It hadn’t happened. “Because we were married, as far as everyone around here was concerned, I was guilty by association. Even after we split, people were still judging me right and left. You know what this town’s like. Gossip’s a hot commodity, and I’m done with being the juicy topic around here.”
Things had gotten so bad she’d become a damn recluse for the first six months after she left Greg, too ashamed to show her face in town. While she loved the Colebrooks and hated to leave them behind, she was desperate to leave this place and have a fresh, clean slate for the next part of her life.
Easton straightened and folded his arms across his chest, dragging her attention to the muscular breadth of it.
For the millionth time, she mentally berated herself.Stop perving. It’s gross.
“And moving away’s the solution?”
She lifted an eyebrow. “Yes.”
“What about standing your ground and saying to hell with what anyone else thinks of you?”
She fought the urge to roll her eyes. “It’s gone so far past that, I can’t even tell you. I’m sick and tired of people whispering about me behind my back, and fed up with being associated with Greg and his shitty decisions.”
“What did he do? Other than take it out on you,” he added, his jaw tightening.
Easton had seen firsthand how erratic Greg’s behavior had become when he was here last. He had stepped between her and Greg to end an argument when Greg had shown up on her front porch one night, accusing her of leaving him for Wyatt, of all people. It defied explanation.
“I’m sure you heard plenty from everyone else.”
“I want to hear it from you.”
Fine. “A lot of different things. Like being drunk or high on the job. Borrowing money from people and not paying them back. Not showing up for work at all because he was passed out somewhere. A few times his own deputies had to go out and hunt for him when he disappeared for days at a time on a bender.” When they found him they’d carried him through the front door of their home while she died a little more from mortification. “I want to be known and respected for whoIam, and be judged for my own self-worth, not constantly having to prove myself to everyone just because of what my ex did.”
“So you’re going to run away.”
She hated that tone, the disappointed one that said she was a coward.
You are a coward.
With effort she tamped down her irritation, sought a calm tone. “Look. I need to start over, and I can’t do that here, or even within a hundred miles of here. Can’t you understand that?”
“No. You’re stronger than that.”
Not anymore.Not after the humiliation Greg had put her through.
She turned away again, busied herself with cleaning up the mixing bowl and baking equipment she’d used to make the cookies. A taut silence built between them and she was acutely aware of him standing behind her, his stare making her skin heat up. “Maybe we should change the subject.”
There was one more big reason for leaving she had no intention of mentioning, of course. Her growing and unsettling attraction toward the man standing across the island from her. A guilty secret she would take with her to Minnesota and hopefully bury there.
“This is your home,” Easton said finally.
She didn’t look back at him. “No, it’syourhome, and your family’s been here for generations. I’m just a transplant.”
He let out an impatient sigh. “Look at me.”
Steeling herself, she did, and her heart squeezed at the sight of him. Such a brave, loyal and good man. The sort of man Greg had fooled her and everyone else into believing he was.
Easton’s expression was resolute. “Sugar Hollow is as much your home as it is mine, but it’s not going to feel like it if you’re not here.”
Guilt sliced at her. Hell, she felt guilty evenhavingthis conversation, because she wasn’t being completely honest with him, since he was a small part of the reason she was leaving. “I’m sorry.”
He stared at her in disbelief. “That’s it? Your mind’s already made up and there’s nothing I can say to make you reconsider?”
“I’ve thought about this a lot over the past year, believe me.” Ever since she’d left Greg. “It’s the right decision.”
He blew out a breath and ran a hand through his hair. “Wow.”