This was unexpected. And surprisingly hot. It suited her, that slight edge she had about her. An outer toughness he saw right through to the softness beneath. The combination was totally endearing.
Abby moved along with her trainer, paused to wipe a forearm across her sweaty forehead as the man stepped back and gave her instructions. She went into a fighting stance, unleashed two jabs, a cross and a hook before executing three roundhouse kicks and finishing with a spinning back kick that resulted in a loud smack and rocked the big guy back on his heels. Her trainer was a freaking monster, around six-six, so Kai knew exactly what kind of force she’d managed to put into that shot. He was impressed.
Abby stopped, panting, bending over to rest her gloved hands on her knees.
“You got an audience,” the trainer said, looking over at Kai.
Abby twisted her head around, caught sight of him and shot upright, her eyes widening. “What are you doing here?” she blurted, mopping at her face with the hand towel snatched from the top rope.
“Thought I’d meet you halfway.” But mostly he’d been curious about what she did here and wanted to surprise her. The receptionist had let him in for a tour.
She murmured something to her trainer that Kai didn’t catch, then bent and climbed through the lower and upper ropes to hop down from the ring. Her face was bright pink, a shade or two darker now than before as she wiped at it. “I’m so embarrassed.”
Kai frowned. “Why?” He hadn’t meant to embarrass her.
“Look at me, I’m disgusting.”
She looked sexy. In an honest, authentic way that was completely opposite of Shelley and all the other women he’d dated. Maybe that’s why he found it so appealing. Abby was the exact opposite of his usual type.
Not that his usual type had ever worked out for him.
This wasn’t the first time he’d noticed some self-consciousness from her, however. She’d made passing derogatory comments about her body before, and based on previous things she’d mentioned about her ex, Kai laid a good chunk of the blame on that dipshit. The dick had been a controlling asshole, plain and simple, taking shots at Abby’s self-esteem because it made him feel better about himself. Fucking disgusting.
“You look great,” he said. “And I had no idea you were a kickboxer.”
She shrugged. “I’m not. I mean, I don’t compete or anything, it’s just for fitness.”
He ran an appreciative but subtle eye over her body. She was fit, but still had curves a man could hold onto. And with her midriff bare below the sports bra, each breath created a hint of definition on either side of her abs.
Stop staring, dude.
He raised his eyes to her face, took in the bright pink glow in her cheeks. She had gorgeous skin. “Did you bring Goliath?” he asked.
“He’s in the backseat of my car, wrapped up all cozy inside his plastic baggy.”
Kai should probably just grab him and go, but he didn’t want to leave. He wanted to spend more time with Abby, find out if there was any reciprocal attraction on her part. Something told him he had to be careful not to come on too strong or move too fast, or he’d scare her away. “That kind of training sure works up an appetite. Let me make you dinner at my place. As a thank you for looking after my attack fish.”
She shot him a frown. “I can’t go to your place right now, I’m gross.”
“Did you bring a change of clothes with you?”
“Just what I wore to work. I’d need to shower first, and—”
“You can shower at my place.” Just the thought of her standing naked in his shower with the water sluicing over her bare body made his blood run hotter.
She lowered the towel and met his gaze. “You don’t need to make me dinner. You don’t need to pay me back for looking after your fish.”
“Abby. Let me cook for you.” He wanted her to come to his place, for them to spend time alone together. It had been way too long since they’d shared a meal. He missed her. Way more than he’d expected.
Her expression changed, a hint of surprise lighting the depths of those brilliant blue eyes. She exhaled. “Well then can I at least grab some groceries for us on the way over?”
“No.” He reached down and picked up the familiar pink gym bag lying beside the base of the ring, unwilling to take no for an answer. “Come on, I’m starving. You can follow me over.”
Tonight he was going to test the waters, and find out if there was enough room for something more than friendship between them. He’d wasted too much time being unhappy in his last relationship, putting up with all kinds of crazy bullshit instead of noticing what was right there in front of him.
No more. It was time to make a move and show Abby how good they could be together.
Chapter Four