Page 38 of Easton’s Claim

Piper’s heart sank when he slid an open folder across the desk to her and she saw what was left of her things. Nothing but blackened, charred piles of rubble where the bulk of her belongings had once been.

“They closed the door after setting the fire, and the metal insulated everything, making the fire hotter than normal. Three other units were destroyed as well before the fire crews were able to put it out.”

Most of her clothes, her books, her furniture and photo albums, including the pictures of her and her father. All gone. She swallowed the lump in her throat and pushed aside the sadness, telling herself it was just stuff, even though her heart didn’t believe it. “Is there any video evidence?”

The detective shook his head. “Whoever set it disabled the cameras at the entrance to the facility and the ones near your unit. It was well-planned. They bribed the security guard on site and broke into your unit, then set it on fire before they left.”

“Maybe they found whatever they were looking for.”

“Maybe,” he allowed, but his tone was doubtful.

“Was the guard charged?”

“Yes, and he’s been fired. After he confessed, he gave details about who bribed him. Description matched Gallant.”

“Any more word about Greg?”

“No, but we’re almost certain Brandon Gallant is behind this. He’s dangerous because he’s unpredictable. He just got out of prison, and he’s looking to make a name for himself. He has everything to gain by escalating the situation and using Greg’s life as leverage.”

Piper nodded. “I just want him found alive.”

“We’ll find him. Did you have a chance to go through the rest of your belongings in storage before last night?”

“Yes, Easton and I checked everything in the unit two nights ago, as well as the things in the shed at his family’s place. We didn’t find anything.”

“And still no idea what it is Greg might have hidden? If we knew, we’d have a better sense of what we’re up against.”

She shook her head. “I have no idea. He did a lot of bad things, but he never involved me directly in any of it. He didn’t tell me what he’d done because he didn’t want me to know what he’d been up to, and he didn’t want me implicated if it ever came to light. I think it was his backward way of protecting me.” She shrugged. “It could be anything.”

“They’ll find him,” Easton murmured, squeezing her hand.

She squeezed back, grateful for his solid, calming presence. This whole thing had exhausted her mentally and emotionally, but at least having Easton at her side made it a little easier to bear.


Hours later, she pressed a hand to her belly and took a slow, deep breath to quell the nerves buzzing there. All day long she’d thought about Easton and what tonight might bring.

Sleeping in his arms last night had cemented her decision about them. He’d done nothing but hold her, hadn’t even kissed her or touched her except to stroke her hair and her back. He probably didn’t realize it, but that simple act of intimacy had knocked down most of the wall she’d built around her heart.

She was still set on leaving for Minnesota, that part wasn’t going to change. She would never risk their relationship or her bond with his family over a fling, and he’d made it clear he wanted all or nothing.

And yet, she’d never forgive herself for walking away without giving them a shot. So she’d decided to see what happened if she did.

Taking this next step with him terrified her, but it was also the most exciting thing she’d had to look forward to in her entire life. She trusted him.

If she was honest with herself, she’d fantasized about him for months and she was done with feeling guilty about it. They were both adults, they cared about and respected each other, and there was nothing stopping them from getting together right now except her fears.

Her vivid, deep-seated fears and insecurity.

She pushed the thought aside. “Okay, I think we’re finally done here.” She wiped the back of her sleeve across her damp forehead and wrung out the mop in the bucket then paused to survey their work.

She and Easton had been here for the past four hours, giving everything a thorough deep clean while Wyatt and Austen worked out in her yard, mowing the lawn and tidying the garden beds. Tomorrow she would go through her things stored in the shed at the Colebrook’s and take inventory of what she had left.

For now, everything here was clean and re-staged, ready for showings she would start booking tomorrow.

“Good, because I’m starving,” Easton murmured, walking up to set a hand on her waist and draw her into his body for a slow, melting kiss that made her knees go weak. His clean, masculine scent drowned out the smell of vinegar and lemon that hung heavy in the air.

She nipped playfully at his lower lip, his short beard prickling her softly. “Me too, but I want a shower first, because I’m all sweaty.”