Page 9 of Shattered

He groaned softly. Much as he hated to pull out of her warmth, he did, and tugged her forward off the arm, helping her turn onto her side with her spine pressed to the back of the couch. Then he stretched out in front of her, tucked her head into his shoulder and tugged the blanket draped along the back of the couch on top of them. Carmela made a blissful sound and snuggled in closer, her gentle hand stroking up and down his ribs in a soothing rhythm.

This was as close to heaven as a man could get on earth. Carmela was his miracle.

She didn’t speak, her hand still caressing his side. He only meant to rest his eyes for a few minutes, but it was so quiet now, just the sound of their relaxed breathing, his body was thoroughly sated and Carm’s soft curves were pressed to him…

He drifted off in her arms in a matter of moments, and woke in total darkness to the shrill chime of his phone coming from the floor.

With a groan, he forced his eyes open and groped around for his jeans. What the hell time was it? Finding a denim leg, he dragged them over and fished his phone out of his pocket so he could read the message.


“Something wrong?” Carm murmured, her fingers drifting lightly over his shoulder.

Looks like.“It’s Tuck. Something’s come up. They’ve cancelled the training and called us all into HQ right away.”

Chapter Four

Nate couldn’t remember ever being this content in his entire life. After years of personal turmoil, complicated by survivor’s guilt and PTSD, the universe had decided to give him a break. Now it was like the stars had finally aligned for him and Taya, and everything had fallen into place.

Incredible as it seemed, every last one of his dreams had come true, professional and personal. All thanks to the woman currently about to nod off beside him in the passenger seat of his truck.

Shifting his grip on the wheel, he glanced over just in time to see Taya attempting to smother another giant yawn. The fourth over the past ten minutes. He reached for her hand, laced their fingers together. “Tired?” he said dryly. They’d stayed later than he’d anticipated, visiting with Tuck, Celida, DeLuca and Briar. Now he felt bad. Maybe he should have made their excuses and left an hour ago.

“A little.”

Yeah right, a little. “You fell asleep in the middle of eating dinner. One minute I was telling the guys a story, and the next there you were, asleep with your half-full plate in your lap, fork in one hand and a drumstick in your other. And your mouth was open, too.” Only a little. He couldn’t resist giving her a hard time though.

She cranked her head around to stare at him, her steel gray eyes widening in alarm. “It was not.”

“Totally was. I think I even saw a little trail of drool running down the side of your chin.”

She playfully swatted his shoulder. “Oh, stop.”

Well the first part was true. When she’d woken up a few minutes later she’d made a valiant effort at pretending she hadn’t been asleep at all by continuing to eat as she fought to stay awake. The jet lag must still be hitting her, as she’d just come off another cross-country speaking tour with talks in three cities on the West Coast over the past week. Taya was in huge demand as a speaker on women’s rights and her horrific experiences in Afghanistan.

Nate had never met anyone as strong as his wife, and he was damn proud of all she’d accomplished. Including how well she’d dealt with all the trauma she’d suffered. Somehow, she’d found a source of inner zen that always radiated her inner beauty and calm. Knowing how tired she was, he should have bundled her into the truck right after they’d eaten. “That trip really took it out of you, huh?”

Her smile was a little drowsy, and full of a quiet joy he could practically touch. That air of serenity she always carried with her was one of the most attractive things about her. It seemed like no matter what life threw at her, Taya just absorbed it and kept moving forward, always choosing to look at the bright side of things. “Sorry. I just couldn’t keep my eyes open a second longer.”

“Don’t worry about it, no one minded.” He squeezed her hand, still in awe of all the miracles she’d brought into his life. “You need to start getting more rest. Slow down more.” He’d tried to get her to stay home today to catch up on her sleep, but she’d insisted she come to the barbecue to see everyone.

She sighed. “I know I do. It’s just hard. I’ve got so many requests for speaking engagements I want to do.”

“Well you won’t be able to do any of them if you get exhausted and make yourself sick.”

She aimed a tender smile at him. “I’m not fragile, Nathan.”

“I know that.” He knew it better than anyone, having seen her actions under fire, and while wounded. And then again, in the aftermath of that disastrous day at the courthouse when she’d gone to testify against Qureshi. And in a million other little ways since. “But I’m your husband, so I’m still allowed to worry about you.” He couldn’t help it. She was his world.

“I love that you worry about me. But just try to remember I’m only six years older than you. Not sixty.” She raised a dark eyebrow. “I’m not on my last leg yet.”

He laughed. “I never think about our age difference until you bring it up. Cradle robber.”

Taya pulled her hand free and jabbed her fingers in his ribs, making him chuckle. “Watch it.”

He caught her hand again, raised it to his lips for a kiss. “What was it you wanted to tell me, by the way? Before, on the way over there.” She’d started to mention something on the way to DeLuca and Briar’s place, but he’d received a phone call and they hadn’t resumed the conversation.

She was quiet for a minute. So quiet he looked over at her in surprise. Then she cast him a sidelong glance, and her hesitation in answering made him frown. Taya never withheld anything from him. “What?” he asked.