“I want you,” she whispered against his mouth.
Heat and surprise flashed in his eyes but he didn’t question her, didn’t say anything at all as he plunged his hands into her hair and kissed her back. Long and deep, sliding his tongue into her mouth to stroke hers.
Summer pressed her body flush against his, relishing the feel of that steely strength. God, she’d missed him. Missed touching and kissing and having him inside her, the sense of connection, the pleasure she knew he could give.
Hungry for it, she moaned, rubbed her breasts over his chest as her tongue explored, her nipples already hard and aching and a restless ache building between her thighs. It had literally been months since they’d last had sex. At least four.
He growled low in his throat and picked her up, his hands holding her ass. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, pressing the hot ache between her thighs against the rigid length of his erection she could feel through his jeans.
“Upstairs,” she whispered, frantic to get them both naked. “In our bed.”
Had to be in their bed, this first time since she’d moved back home. As a symbol of a new beginning for them.
Adam murmured his agreement and carried her up the stairs, his lips never leaving hers. The blinds were open on the windows over their bed, letting light stream in. With one hand he pulled the covers back and laid her down against the flannel sheets. The way he stared at her then, the raw hunger and need on his face, made her desperate.
She reached for him, dragged him down on top of her and grasped the hem of his shirt, impatiently peeling it up and over his head. Adam’s fingers went to the buttons holding the front of her dress together, his mouth fused to hers.
Together they stripped each other’s clothes off, tossing them aside onto the bed and floor in their haste to get each other naked. By the time she was bared to him, Summer was half-frantic with need, her heart racing.
Adam stilled her when she reached for him this time, splaying a big hand in the center of her chest and pushing her back onto the sheets instead and sitting back on his heels next to her. “Don’t move. Let me look at you,” he rasped out, his eyes like blue flame as they raked over the length of her naked body.
Summer did as he said, the sight of him poised there beside her with the light gilding his muscles making her toes curl in anticipation. She drank in the sight of his naked body, the breadth of his shoulders and the defined muscles, his hard erection jutting outward, swollen with need. He shook his head once, as if he couldn’t speak, his expression so full of hunger it was all she could do not to pull him back into her arms.
“God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered in a reverent voice as he ran that warm palm down the center of her body and back up again.
She felt beautiful, every nerve ending alive, little zings of pleasure swirling outward at every place he touched. When he reached her breasts he cupped them, thumbs teasing her aching nipples as he leaned in to take her mouth once more.
Summer opened to the demanding pressure of his tongue, got lost in him. The kiss left her panting, aching for so much more. She wound her hands in his hair, tipped her head back and closed her eyes while his mouth blazed a scorching path down the side of her neck, lower to take a hard nipple between his lips.
Her back bowed, her legs coming up to lock around his hips. She’d wanted this for so long, the rightness and sense of connection between them.
“Adam,” she whimpered, wanted to pull him up and slide onto the hard length of his cock she could feel against her thigh.
“No,” he insisted, his hands moving down to lock around her hips. “Lie still for me.”
That firm yet gentle show of authority turned her on even more. This is what it had been like between them before everything had begun to go wrong. It got her so hot when he took control in bed.
She let herself float in the warm current of arousal carrying her, getting lost in the caress of his hands and lips as he worshipped her body. She was so damn wet already, dying for him to ease the empty ache inside her. It had been so damn long since she’d felt this, let him take her on the dizzying climb to release.
When at last he knelt between her legs and pushed her thighs apart, she gripped his hard shoulders, breathing fast, her heart knocking against her ribs. He gave a low growl in the back of his throat, his expression absorbed, intense as his gaze locked on her slick folds, the anticipation so high she could hardly stand it.
She bit her lip, couldn’t hold back a soft cry of need when he bent forward and pressed his mouth to her aching core, then the tender, hot stroke of his tongue. The low, bass rumble of enjoyment he gave nearly undid her. Just that one caress and she was on edge.
His hands closed around her hips once more, holding her down in a silent command to stay still while his tongue licked and caressed her most sensitive flesh. Sparks of pleasure raced through her body, the sweet ache building inside her with every flick of his talented tongue. God, how had she lived without this for so long?
Never again. She couldn’t live without this, without him again. He meant everything to her and she was so damn grateful that they had a second chance.
“Adam,” she gasped, squeezing her eyes shut when he slid his tongue into her, the raw intimacy of it stealing her breath. Her hips rocked against his tongue, demanding more. He withdrew his tongue to swirl it slowly around her swollen clit, then paused to suck softly, his eyes locked on her face.
God!Impatient, desperate and already starting the climb to orgasm, she sank her fingers into his hair, tugged him upward. “Now,now,” she pleaded breathlessly, her entire body trembling with the force of the desire and emotions swamping her.
He made a sound of protest and kept on licking her, clearly wanting to make her insane. But she was already there and needed him inside her when she came this first time. She’d gone too long without him and didn’t want to wait another second.
She tugged again, and when he wouldn’t budge, sat up to grab hold of his shoulders and pulled. With a deep chuckle he lifted his head to nip at her abdomen, then worked his way up her body. “You want me in you.” His tone was pure seduction, knowing it would make her even hotter.
“Yes.” Greedy now, she reached down and curled her hand around the hard length of his erection. He groaned at her touch, bowed his head and shuddered with eyes closed, his expression tortured.
Her heart turned over.I know, baby.