“Huh, good to know.” This was the oddest conversation she’d ever had with a man. And given the awful dating history she boasted, that was saying something.
“So, you still up for having dinner sometime?” he asked as she opened the driver’s side door.
The question threw her for a second. He still wanted to go to dinner with her after this?
She might be socially awkward, but even she knew asking him flat out whether this was as friends or a date was kind of rude. “Yes, for sure.”
“Since I’m laid up for the moment, my evening schedule’s kind of wide open for the next while. I know you’re busy with the investigation though.”
“I’d make time for dinner with you.”
A startled smile flashed across his face. “You would?”
Why did he seem so surprised? “Yeah, I would.” She liked him. He had depth, probably more than even she suspected. It was just that her growing attraction to him was scary.
“Okay, then. What about tomorrow night?”
She thought about it for a second. “Sure, tomorrow night. Are we having peanut butter sandwiches and ice cream?”
He chuckled. “No, I thought I’d take you to an actual restaurant. Unless youwantpeanut butter sandwiches and ice cream,” he teased.
This sure didn’t feel like a coworker dinner he was asking her to. No. She refused to dwell on it. “I’d be perfectly fine with those, but sure. Restaurant it is.” She eyed his crutches. “Want me to drive you to your car?”
“Truck. And nah, I’m parked just a few spaces down. So, tomorrow night. Want me to pick you up?”
She wasn’t comfortable needing anyone, and if he viewed this as an actual date, she didn’t want to feel like she owed him anything. “No, I’ll just head from work and meet you there. You pick the place.” And they’d be splitting the tab.
“Okay, I’ll text you the address.”
“Perfect. Have a good night. Go home and put your leg up.”
Another of those slow, sexy smiles, and the damn tingles went lower this time. Low enough to make her want to squirm in her seat. “Will do.” He shut her door for her, stood there watching as she drove away.
When Taylor turned out of the lot and onto the street, she couldn’t stop the smile from forming. She might be rusty with the whole romance thing, but this definitely felt like it had the makings of an actual date.
Chapter Five
After parking her car in the garage, Taylor hit the remote on her sun visor to close the garage door. As it lowered behind her she grabbed her purse, climbed out and headed for the door that led into her mud/laundry room.
She barely swallowed the scream as she whirled around, heart in her throat. A man was ducking under the closing garage door, his wide shoulders blocking the light cast from the streetlamps outside as he nimbly stepped over the sensor that would have made the door go back up.
Automatically she reached for the can of pepper spray in her purse, at the same time as he straightened and faced her. Dillon Wainright stood there, watching her. “Hey, Taylor.”
“Jesus, Dillon.” Her heart leaped at the sight of him.
She put a hand to the center of her chest and sucked in a deep breath, her other hand still holding the pepper spray. What the hell was he doing here? And how had he gotten her address? Her driveway was empty and she hadn’t seen a car parked along the curb near her house. “You scared the shit out of me.”
“Sorry.” He’d stopped halfway to her and now put his hands in his pockets, giving her a chance to compose herself. After a moment, that familiar lopsided smile spread across his face, and her throat constricted at the sight of him. It had been so damn long. “I was waiting on the front porch when you got here. I waved when you pulled into the driveway, but I guess you didn’t see me.”
Wow, she really needed to make more of an effort to be aware of her surroundings. She hadn’t realized how complacent and sloppy she’d become since moving here. “No.”
“So.” He rocked back on his heels. “It’s been a long time, huh?”
“Yeah.” He looked so much the way she remembered him, and yet so different. More mature. Harder. “How did you find me?” Andwhyhad he, after he’d been the one to cancel earlier?
“I called Janet earlier and she gave me your address.” He cocked his head, watching her with a slight frown. “Is that…okay?”