“I think you taste amazing all sweaty.” He raised his head, his eyes going heavy-lidded as he gazed down at her. “How about we eat first, then shower together after.”
She laughed. “I want the first time you see me naked to be slightly more memorable than me standing in the shower looking like a drowned rat.”
He stilled and leaned back a little to study her, his eyes alight with interest and understanding. “I’m gonna get to see you naked?”
“Maybe. If you play your cards right. But not until after I’m clean.”
“The idea of you naked and wet works really well for me. You got something else in mind?”
“You’ll have to see.” If her nerve held up.
The back door opened and Wyatt’s voice called out. “We’re done out here. You guys ready yet?”
“Yeah, we were just saying how hungry we are,” Easton said, holding her gaze. The heat smoldering there set off tingles inside her.
“Great, we’ll grab something to eat before you guys head back to the house.”
Easton raised an eyebrow at her in question. She shrugged and nodded. “Okay,” Easton called back. “Be out in a minute.”
He helped her put the cleaning supplies away then put her in his truck and it struck her again how even with everything that was happening, she felt totally safe here with him.
On the drive back to the house she reached for his hand and twined his fingers through hers. Easton was solid and protective, funny and sweet. He still had a bit of a wild streak and would probably always be an adrenaline junkie, but there was no way she was going to deny them both what they so desperately wanted.
They needed to be together tonight, and for as long as they had left, however long that may be.
Austen and Wyatt stopped on the way to the house to pick up pizza. Piper’s nerves dissipated quickly and by the time they arrived with the food, she was enjoying herself. She even laughed a few times at stories Easton told. It felt so damn good.
After dinner she showered while Easton took one in the house. Standing under the hot spray as she shampooed her hair, however, the nerves hit her all over again. Every doubt she’d ever had about crossing the line with him bombarded her and she fought them off one at a time. Her mind was made up. She was doing this.
She took extra time getting ready, blow-dried her hair, put on a little makeup and perfume before slipping into the one piece of lingerie she’d had at her house—a pale aqua satin slip trimmed with lace that came to her upper thighs.
Staring at herself in the mirror as she smoothed her hands down the sides of the cool, slippery satin, she balked. Every single insecurity about her body came back to hit her full force.
She was almost thirty-six and…rounded and soft instead of firm and taut. Nothing like the thin, fit women she’d seen Easton date in the past. Laugh lines etched the corners of her eyes and the crease in her cheek that had once resembled a dimple was now a definite wrinkle. Could he really want her when in the past he’d dated women who were her physical opposite?
Her heart pounded as she stood there looking at her reflection. If she walked out of here dressed like this, there was no turning back. Sleeping with him would change everything, and maybe not for the better. She refused to give him promises she didn’t intend to keep.
“Piper? You okay in there?” he called through the door.
She closed her eyes. “Yes.”Just getting cold feet.
“All right.” His footsteps faded away toward the kitchen.
The momentary reprieve allowed her another minute to gather her courage. She tried for logic. They wanted each other and the attraction wasn’t going away. They’d also known each other for damn near twenty years.
No, wait. Don’t think about that.She cringed as a picture of thirteen-year-old Easton popped into her head. “Not helping,” she muttered. “Not helping at all.”
Okay. She forced herself to meet her gaze in the mirror.You’re a grown woman and you know what you want. So take it.
Yeah, that was better. This was Easton. She’d known him forever. He would be good to her, and he would never hurt her. At least not the way Greg had.
But what if this ruins everything?She narrowed her eyes at her reflection. “And what if it doesn’t?” she countered, repeating Easton’s words to her yesterday.
Her heart beat faster as she thought of him out there, waiting. He had to know what would happen when she stepped out of the bathroom. Heat bloomed in her belly and her breasts grew heavy, the nipples tightening beneath the satin.
She’d lived her whole life trying to play it safe, to always maintain control, and look where it had gotten her. She wasn’t the same person as she’d been when she’d married Greg. Dammit, she deserved to be happy and have her needs met by a man who loved her.
Her courage rose and she focused on that thought, and on the man waiting for her outside this door. She was done holding back and letting fear and insecurity rule her life. Easton was out there and she was going after him. She wasn’t sure what would happen between them after tonight but she didn’t care—she needed him too much to turn down this chance.