“Well come on in and meet everybody,” Zoe said, stepping back to urge them inside.
The spacious condo was full of pink streamers and balloons and bouquets of pink flowers, interspersed with touches of black. A stack of presents sat on one table and an array of food was laid out on another. As they walked toward it Summer immediately noticed that most of the dishes were black. One of the platters was in the shape of a coffin and a tray was shaped like a large bat.
My first Goth baby shower, she thought with a grin, taking it all in.
“I know, it’s pretty awesome, right?” Zoe said, coming up beside her. She hooked an arm around Summer’s waist. “Celida’s my best friend for a reason. She knows me so well.”
Zoe walked her out onto the huge patio balcony where the other women were and introduced her to everyone. Summer could feel the curious stares coming her way and knew the others must be wondering about what had happened to her in Jordan, or maybe why she’d stayed away from events like this in the past, but everyone was so warm and friendly that her initial nerves didn’t last long.
She sat next to Taya for the first little while but after a few of the women made a point of coming over and talking with her one-on-one to say hello, she felt completely at ease.
Part of her felt like she owed them an explanation as to why she hadn’t come to team functions before now, but a baby shower was no place to ruin the mood by telling them about her stillbirth and resulting marital problems. Not that she would ever tell them until after she became friends with them.
She was so thankful that dark period was behind them now, and that Adam and her were better than ever. These last few months had flown by and things were still going great. Their communication lines were better than ever and Adam had been home a lot, so that all helped.
Celida, the FBI agent married to Tuck, came outside with another platter of food. Little tea sandwiches cut into coffin and bat shapes, and a tiered stand of the cupcakes Taya had brought, decorated with black icing and pink sprinkles.
Summer grabbed herself a glass of non-alcoholic punch and returned to her seat just as Zoe began unwrapping the gifts. Baby Bauer got a zombie bear from someone and all the other necessary things for taking care of a baby, but the best gift was one Zoe opened near the end.
Her eyes went wide and she laughed as she held up a little black onesie with a frog skeleton on the front and the wordsMy Dad Can Kick Your Dad’s Assbeneath it.
Zoe squealed and hugged it to her chest. “Oh my God, where did you find this?” she asked Carmela, Vance’s fiancée and also Cruz’s sister.
Carmela shrugged, laughter in her golden brown eyes. “I have my ways.”
“Yeah, it’s called Google,” Marisol, Cruzie’s better half, said dryly between sips of wine.
“It’s so perfect,” Rachel, Evers’s girlfriend agreed. “Bauer’s gonna love it.”
Zoe set the onesie aside when her cell rang. She spoke for a few moments, then hung up. “That was the man himself. The guys are all down in the clubhouse getting everything ready. Y’all ready for more food?”
Taking their drinks and the desserts with them, they all headed down to the bottom floor as a group. When the elevator doors opened and they all poured out into the clubhouse foyer, the scent of grilling burgers made Summer’s mouth water. Which was a nice change of pace, since she hadn’t been all that hungry recently.
She trailed behind while the others walked out of the open French doors and onto the patio where some of the guys were assembled. At the door she paused, shading her eyes with one hand as she scanned the grassy lawn. She spotted Adam immediately, helping Vance set up lounge chairs over to one side of the yard.
Her heart turned over and her belly fluttered. A big, sappy smile spread across her face as she stood there watching him, admiring the flex and play of his back and shoulder muscles beneath his collared shirt. Even after all these years together, the sight of him still turned her inside out.
As though he sensed her stare, he paused and turned his head to look her way, an easy smile curving his mouth when he saw her.
Stepping up beside her, Taya nudged her hip gently. “I wish I had my phone out to take a picture of your face just now,” she said, sipping at her white wine. “That was a look of total adoration you were giving him.”
Summer shrugged, feeling suddenly emotional. “I’m just so happy.”
Taya slid an arm around her waist, gave her a friendly squeeze. “Well you deserve to be. And it looks good on you, by the way.”
“Thank you.” She was still smiling as Taya walked away.
Glancing over at Zoe, she found the mom-to-be over by the grill standing next to her man. Bauer was grinning at whatever she’d just said, both his big hands framing the swollen mound of her belly.
Summer smiled to herself, her heart beating a little faster at the sight.
She sat with Adam while they ate, talking with Taya and Schroder and then Vance and Carmella. Everyone was so friendly, she was glad she came.
“How are you, anyway?” Schroder asked her before he took a big bite of his second burger. Just like Adam, these guys couldeat.
“I’m doing pretty well, I think,” Summer said, then looked to Adam for confirmation. She’d been keeping a regular schedule of two appointments a week with her therapist. Adam came with her when he could, and the sessions were definitely helping her deal with what had happened back in Amman. Though she’d never completely get over watching Mark die the way he had. “Yes?” she asked him.
“You’re doing great,” he said, one hand curling around her waist.