Carmela spun to face him and looped her arms around his neck, rising on tiptoe with a naughty little smile on her face, her perfect breasts brushing his chest. He deserved a medal for keeping his hands off them. “You miss me?”
He was already rock-hard in his jeans, his body revved and raring to claim her, remind her she was his. “You know I did.”
“Hmmm. I missed you too.” She settled her lips on his, applying light pressure before sucking on his lower one for a moment.
Sawyer groaned and pulled her closer with one arm banded around her waist, plastering her naked curves to the front of his body. When even that wasn’t enough, he lifted her and turned them to pin her against the wall with his weight.
Laughing, Carmela wrapped her smooth legs around his waist and rubbed her pelvis against his steely erection. “Wow, you really did miss me.”
He had. And he wasn’t playing.
He made a low sound of agreement and sought her mouth again, spearing one hand in the thick mass of her hair and plunging his tongue between her full lips. He wanted inside her in the worst way. She went to his head faster than a triple shot of whiskey, and loved driving him out of his skull by teasing him until he broke.
Yeah, he was one lucky sonofabitch.
Her tongue slid along his, those gorgeous, full breasts pillowed against his chest. Sawyer dropped the arm at her waist and curved a hand around one round ass cheek, squeezing it, pulling her tighter to his erection, already dreaming of the moment when he sank into the heat he could feel through his jeans. She’d been gone for ten days and he was starving for her.
But Carm broke the kiss far too soon and gave him one of those sultry smiles that tied him in knots. The one that promised a torturous wait before the main event, when all he wanted to do was pounce. “How was the barbecue?”
He didn’t care about the fucking barbecue, he just wanted to get naked and inside her as soon as possible. “What barbecue?” he murmured, only half-joking. His stomach was still full to bursting.
She laughed lightly, the erotic, seductive sound going straight to his aching cock. “My mom called before I got in the shower. She’s disappointed you won’t be here when she arrives.”
“I’ll only be gone a couple days,” he muttered, seeking her mouth again. Less talking, more sexy times. They only had until noon tomorrow before he left with his team for a training school in Nevada. Why waste a moment of it talking about stuff that wasn’t important? He opened his mouth on the side of her neck, scraping his teeth over a sensitive spot.Thiswas the important thing.
Carm curled her fingers over the tops of his shoulders and let out a hum of enjoyment. “By the time you come home she’ll have the whole wedding nailed down.”
“Fine by me.” He dragged his tongue across her silken skin, fighting the urge to lower her feet to the floor, drop to his knees and bury his face between her breasts.
She pushed at his shoulder, unwound her legs from his waist and set her feet on the floor. “Sawyer. Stop a second.”
The thread of annoyance in her tone broke through the haze of arousal. He tamped down his impatience, hid his disappointment and raised his head, meeting her eyes. How could she want to talk right now when his body was on fire? She was aroused too, he could tell by the flush in her cheeks and the sounds she’d been making when he was kissing her neck. “What?”
She sighed, an almost hurt expression creeping over her face. “Do you seriously not care about the wedding? I mean, you don’t want to be involved with the planning? Because I don’t want you to accuse me later of taking over and not giving you any say.”
He shrugged. “I already told you what I think.” They’d been through this several times already, most recently last night on the phone. He honestly didn’t know what else to say on the subject besides what he’d already told her.
She rolled her eyes. “Eloping isn’t an option. My mom would freak. She’s been dreaming of my wedding day even longer than I have. It has to be in a church, and there has to be a reception after with our friends and family.”
“Okay,” he said with another shrug. “Whatever you guys want.”
She set a finger to his lips to quiet him, a spark of annoyance in her gaze. “That’s not right, Sawyer. This is your wedding too.”
He wasn’t going to argue about this, because it was pointless and he didn’t want to fight when he was leaving in just a few hours. He’d rather spend it in bed with her. He didn’t love the idea of a church wedding in front of a hundred or more people he didn’t even know. But if it made her happy, then okay. “As long as I get to marry you, I don’t care about the rest.”
It was the truth. He just didn’t see why their wedding had to be such a big deal, that’s all. With his and Carm’s salaries combined, they were comfortable financially. But blowing that kind of cash on a big wedding made no sense to him whatsoever. And he wouldn’t know ninety-five percent of the guests in attendance anyway, as they were all people from Carm’s old neighborhood back in Miami.
He understood now that a white-dress, church wedding was a big deal not only to Carm and Mama Cruz, but in the Puerto Rican culture as well, so he respected that. The two of them had compiled a freaking binder together, full of ideas and various scenarios that Sawyer honestly didn’t give a shit about. Different churches and country clubs, color combinations, menu ideas, centerpieces and shit like that. None of which were important to him in the least and, in his opinion, were a damn waste of money.
If it were up to him, it would be just close family, a few of Carm’s friends and his teammates in attendance. Something simple. Quick. Then they could spend the remainder of the budget on an awesome honeymoon and a down payment on a great house instead. He’d said it early on, then never brought it up again because it was clear she had other ideas.
Carm searched his eyes, as though weighing his truthfulness. Or maybe looking for something she wanted to see. “I want you to be happy with it. I want it to be the best day of your life.”
“It will be, and I’ll be happy as soon as I make you Mrs. Vance,” he said, leaning down for another kiss and hoping she’d let it drop. He was starting to dread talking about the wedding.
Her lips curved into a slow smile beneath his. “I love you.”
Yes. Victory.“Love you too. Now come here, woman.” No more talking. He banded one arm beneath her bare butt and lifted her off her feet.