“I always wanted to, ever since I can remember. I grew up listening to war stories my granddad told us about, and I guess they always stuck with me.”

“Have you been sent overseas?”

“A few times, yeah. Just got back a few days ago, actually.”

“Welcome home. And I’m betting you’re in…something infantry-related. But not a regular unit.” She paused a beat. “Rangers maybe?”

He hid a grin. “Used to be.”

She narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. “You can’t tell me, or you don’t want to?”

He shrugged, loving the back-and-forth banter. It had been a long time since a woman had snared his attention and intrigued him like this. “I might tell you,” he said, cocking his head a little. “If you let me take you out to dinner sometime while I’m in town.”

A reluctant smile tugged at her mouth, her eyes filled with humor. “Damn you, that’s my weak spot. You just met me two hours ago and you already know I can’t turn down the chance to solve a mystery.”

That’s what he’d been counting on.

She sat back in her seat, arms crossed, and nodded. “Okay. Dinner it is.” She held out a hand, wiggled her fingers. “Give me your phone.”

The demand surprised him for a moment but he dug it out anyway, accessed his contacts and handed it over, amazed at how much he was looking forward to the prospect of seeing her again. He hadn’t been on a first date in a long damn time, since well before his previous tour in Afghanistan. And that relationship hadn’t withstood the time and distance of a nine-month combat deployment, as so many didn’t.

“This way if you don’t call or email, at least I’ll know it’s not because you ‘lost my number’ or some other lame excuse guys usually use,” she said as she input her information.

Was she serious? “I can’t imagine any guy being dumb enough to turn down the opportunity to go out with you,” he said with a frown.

“Trust me, I know all the excuses by now.” Handing his phone back, she gave him a long, level look. “When do you think this dinner is going to happen, by the way? A week from now? A month? I’m just asking because I’ve got this paper due and a couple exams next week, so—”

“How about tomorrow night?”

She blinked, as though he’d taken her completely by surprise. He got the sense that it was a good thing, that guys had tended to either let her down or play her in the past. Their loss. His gain, because he didn’t pull immature shit like that. “Okay. That works.” She eyed him with a hint of teasing suspicion. “Just as long as you don’t plan to keep being so evasive over dinner.”

She had no idea how good he was at being evasive when he wanted to. He had the best SERE training in the world to thank in part for that. There were certain things about his job that he could never tell her though, due to security clearance issues and operational security. But he didn’t have a problem telling her the basics if she really wanted to know. “I’ll think about it,” he answered, wanting to keep her interested.

Amusement glinting in her pretty eyes, she shook her head at him. “Man, you’re good.”

You bet I am, sweetheart.She wasn’t the only one hooked though, because she’d made one hell of an impression. He definitely wanted to see her again, learn more about her. Find out what made her laugh. What those full, rosy lips tasted like.

One step at a time.

He was only going to be in town for another month or so, before he went back to Kunar Province. It wasn’t fair to start anything serious, but a few dates couldn’t hurt. Besides, he could already tell this girl was different from anyone he’d ever dated before.

And more importantly, something told him that after meeting Summer, his life would never be the same again.

Chapter Three

Present day

Summer thought she couldn’t be any more scared than she already was, but when the truck she was in slowed, she found out differently.

Fear swelled in her chest until it felt like her heart might explode. The initial shock of the attack and kidnapping was gone, leaving nothing but the chill of fear in its wake. As a female captive she faced torture, rape, or worse.

Doors slammed and she heard footsteps approaching the back. Metal creaked, and she caught a breath of cool air through the black hood they’d plunged over her head when they’d taken her.

Terse voices speaking Arabic were close by, but a dialect she wasn’t fluent in. She caught the gist of what they were saying though.

Hurry up and put her in the truck. We don’t have much time.

Another truck? Where were these bastards taking her?