Page 22 of Fast Kill

“Okay, so I told you the truth. Now it’s your turn.”

She blinked at him. “My turn for what?”

“I heard a rumor that you’re working for the DEA now.”

Her lungs seized. She stared at him, the blood draining from her face. He was here because of herjob.

The clock on the mantel downstairs struck the hour, sounding as loud as a gong. Dillon had a dark, dangerous vibe to him now. How could the man before her now be the same boy she’d had up on a pedestal all these years? She was such an idiot.

Somehow she kept her face blank and found her voice. “Did you?”

“That true?” he asked, his quiet words slicing through the suffocating silence like a blade. She didn’t know whether he meant to imply a threat or not, but she felt it all the same.

“And if it is?” she flung back, neither confirming nor denying it.

He pressed his lips together in a sad sort of smile and shook his head once. “It would make things complicated, wouldn’t it?”

“Complicated how?” she asked, raising her chin as she held his gaze. God, she didn’t have the guts to flat-out ask whether he was working with theVenenos. The probability that he was, was just too damn terrifying.

“Would put us both in a hell of an awkward position. Testing our loyalties and all that.”

Taylor stared back at him, his words hitting hard. He was testing to see whether she’d turn him in or not, and hinting that he could do the same to her. Trying to figure out if their bond was strong enough for her to protect him now that she knew he was breaking the law. It made her as angry as it made her want to cry.

She thought fast. “What the hell are you talking about? Test what loyalties?”

Dillon sighed and dragged a hand through his hair, then settled his elbows on his knees as he regarded her, his expression earnest. “Shit, this isn’t the way I wanted things to turn out between us. I really have missed you, Taylor.”

In spite of herself, tears pricked her eyes. He’d been her hero. She would always be grateful for that, and some part of her would always feel obligated to repay the favor. But not now, with them on opposite sides.

Her voice broke. “I can’t believe you’d do this to me.” If he’d known or at least suspected that she worked for the agency, then he’d come here tonight knowing it would put her in the worst position imaginable. Did he know that she was involved with the Baker investigation too?

His expression softened. “I had to see you. Even if the rumors about your job were true, I still had to come.”

“Why?” She blinked furiously to keep the tears at bay. Tears were weak. Useless. And she was neither of those things. Not anymore. “To drag me into whatever you’ve done? Cover for you or something? Because I’m a paper pusher, Dillon. Even if you wanted me to do something for you, I only work low profile cases. I wouldn’t be much help to you anyway.”

“No. Because even all these years later, you’re still the only person I can really trust.”

His words sent invisible fingers reaching through her ribcage to crush her heart until it bled. There it was again, that damn instinctive urge to protect him. Save him, even if it was from himself. Jesus, she hated this.

“So what do you want from me? A favor?” She couldn’t keep the bitterness out of her voice.

“No.” He stood, drained the last of his beer and placed it back on the coaster. The soft thunk of the glass hitting the wood seemed to echo in the stillness.

Without another word, he headed down the stairs. On wooden legs, Taylor got up and followed him down to the kitchen. He snagged his leather jacket from the island and headed for the front door.


The word lodged in her throat, nearly choking her. She wanted him to leave, yet part of her wanted him to stay, so she could convince him to turn his life around. This wasn’t a game. His actions would probably cost him his life one day.

It was too late to help him, let alone save him.

He didn’t look back at her as he opened the door. But then he paused, his hand on the door. Taylor swallowed, ordering herself to stay put.

When he looked back at her, his dark eyes were somber, and something twisted inside her. She ached to save him, drag him out of the danger he’d immersed himself in. But how? He would never listen. He never had.

“I’m sorry. I wish things were different. Just…don’t tell anyone I was here, okay? That’s the only favor I’ll ask you for. It was good to see you. Take care of yourself.” He walked out and shut the door firmly behind him, leaving her standing alone in her kitchen while her heart ripped in two.

He was going to die. She knew it with utter certainty.