Agent Jamie Rodriguez. Tall, built, dark-haired, bronzed-skinned and sexy-beyond-all-reason man she’d gotten a taste of and wished she’d gotten a helluva lot more.
“What are you doing here?” she blurted, surprise obliterating her manners. It wasn’t uncommon for one of them to invite someone to spend time at the farm, but Easton hadn’t mentioned anything to her about this. He must have forgotten with everything that had been going on with Piper.
He turned to face her, his expression both wary and amused. “Easton invited me down to stay a few days if I wanted. Hello to you again too, by the way.”
She ignored the last part. “Wait, you’restayinghere?” On her family’s property? Where she’d have to see him on-and-off for the duration of his stay?
“Yeah, here.” His lips twitched, his eyes daring her to say anything about it.
Well, damn. She looked away from his chiseled face to the coffee machine set on the counter, next to the sink. “Did you make that?”
“I did. Want some?”
Her gaze snapped back to him. Maybe he didn’t mean it as an innuendo, but it sure sounded like one and the heated, lazy look in his eyes made heat flare inside her. “Yeah,” she fired back.
He stilled, surprise lighting the depths of those amber-brown eyes for a moment as her meaning registered. Without a word he turned away to get a mug down from the cupboard and then filled it, allowing her to look her fill at the way he filled out his T-shirt and jeans. The man was ripped.
Her socked-feet were silent on the wooden floorboards as she crossed the room to take the mug he handed her. “Thanks.” He was even bigger up close, about the size of Wyatt. She wasn’t a tiny woman but standing next to him she felt like she was, and he made all her senses buzz with female awareness.
“Welcome. I already got the sugar and cream out.”
“I like my coffee dark, and I don’t take sugar because I’m sweet enough as it is.”
One side of his mouth lifted. “Are you?”
“Well, apparently my mouth is. You don’t remember?” she asked, feigning insult.
You taste so damn sweet.
As his words from a few months ago echoed in the silence between them, his smile disappeared. “I remember,” he murmured, and stepped away to put the creamer back in the fridge. Trying to escape her? Interesting.
She’d met him at a club back in April, where she’d gone with a few co-workers. He’d been there with some other DEA people and the spark between them had been instant and undeniable.
A few hours of dancing and flirting had led to the single hottest make-out session she’d ever experienced while clothed, up against the wall outside the back of the club. And then he’d found out her last name and disappeared. No calls, no texts. Nothing.
It hadn’t been until she’d done some digging a few days later that she’d found out why. He was her brother’s teammate.
“So, you guys just got back from A-stan the other day, huh?”
He nodded. “When did you get here?”
“Couple nights ago.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder. “You staying in the cabin with Easton?”
“Yes. I parked out behind the barn. We’re out of coffee over there so I had to come in here.”
That explained why she hadn’t seen his truck when she’d gotten home at two this morning. And at least it meant she wouldn’t have to be tortured with his presence in the house often.
“Where were you last night?” he asked, sounding curious.
“Out with friends.” She sipped her coffee and went over to sit at the table, turning her chair to face him. “So. How do you want to do this?”
He blinked. “What do you mean?”
“Are we going to tell Easton we’ve met before, or do you want to pretend we just met now?”
“We’ll tell him we met before.”
But we won’t tell him that you had your hands and mouth all over me outside that club. She nodded once. “Okay.”