Page 4 of Fast Fury

“I know.” Another pause. “Hey, can we talk about something?”

She sounded so serious, he stopped what he was doing and straightened. “Sure, what?”

“I’d rather say in person.”

He turned away from the cupboard to lean against the counter, not liking the cryptic edge to her words. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m just a little unnerved, is all.”

“Why, what’s going on?”

“Tell you when I see you.”

He frowned. “Abby, straight up. Are you all right?” Because something was bothering her and she never complained about anything.

“I’m okay. I’ll just feel better once I talk to you about a couple things.”

Why wouldn’t she tell him over the phone? That concerned him. “Okay.” He checked his watch. “You eaten yet?”

She huffed out a laugh. “Is food all you ever think about?”

He grinned. He had quite the reputation where food was concerned. “Nah, but I’m just on my way out to meet some of my teammates at a bar about fifteen minutes from you. Can you meet me there? We can grab a bite to eat and talk after.”

“After what?”

“After I defend my title.”

“What title?”

Anticipation curled inside him. He wanted her to see him in action tonight. Wanted to see her, period, and find out if there was any chance she might view him as more than a friend now that they weren’t living across the hall from one another. Either way, whatever was bothering her, he would help. “Just come. You’ll see.”

Chapter Two

Abby arrived at the bar forty-five minutes later to find Cindy already waiting for her by the front door. The sight of her bestie standing there in skinny jeans and a flowy, pale yellow top made her smile and erased the niggling anxiety inside her.

“Hey,” Cindy said, wrapping her up in a big hug. “Good to see you. You look awesome.”

“Thanks. You look hot.”

Cindy leaned back and grinned, her green eyes sparkling. “I know. So, were your Spidey senses tingling on the way here?”

“Not really.” She’d been alert on the drive over here, and hadn’t noticed anyone tailing her.

“Good. Now when do I get to meet your hunky neighbor?”

An irrational spark of jealousy sliced through her gut at the thought of watching Cindy and Kai flirting all night. Not that she could blame Cindy, as her friend had no clue about Abby’s new feelings toward him. But after witnessing the emotional chaos of his relationship with Shelley, Abby felt irrationally protective of him. Which was stupid, because he couldmorethan take care of himself. Just not when it came to the fairer sex, apparently.

Abby frowned at her. “You’ve never met Kai?” How was that possible, with him living across the hall from her all this time? Surely he and Cindy would have crossed paths at some point?

“Uh, no. So? When?”

“I guess pretty soon.” She yanked open the door and was immediately hit by the unmistakable scratchy lyrics to AC/DC’sYou Shook Me All Night Long. The place was packed, even though it was only seven o’clock on a Friday night.

Abby wove through the tables arranged around the periphery and skirted the edge of the crowd, heading toward the stage up front where a big bearded guy wearing jeans and a plaid button-down shirt over a white tank, and a tweed flat cap on his head was lip syncing to the song for all he was worth.

He looked familiar, but it took her a moment to place him. Logan. One of Kai’s teammates who had come to help him pack the day he’d moved out. With his reddish beard and that shirt, he reminded her a little of a lumberjack.

“Wow, he’s really good,” Cindy yelled to her over the music, nodding her head in time to the beat, a wide grin on her face as she took in the show. Cindy loved being wherever the action was.