Page 24 of Easton’s Claim

“Not to me,” Easton said. “Not ever.” Hell, he didn’t know if things were going to turn out in his favor or not, but he’d been dying to tell her how he felt and was glad he’d finally put it out there last night. Well, most of it anyway.

“Well then. Hope she gives you a chance.” Charlie’s eyes filled with sympathy. “But try to remember how bad she’s been hurt, Easton. She’s not going to trust a man easily after what she went through, not even you, and if she’s always seen you as just a friend or a brother before now… Be patient with her.”

“I’m trying. It’s why I decided to tell her last night and then give her space to think. I don’t want to pressure her but I’m also not gonna stand back and let her walk away from me without a fight.”

Wyatt nodded in approval, something that wasn’t easily earned from his gruff eldest brother. “And what about her security situation? Have the cops found anything else yet?”

“No, and she insisted on starting work again today. I’ll be going with her to all her appointments and showings. What do you think in terms of a timeline to finish the repairs on her place? Another day or two?”

“That should be plenty. I’m just waiting for the patches in the drywall to finish drying so I can sand and then paint. Austen’s almost done with the repairs on the furniture. You said you’re going to take care of buffing out the worst of the scratches in the hardwood floor, and all that’s left after that is to clean and stage the place. Which we all know Piper will see to personally.”

Easton smiled. Piper loved that kind of thing and would never let anyone else handle it. “Well, now that you know what’s up, I’d appreciate it if you guys would make yourselves scarce around here for a while.” His gaze strayed to the window next to the front door and out to the main house before looking back at his siblings. “I’m not sure what to expect from her this morning, so I’d like to have some time alone with her. I have a feeling she’s going to either avoid me, or try to pretend last night didn’t happen.”

“Sure, no problem.” Charlie looked at Wyatt. “Can I come by your place in a bit then? I’ll go visit with Austen until we start work at Piper’s place.”

“Sure, yeah.”

Easton saw them both out. Wyatt clapped him on the shoulder. “Good luck with everything.”


Charlie wrapped him up in a tight hug he returned. “Remember what I said. She’s going to be skittish with anyone now. Don’t take it personally.”

“I won’t.”

After they left he closed the door and geared up for the coming challenges the day would bring. Piper was going to fight this, he was pretty sure.

Fortunately for him, he was a professional warrior. Even if she pulled away, he wasn’t giving up. Piper was worth fighting for and he would do everything in his power to win her heart.

Chapter Eight

Okay, she couldn’t stay up here forever. Sooner or later she had to go downstairs and face the day.

Piper pushed a hand through her shower-damp hair and took a calming breath. After a few restless hours last night spent staring at the ceiling and trying to figure out where to go from here, she’d somehow dropped off into a long, dreamless sleep.

Now that she was up and dressed, she had to face the music. Because no matter how much she wanted to avoid them, the situation with Greg and the new development with Easton had to be dealt with.

Outside the window the sun touched the edge of the mountain with brushstrokes of gold and orange, and birdsong filled the air. A perfect fall morning on a picturesque property in the middle of one of the most gorgeous places on earth. Except her heart and mind were in chaos.

Greg’s kidnapping was enough to deal with, but the bombshell Easton had dropped on her last night had left her reeling. All this time she’d been friends with him, she’d had no idea he’d felt that way about her.

Now she was torn, and his admission had awakened a whole new level of need and forbidden thoughts about him. Maybe her physical attraction to him had been growing, but that didn’t mean she was ready to act on it. Shecouldn’tact on it. The prospect of getting involved with him romantically was definitely another disaster in the making.

As tempted as she was in some respects, she didn’t see how this could end in any other way but heartbreak for her. She’d already taken the job in Minnesota and she wasn’t prepared to give that up for anyone.

His life was here in Virginia. His family was solidly rooted here in Sugar Hollow, the one place she was desperate to escape from. If she gave into temptation and if things ended badly when she left, she would lose one of her dearest friends and make staying in contact with the rest of his family awkward for everyone.

And yet, as strong as all those arguments were to turn him down, none of them stopped her from wanting him.

She let out a groan of frustration and rubbed a hand over her face, dreading seeing him again, but it couldn’t be helped and the sooner she dealt with it, the better. After putting on mascara, liner and lip-gloss, she gathered her courage and went downstairs to face him.

It wasn’t Easton she found in the kitchen, however. It was Charlie.

Her friend smiled in greeting as she rinsed out a cup in the sink, dark brown waves spilling over her back. “Morning. You look fresh and rested. Feeling better?”

Not even a little.“Yeah, amazing what a good night’s sleep will do for a girl.”I was up all night fantasizing about your brother.She cringed inside, feeling dirty.God, she was nothing but a pervy cougar. The shame of it made her cheeks go hot.

Charlie shut off the water and reached for the kitchen towel hanging on the oven door handle to dry her hands, her deep brown gaze intent on Piper. “So, uh… Easton just told Wyatt and me about what he said to you last night.”