Without giving either of them time to overthink it, Logan leaned in, his fingers sliding around the back of her neck, and sought her lips with his. He kissed her slow and soft at first, but when she curled her fingers into his shoulders and came up onto her knees for more, straddling him in that tight skirt, lust shot through him in a white-hot stream.
Cradling the back of her head with one hand, he wrapped his free arm around her hips and hauled her tight up against his body. She gasped into his mouth, a tiny tremor running through her. Her hands went to his face, framing it between her palms as she almost shyly touched her tongue to his. The silky caress went straight to his head—and his dick, currently straining the front of his fly.
He firmed his grip on her head and took over, barely reining in the hunger roaring through his bloodstream. He’d sensed from the outset that there was fire beneath her cool, professional façade, and he’d been right.
With slow, erotic strokes of his tongue he told her how much he wanted her, how gorgeous and sexy she was. How much he was dying to push her onto her back and undo every one of those buttons on her shirt so he could see what she had on underneath. Cup the breasts he’d been fantasizing about and suck on her nipples until she was writhing and desperate for more.
Too much too fast.
He settled for sucking at her lower lip instead, then the top one, giving her little caresses with his tongue before pressing inside to taste her fully.
With a little moan, Taylor pushed at his shoulders and leaned back to stare at him, breathing hard. Her lips were shiny and swollen, her face flushed, those pretty green-and-brown eyes smoldering with hunger. And surprise.
Breathing a little faster himself, he smoothed her hair back from her face and gave her a slow smile. “Didn’t know accountants could kiss like that.”
“But I’m a special agent accountant, so that makes me special.” Smiling, she bent and pressed her lips to his in a gentle kiss loaded with the promise of so much more.
This time when she eased back he took her face between his hands and looked her dead in the eye. The forensics team would be here soon, but he wasn’t going anywhere.
Just as he thought it, headlights cut through the windows flanking the front door. She started to slide off him but he stayed her with both hands on her hips. He squeezed to get her full attention. “I’m staying here with you until I know you’ll be safe.”
She opened her mouth to argue but he cut her off with a swift, possessive kiss. There was no way he would let her stay here alone after what had happened. And the agency better damn well assign her some protection.
“Okay,” she murmured, and let her lips linger against his for another few heartbeats before getting up to answer the door.
He stopped her. “You stay put. I’ll get it.” He grabbed his crutches and headed for the door.
Chapter Eleven
There had been a few low points in the past five months since moving to D.C. to work for the DEA, but without a doubt, this day had been the suckiest one of them all.
Taylor was sick at heart as she drove home from the office after a long, miserable day of meetings and interviews with investigators, all about Dillon’s connections to the Baker case andVenenocartel.
She’d barely slept last night after the forensics team had finally left, and only because Logan had stayed down the hall in her guest room. He’d waited until she left for work before leaving, and just having him under the same roof had made her feel safer.
The agency had assigned someone to watch her house 24/7 until authorities could find and arrest Dillon. The agent taking the night shift was behind her now, following her home through the dreary April rainstorm. And her stupid conscience kept needling her about Dillon.
All day long she’d obsessed about the entire situation, torn between anger toward Dillon and guilt, even though the logical part of her knew she had nothing to feel guilty about.He’dput her in this position. He’d brought this on himself, and he’d basically threatened her. Anger felt a hell of a lot better than the guilt had.
She pressed a hand to her stomach as she turned onto her street, the windshield wipers slapping back and forth. At lunch she’d grabbed a sandwich from the cafeteria, but it hadn’t settled well.
Once again, the highlight of her day had been Logan. Even though he’d been busy with medical appointments and team-related business he’d checked in with her by text a couple of times throughout the day.
The intensity of that kiss last night had stunned her. There’d been no awkwardness, no fumbling. He’d taken complete control, and now she was hungry to see how that translated into more than just kissing. It made her stomach flutter just to think of it. But she wasn’t interested in casual sex. She needed far more than attraction before she was willing to sleep with a guy, needed emotional intimacy to go with it. Which was why she hadn’t had many partners.
Since she wasn’t sure what he wanted from her and he was otherwise occupied for the evening, she was looking forward to curling up in front of a warm fire with a hot cup of soup and one of her Sudoku puzzles for a while.
Once she’d parked in her garage, she waited for the agent to park across the street and jog up to meet her. In his early thirties with medium brown hair, he held his black jacket over his head to shield him from the rain.
After disarming the security system, she stepped back and waited for him to sweep the house. The agent in charge of watching it had reported no incidents, but they weren’t taking any chances.
“All’s clear,” he told her a few minutes later, slipping his weapon back into the holster at his hip. “I’ll keep watch tonight from across the street. You’ve got my number?”
The agency wanted him posted close enough to her house for him to keep watch, but not in her driveway in case Dillon or anyone else was planning to come back. If anyone did, they’d be arrested. “Yes. Thanks.”
“No problem. Have a good night.”
Ha. Not likely, but at least she was home now and could at least try to unwind and find something to take her mind off everything for a bit.