“Hey. Listen, I know the timing’s shit and you’ve got other things on your mind, but we need you back in here. The director’s got us spearheading a possible op to arrest more of this ATB cell’s members. If he pulls the trigger, we’ll be sent out within the next couple hours.”

God dammit. Adam clenched his jaw as a mix of frustration and disappointment warred inside him. “You need me there right now?” he made himself ask.

“Yeah. I’m sorry, man.”

Adam expelled a harsh sigh and rubbed his fingers over his eyes. “All right. I’ll be there asap.” He hung up and walked back into the bedroom.

Summer was watching him with haunted eyes, her arms wrapped around her upturned knees. “Do you really have to go already?” she whispered.

It made him fucking nuts to leave her right now, but he had no choice. “God, I wish I didn’t, but yeah, I do. I’ll be back as soon as I can though.” Cold comfort to both of them when all he wanted was to climb under the sheets with her and hold her tight against his body. He went over to sit next to her, swore he’d make it up to her somehow once he got back.

“It’s okay.” She reached up, traced a thumb across his cheek in a gentle caress he felt all the way to his bones. “I’ll be fine.”

But they both knew she wouldn’t be.

Christ.Adam grabbed her again and crushed her in his arms. She hitched in a breath and he squeezed his eyes shut, praying silently.

Please don’t cry, he begged her silently. She was more than entitled to a total breakdown but it would slice him to pieces if she did because then there was no way he would be able to leave her.

He could feel himself breaking apart inside as he held her, struggling to hang onto his composure. She needed him to be strong, needed him to keep his shit together. But fuck, he hated to leave her like this.

Summer remained pressed up against him, her arms tight around his shoulders, little hitching breaths telling him how close she was to losing control. But she didn’t. Maybe because she was just too emotionally exhausted or maybe because she drew comfort from him, she calmed.

After a few minutes her grip relaxed and she let out a tired sigh. “I’m so tired.”

“I know you are, doll. You need to get some sleep.” Now he needed to put a positive spin on everything, leave her in the best frame of mind possible.

Taya, he decided. He released Summer and dialed Taya, asked her to come up and stay with Summer while he was gone.

“No,” Summer protested in a whisper, shaking her head as he talked. “I just want to be alone.”

Much as he understood that, leaving her alone was the last thing he was going to do.

He ended the call, turned to her. “Taya’s gonna come up and stay here until I get back. I don’t want you to be alone right now.”

Summer leaned her head back against the headrest, looking annoyed and tired. “Fine,” she muttered.

Adam hugged her one last time and eased back, even though it felt like he was peeling his skin away to do so. “I gotta go now. Taya’s awesome, you’ll fall in love with her in under five minutes flat, I promise. Have something to eat and then get some sleep. I’ll be back before you wake up.”

From his pocket he pulled out the vial of prescription pills the doctor had given him at the operations center. “Just in case. And there’s no shame in taking them either.”

She took the vial, slid her hand around the back of his head and leaned in for another kiss. “Love you.”

He pressed his forehead to hers. “Love you too. I’m so damn sorry about this.”

“I know.”

Rising to his feet, he trailed a finger down the side of her cheek. “See you soon.” Then he made himself turn around and leave her, even if it was the last thing on earth he wanted to do.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Summer released a deep breath and ran a stinging palm over her face when Adam left. She’d told him she understood why he had to go, but the truth was she wasn’t okay with it. It didn’t matter that she knew Adam had no choice in the matter.

She’d almost been set on fire a few short hours ago, pretty much the worst way for a person to die that she could think of, and now the director was insisting Adam leave her here to deal with that and everything else on her own.

The only thing that helped was knowing he’d be back as soon as he could. But without the reassurance of his presence, she felt fragile inside all of a sudden.

Thankfully she didn’t have time to dwell on that because a moment later a light rap came at the door and then Taya pushed it open a few inches, peering at her through the small gap. “Is it okay for me to come in?” she asked tentatively.