“Yeah. I like that we’re both busy, though. I couldn’t stand it if he was clingy.”
“Well just make sure you keep me updated if anything…changes.”
Abby shook her head in amusement. “I will.”
“Oh, hey, any news about that doctor who was killed last week?”
“Nothing new that I know of. Read in the paper here this morning that they still have no leads. Security’s been beefed up here at the conference, so don’t worry.”
“Okay. Good. I gotta run. Enjoy your evening in paradise.”
“I will. Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye.”
Abby slipped her phone back into her purse and took out her camera as she wandered the grounds. The sun was high in the sky, making it too hot to sit outside unless she was in the shade. She’d planned to go sit by the pool and read a book for a while, but instead she decided to wander around the property a little bit.
Beyond the long, rectangular pool lined with dolphin statues, a gorgeous white chapel sat in the middle of the lush green lawn. Birds called around her, darting from tree to tree as the breeze sighed through the leaves and palm fronds. She snapped a few pictures of it, making a mental note to come back at sunset or twilight to get different shots.
Her phone rang in her purse. She dug it out, excitement leaping in her veins when she saw Kai’s number. “Hi, I was just thinking about you.”
“Well that’s nice to hear. You done for the day there?”
“Wrapped up my last session about forty minutes ago. I’m playing tourist, taking all kinds of pictures of the grounds now.”
“You up for an excursion?”
“I might be, except I thought you had plans.”
“I do, but I miss you too damn much, so I want you to come too.”
Aww, that was sweet. Tiny butterfly wings began to flutter low in her belly. If she said yes, it was almost certain she would wind up in bed with him tonight.
“How do you feel about camping?” he asked before she could respond.
Camping? “I’m…on the fence about it. Why?”
“Buddy of mine owns a place on the beach just south of Lahaina, and he’s gonna let us camp there for the night. You told me you’ve never snorkeled, which is criminal, so we’ll do that before having dinner at my buddy’s place, then camp overnight on the beach. You’ve never slept in a tent on a Hawaiian beach before, and we need to mark that off your bucket list before you go too.”
Her insides fluttered, a mix of nerves and anticipation. Sleeping in a tent on the beach with Kai sounded enticing, and pretty damn romantic. But only because it was with him. “I have to be back here for a nine a.m. start.”
“No problem. I’ll make sure you’re back in time to shower and get ready.”
She bit her lower lip, a smile tugging at it. “Okay, then.”
“Good,” he said, sounding pleased. “I’ll pick you up. How soon can you be ready?”
“I just need to pack. What should I wear?”
“Whatever you want. But bring your bikini. You brought a bikini, right?”
Apprehension hit her, the time-honored response to the idea of being in a bathing suit in public still as strong as ever. The thought of Kai, an insanely gorgeous man in prime condition who was used to dating model-worthy women seeing her in her bathing suit, filled her with dread. “Maybe.”
“If not, we’ll buy you one on the way up. Go grab whatever you need. I’ll be there in half an hour.”
No way she was passing this up, bathing suit phobia or not. She wasn’t fourteen anymore. She was a grown damn woman, and she knew what she wanted. Him. “All right. See you soon.”
“Looking forward to it, shortcake.”