minded intent, and soon it was right there, a sweet, bright glow at the edge of her consciousness.

“That’s right, baby, rub your clit on my cock…”

The deep rumble of his voice, one more sweet glide, and she shattered. Her wild cries echoed in her ears as her body came apart beneath him, clenching around the length of his cock.

Panting, weak, she went limp against the mattress and held him to her, every muscle in her body quivering. He’d shaken her to her core with that masterful display of tender, skilled dominance.

As she lay there, her body recovering, her mind flashed back to what Shelley had said to her.You don’t know what he’s like.What it’s like to be with him.

Shit, Abby so got what she’d meant now. If this was any indication of what sex was like with Kai, and not just a one-off anomaly, then Abby could understand how he was capable of ruining a woman for anyone else.

And now I’m ruined too.

She swallowed, tried to stem the bubble of anxiety rising inside her chest. They’d agreed to take things one day at a time. But holy hell, what a difference a day could make. His attentiveness, his easy affection, the food he’d been spoiling her with, the mind-melting sex… God, how was she going to be able to let him go now? She hoped she wouldn’t have to.

Kai groaned and came up on his forearms, pulling her focus back to him. He was still hard inside her, had to be hurting. She wanted to give him as much pleasure as he’d given her.

She turned her face toward him and kissed the edge of his jaw. He shifted to gently push her thighs open with his. His lips covered hers as he eased back and thrust forward, sliding deep once more. Meeting the caress of his tongue, Abby wrapped her arms around his broad back.

When he eased his hips back she put a hand on the side of his face, stopping him. She gazed up at him in the soft light, drinking in the lines of that gorgeous face, the tension in it, the stark need in his dark eyes. Need forher.

Holding his gaze, she settled her feet flat on the sheet and rolled her hips, sinking him deep inside her. Kai sucked in a sharp breath, nostrils flaring. His eyes slid shut, his big body shuddering all over before he gained control and opened his eyes to stare down at her. “Do it again.”

Wrapping her hand around his nape, she did, holding his gaze the entire time.

“Yeah, Abby, stroke me,” he groaned, his head dropping forward, eyes squeezing shut.

Sensual power softened with an aching tenderness flowed through her. A breathless, tension-laced silence filled the tent. She watched his face intently as she stroked him with her body, tracking every tiny nuance of his expression. And so she knew the moment he’d reached his limit.