Page 46 of Easton’s Claim

A smug smile tugged at her lips. “I know.”

He burst out a laugh and slid his hands into her hair, tugging her forward into a kiss so full of love and tenderness it brought tears to her eyes. And right then, she knew.

Walking away from this man would rip her heart out. So what the hell was she going to do?

Chapter Fifteen

“Well, I’d say that was a hit.” Easton came up behind her as she set an empty serving platter on the counter beside the sink and wrapped his arms around her, bending to nuzzle the side of her neck.

She stiffened even as tingles raced across her skin, then felt horrible. Everyone else was still in the dining room and couldn’t see them. She didn’t want him to think she was embarrassed or ashamed, it was just that this was all so new and she felt a little uncomfortable at the idea of his family seeing them.

“I’m glad. And see? There’s not as much left over as you thought there would be. You boys can eat.”

“It’s because we haven’t tasted anything so delicious before,” he murmured against her neck, then sucked lightly, making it clear he meant more than the food. She shivered.

“Hey, none of that,” a deep voice said behind them.

She gasped and looked back to see Wyatt carrying in an armful of empty plates. Embarrassed, without thinking she slipped out of Easton’s embrace, her face growing hot. The second she did, she regretted her reaction. Easton had done nothing wrong, yet she’d pulled away as if Wyatt had walked in on them feeling each other up or something.

Wyatt stepped past them and she glanced over at Easton. His expression was set, hurt and annoyance clear in his eyes.Dammit.

She cleared her throat. “Could you go grab the rest of the food so we can wrap it up?” she asked him.

“Sure.” His voice was clipped and she inwardly winced as he turned and walked out of the kitchen.

Blowing out a breath, she glanced at Wyatt, who was studiously ignoring her as he stacked the plates in the sink. “Can I talk to you for a minute? Alone?” She couldn’t put this conversation off any longer.

He met her gaze, his hazel eyes full of understanding. “Sure. Come on.”

She followed him out the back door and around the side of the house, where they’d have more privacy. He stopped and faced her, hands in his pockets, and waited for her to speak. She rubbed a hand over the back of her neck, not sure where to begin. “So I guess Easton told you about…things.”

“He told us the way he felt about you. I didn’t know if it was mutual or not.”

“It is.”

“Good. I was hoping it would be.”

She looked up at him in surprise, the twilight illuminating the scars on his face. It was like he was carved from granite. Solid. Unmovable. He’d been through so much, had overcome so much. She’d been there for him as much as she could—as much as he’d allowed her to be. And sometimes she’d been there whether he’d wanted her to be or not. “Really?”

He nodded, the hint of a smile playing around the edges of his mouth. “If you’re happy then I’m happy. And I’m glad to see him wanting to settle down.”

That part scared her a little, as it seemed too big a change for someone with Easton’s hell-raiser reputation to suddenly be the guy who wanted to settle down and have her move in with him. She definitely wanted to see where things went though. “So it’s not…weird for you?”

He shrugged his wide shoulders. “I’ll adjust. We all will. Don’t worry about that.”

At his words, the tightness in her stomach eased. She laughed softly. “Okay. It’s an adjustment for me too.” Her gaze strayed back toward the kitchen window. “I think I hurt his feelings just now. I didn’t mean to.”

“He’ll get over it.”

He shouldn’t have to get over it. She felt terrible for the way she’d reacted. Facing Wyatt once more, she drank in the sight of his dear, scarred face, a fond smile tugging at her lips.

Wyatt stepped closer and pulled her into a tight hug, pressing his cheek to the top of her head. “Be happy. And if my little brother doesn’t treat you right, I’ll pound the shit out of him for you.”

She laughed. “Thanks. I’m hoping that won’t be necessary.” More likely, she was the one who was going to hurt Easton if she took the job in Minnesota.

He straightened and his expression sobered, those hazel eyes direct, intent. “Whatever happens between you two, you’ll always be family to us. No matter what.”

Her throat tightened. “Thanks.”