She liked him, wanted the chance to get to know him better, but it wasn’t like she wanted anything long term. People thought Easton was the wild one in the family, but she was wild too—just in a more subtle way. She was only twenty-eight, and not in any hurry to settle down.
Charlie didn’t see the point in not going after what she wanted. After losing her mom at a young age, then nearly losing both her dad and Wyatt within the space of a year, she knew exactly how short life was.
“Did Easton tell you what’s been going on here?” she asked.
“Sort of. He said that there’s a situation going down with someone close to you guys.”
“Piper. She’s like family to us.” And, if she read Easton right, maybe one day Piper would actually become a Colebrook.
She gave a quick rundown of what had happened, leaving out the part about Easton’s feelings for Piper. “If you had plans to fish and ride and hunt, you might have to do all that solo this visit, because Easton’s going to be sticking close to her.”
Hopefullyreallyclose. She wanted her brother to be happy, and thought he and Piper were a good match. But this had just as much chance of ending in heartbreak as it did in a happily-ever-after, and that was what worried her most.
“Okay, good to know.”
She raised an eyebrow. “If I get some time later, maybe I’ll take you out…riding.”
He paused with his mug partway to his mouth, his dark-honey stare locked on hers. Slowly, he lowered his mug. “Yeah?”
She shrugged, enjoying the flirtatious banter. It had been way too long since any man had fired her up, and this one had practically incinerated her with his kisses. “Maybe. Depends on how you play your cards.”
He tilted his head a fraction, and she loved that he didn’t back down from the subtle gauntlet she’d thrown down. “I think you’d find I’m pretty good at it. I love to ride, as long as I’m the one holding the reins.”
His sexy challenge sent an invisible shiver through her and her heart rate quickened. There was no mistaking what he meant, and it confirmed what she’d sensed in him that night in April. He liked control, and that meant in the bedroom as well. Imagining the many ways that would translate into sex with him made her mouth go dry.
“I’ll bear that in mind,” she murmured, managing to keep her voice steady.
“You do that,pequeña.”
Little one.
Her abdomen fluttered at his deep, intimate tone. As she sat there staring at him while desire rushed through her body, without another word he set his mug in the sink and walked past her, out the back door.
As his footsteps receded in the distance, Charlie smiled to herself and leaned back in her chair. Well, well. It appeared things weren’t finished between them after all.
“Is this smooth enough now?” Piper leaned back to squint at the spot on the wall she’d just sanded for what felt like the eighth time.
Easton paused rolling paint on the opposite wall to set down the roller and come hunker down next to her. He ran a hand over the spot, the muscles in his arm flexing, and her nipples tightened, her breasts growing heavy at the thought of feeling that hand on her naked skin later.
After the picnic yesterday and that mind-blowing make-out session, getting naked with him was all she’d been able to think about, no matter how hard she’d tried to stop. She still couldn’t believe she’d given into temptation like that. Now the desire was worse than ever.
“Yeah, looks good. Give it a wipe and I’ll start on the wall as soon as I’m done with this one. Shouldn’t take me more than fifteen minutes to do both.” His knees cracked as he pushed to his feet and returned to his paint tray.
The kisses they’d shared had been wonderful, but they hadn’t changed her mind about moving. She was taking that job waiting for her.
It was still so hard to believe that Easton wanted her, let alone how much. She’d never known her body could come alive like that. Then he’d touched her, kissed her, blanketed her with his body and made her liquid with need. He’d answered her questions yesterday and told her what he wanted, but she still sensed he was holding something back. Something important.
She was dying to know what it was, and a little afraid, too.
There were so many things she admired about him. His loyalty, his work ethic. She loved that he was dependable and protective. And holy hell, the man was sexy. He tied her in knots without even trying, and yesterday…
Leaving him behind when she moved was going to be hard, but he was leaving for Alexandria and then back overseas again soon anyway. She’d never imagined what it would feel like to be the center of attention for a man with his kind of sensuality. It was so natural from him, simply a part of who he was. Every time she looked at him now her heart thudded. And when he looked at her…
She blew out a breath and took out her dusting rag to wipe down the wall and floor to get rid of the sanding dust. Her mind wouldn’t let the idea of them together go. Was he really able to commit to her that seriously?
She was lonely, true, but also bitterly disappointed by her marriage and afraid to risk opening her heart to a man again. While she didn’t think Easton would ever hurt her the way Greg had if they got involved, the idea still scared her to death. If Easton hurt her it would be worse than with Greg because he wasn’t selfish and wouldn’t do it on purpose.