No one had ever wanted her before. Not really, not unless it was for their own selfish purposes. But until that moment she’d never allowed herself to acknowledge how badly she’d needed to be wanted. All her life she’d wanted someone to want her, not for what they could get from her, but because of who she was.
Her throat closed up and to her horror, tears burned her eyes.
Logan’s expression filled with alarm. “Hey,” he protested, quickly setting his ice cream aside and taking her face between his hands. “What’s wrong?”
How could she answer him? She reached up one hand and curled her fingers around his wrist. Strong. Solid. Just like him and his character.
“Sweetheart, what?”
His concern and tenderness undid her completely. Shoving her bowl onto the coffee table, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. He locked his own around her and squeezed tight, his clean, masculine scent swirling around her.
“Thank you,” she finally choked out. She didn’t ever want to let go of him. Didn’t want him to ever let go of her.
“For what?” he asked, sounding baffled.
“For wanting me as I am. Quirks and all.” It was the greatest gift anyone had ever given her.
He didn’t say anything, just kept hugging her, but she sensed his confusion. “Well then, you’re welcome,” he finally murmured after a long moment.
His baffled tone pulled a watery laugh from her. She felt lighter inside, as though a heavy weight that had been crushing her for years had suddenly vanished. “I promise not to overstay my welcome though.” Things were so new between them, she didn’t want to spoil it by being underfoot and spending so much time together that he either got bored or realized how neurotic she could be with her housekeeping.
Logan eased her away from him and met her gaze with a slight shake of his head. “That’s not possible.”
The tide of emotion rising inside her was terrifying, yet there was no denying how she felt about him. “We’re really different,” she said. “I meanreallydifferent.”
“Yes we are,” he agreed, his lips quirking in the hint of a smile.
“I’m a big homebody and you’re not. I like quiet. I like my space, I like things tidy.”
“And I don’t,” he finished with a grin, his eyes dancing with humor now.
“Well, at least you’re honest.” She smiled back at him, then sobered. “You think we could make this work? I mean, it’s not like either of us is going to change. Not really. We’re too set in our ways now.”
“I think if we can each compromise a little here and there, yeah. We might even balance each other out real well.”
“I’m afraid you’re going to get bored with me. I mean, I’m not exciting like you. I’m not an adrenaline junkie.”
He snorted softly and shook his head at her. “I won’t get bored with you. Trust me. You’re grounded. Settled. I need that in my life. Iwantthat in my life.”
The worry faded a little. She would try to relax her uptight tendencies a bit, because he was worth it. “So we’re… You’re looking at this as a possible long term relationship then?”
He gave her the most endearing smile and stroked the hair back from her cheek. “I’ve already made up my mind. And yeah, I want exclusive and long term. That scare you?”
“Yes.” It also thrilled her to her toes.
He huffed out a laugh. “Me too, a little. But I’m in too deep to let you go. My heart’s already yours.”
Aw, dammit, she was getting teary again.
She swallowed, dug down deep for the courage to say the words that scared her the most. She’d faced death twice today, and had overcome every other obstacle life had thrown at her. Telling Logan how she felt about him shouldn’t be as scary as all that, but it was.
“Can I tell you something?”
“Sure, go ahead.” He watched her intently, his big palm cupping the side of her face.
“I think I might be falling in love with you.” She whispered it because she was afraid to say it any louder. Then she held her breath and stared into his eyes while her heart knocked against her ribs.
A smile lit his face, then he dragged her into his arms and crushed her to him. “I’m damn glad to hear that, because I’m right there with you. Plus I’m bigger and heavier than you, and that means I fall faster and harder.”