But that sort of death would be too easy. Too fast, too merciful. No, she had to die the way he’d originally intended. He needed to see her suffer for what she’d done.

A sudden rush of adrenaline muted the pain. He’d kill her and the other hostage, then escape before the enemy could reach him. He transferred the pistol to his other hand, covered a wince as the act of gripping it aggravated the wound in his shoulder.

Ignoring the burning ache of his wounds, he slipped his left hand into his pants’ pocket and pulled out a lighter.

Now her eyes widened, fear leaching her face of all remaining color and showing the whites around her irises. It sent a wave of triumph through him.

She shook her head mutely in denial, as if she could ward him off, stop this from happening. But if she was hoping for mercy, she was a fool, for he had none. Not for the likes of her or any other American waging war against his people.

Tarek found himself smiling as he stalked forward, aware of the gunfire growing fiercer outside but unconcerned with it for the moment. Right now all he wanted wasthis. To watch this bitch burn and writhe before his eyes.

She backed away and pressed against the bars, and the rush of euphoria that swept through him nearly made him dizzy. He raised the lighter even higher, an almost sexual arousal flowing through him at the abject terror on her face.

That was better, much better than the determined expression she’d worn just a few moments ago. But it wasn’t enough.

He needed to hear her screams, see the flames devour her. Even if only for a few seconds, just long enough to know she was receiving the divine punishment she deserved, that she wouldn’t survive. Then he could turn his attention to the coming attack.

More shouts erupted behind him, calls for help, for his guidance. The sounds of his men scrambling to repel whoever was attempting to mount an attack. He would answer in a few moments.

He raised his thumb, flicked the metal wheel so that the sparks struck. A single flame burst free, glowing in the dark, smoky air. It was beautiful, glowing gold and orange with its heat. An insatiable heat that would soon devour her infidel body.

The building was suddenly plunged into total darkness.

Jerked from his trancelike state, Tarek lowered the lighter and half-turned around in confusion. They had a backup generator buried deep in the ground, the power shouldn’t have gone out unless—

The far door burst open and multiple explosions went off almost simultaneously.

Brilliant flashes of light blinded him. He staggered back, instinct urging him to move off to one side and bring his weapon up to face the looming threat.

The enemy was here and he would send as many of them to hell as he could before they took him.

Chapter Twenty

Adam’s heart pounded as he stood fourth in line along the wall to the left of the door, and waited. The dead guards’ bodies lay where they’d fallen and no one else had come out to investigate yet. Colebrook and the sniper team had reported no further threats.

Those bloodcurdling screams from inside had stopped abruptly a few moments ago, but the chilling sound still rang in his ears as he waited for Tuck to give the order to breach the door.

He tried not to think about what the silence meant, but that was impossible when he knew his wife was just on the other side of the wall he waited beside.

The thought that Summer might just have been killed in there while he’d been mere yards away, unable to prevent it…

He blocked the thought as soon as it formed, shoved it into a tamperproof box in his mind and locked it down tight. Because if he dwelled on it for another moment, he’d lose his shit completely and be useless to the team. He might even become a danger to them, and the entire operation could be blown. None of the hostages would make it out then.

So no. He had to believe Summer was still alive in there, and that he was going to save her.

Just as soon as Tuck pulled the trigger and gave the damn order to breach the building. As soon as he did, one of the snipers would cut power from the generator and put everyone inside in the dark.Hurry the fuck up.

Adam’s hands remained locked around the grips of his weapon, the butt snug against his right shoulder, muzzle lowered. For now. Every second he waited there, poised to go and kick ass, felt like an hour.

Come on, let’s go, he admonished silently, struggling to hold onto the tattered remains of his patience.



At Tuck’s quiet command they blew the charges on the door. And just like that, everything went into slo-mo.

Tuck went in first, Evers right behind him. Adam surged in behind Cruzie, his heart rate jacked and adrenaline pumping through him. Heavy smoke surrounded him, then he caught the unmistakable smell of burned flesh.