Page 30 of Fast Kill

The look of anguish and betrayal on his friend’s face when the bust happened had haunted Logan for a long time afterward. Even now he got an occasional twinge when he thought of Santos rotting away in a federal prison in Colorado.

Taylor searched his eyes for a long moment. “And did you… Eventually did you learn to live with your decision?”

That glimpse of vulnerability from her shredded his heart. He wished he could dive into her head and see what the hell was going on in there. But he wouldn’t lie to her.

“Mostly.” That op had been his last in undercover. He’d applied for FAST the following week and hadn’t looked back since. Except for in his guilt-riddled dreams.

Her long lashes lowered and she gave a slow nod. He’d never seen her this defenseless, this sad. He ached to hold her, make it better somehow, but he couldn’t help if she wouldn’t let him in and he didn’t want to scare her away by moving too fast.

“You know, not to brag, but I’m pretty decent with advice about stuff like that. I mean, if my ex-wife still calls me up to ask my advice, then I must be, right?”

She smiled a little, but it didn’t reach her eyes. It was like someone had hit a dimmer switch and turned down the light inside her. It bothered him and roused his protectiveness all at once. He wanted to make sure she was okay.

“I guess you must.” She reached for the knob. “Well, thanks again.”

“Hey.” Before he could overthink it or question his actions, he set one crutch against the wall and reached out to cup the side of her face.

Taylor froze, her gaze jerking to his, no fear there, thank God, only surprise and maybe a little wariness. He’d been wanting to touch her for a while now, and was only sorry it had taken this to give him the opportunity.

He held her like that for a moment, stroking his thumb over the softness of her cheek as he searched her eyes, wishing he knew what had put those shadows there. And whose ass he could kick to make them disappear. “I’m here, okay? If you ever need someone to talk to, you can talk to me.”

For a moment she stared back at him in stunned silence, whether because of the intimate touch or the offer, he didn’t know. He took advantage of it and shifted his hand around to cradle the back of her head, his fingers moving gently in her soft, shiny hair.

She was tough to read but he caught a glimpse of something in her eyes as they stared at each other that made his heart turn over. A deep, empty sadness that made him ache inside.

“Thank you,” she murmured.

She wasn’t going to tell him. Disappointed but not all that surprised, Logan dropped his hand and straightened, giving her back the space that seemed to make her feel safe. “Anytime.”

He shut the door behind her, the light scent of her still hanging in the air. For more than a minute he stood there, fighting with himself. His instinct told him to get in his truck and drive to her place, at least do a perimeter check to make sure she was safe.

God dammit. What was wrong?

He hobbled back to his recliner, but his mind wouldn’t shut off. Something really bad was going on with her, he knew it in his gut. And he’d go fucking crazy sitting here on his ass without making sure she was okay.

He made it a full ten minutes before he got up, grabbed his keys and headed out the door.

Chapter Nine

Taylor barely remembered the drive home from Logan’s place, too preoccupied by that unexpected show of tenderness from such a big, tough man.

His touch and the way he’d cupped her face, then the back of her head had been protective, yet loaded with the possibility of so much more. Her scalp still tingled where his fingers had caressed her, the ghostly reminder of his hold stirring something deep inside her that had been asleep for a long time.

If you ever need someone to talk to, you can talk to me.

It had been the last thing she’d ever expected him to say. They didn’t know each other well, and she hadn’t thought he was the kind of guy who would care about her problems.

More shocking even than his concern, she’d actuallywantedto tell him what was going on. He just had this way about him that made her want to confide in him. Which was totally unlike her. But hell, the man’s ex-wife still called to talk to him about stuff. That told her a lot about his character. Whatever faults he might have, at his core he was a good guy.

She hit the button on her sun visor to close the garage door and slid out of the car, looking forward to a hot bath and binge watching a few recorded episodes of her favorite mystery drama.

When she opened the door to the mudroom, two things registered at once. The smell of something rich and garlicky hung in the air, and the light on the alarm system keypad was glowing green instead of red.

She jerked around to face the kitchen, her gaze sliding past it to the adjoining living room. A jolt of panic shot through her and she barely stifled a yelp when she saw Dillon sitting there on her couch.

He draped an arm casually over the back of the couch as he stared back at her. “Hey, where you been?”
