Three years ago
She couldn’t remember ever being so nervous and excited at the same time.
Summer fought not to fidget as she sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair in the hospital waiting room and awaited the call from the nurse. The magazine in her lap couldn’t hold her interest for more than a few minutes at a time, she was too busy checking the clock on the wall.
Adam’s text chimed from her lap.You in yet?
Not yet, she responded.Any time now. I’ll text you once I’m ready.
OK. Love you.
Love you back.She wished he could be here, but at least he was carving out the time.
She stood and hitched her purse up on her shoulder, butterflies fluttering around in her belly. “Yes.”
The nurse smiled at her. “Right this way.”
She was shown into a room and given a gown to change into, then stretched out on the table to await the doctor. A few minutes later the female obstetrician came in. Summer dialed Adam, anxious to be connected with him. They’d been trying to get pregnant for so long and just couldn’t on their own, and the IVF clinic had warned her that a positive pregnancy test didn’t necessarily mean a viable pregnancy.
“You ready?” the doctor asked, gathering the ultrasound device.
“Yes. Adam, you can hear us?” Summer asked.
“Loud and clear,” he answered.
It wasn’t as good as having him here beside her, holding her hand, but it was better than nothing. He’d been great through everything so far, all the disappointments and setbacks she’d gone through. Having a baby of their own was more important to her than it was to him, but he’d been completely supportive through this journey so far and she loved him to death for it.
“I’m inserting the probe now,” the doctor said.
Summer swallowed and tried to relax, but couldn’t slow her racing heart. She’d wanted to have a baby so badly and now that she was finally pregnant, she didn’t know if she could bear finding out there was no heartbeat.
She watched as the doctor fiddled with some buttons and knobs on the ultrasound machine, kept her fingers tightly laced together atop her stomach.Please please please, she begged, holding her breath.
At first there was no sound at all, then some crackling noises, like static.
And finally, just when her heart was about to burst, she heard it. A faint, pulsing whoosh-whoosh sound.
The doctor smiled at her. “Hang on, let me see if I can get a better angle.” She manipulated the probe and the sound grew louder.
Summer unclasped her hands and put one over her mouth as tears sprang to her eyes. She let out a watery laugh. “Do you hear that?”
“Is that it? That’s the heartbeat?” Adam asked, excitement in his voice.
“That’s it,” the doctor confirmed. “Congratulations.”
Summer closed her eyes and said a silent prayer of thanks as her husband’s delighted laugh filled the room, mixing with their baby’s heartbeat.
Against all odds, they were going to be parents after all.
Present Day
Adam’s fingers flexed on his weapon as they neared the target location. He focused on staying calm, took a steadying breath and kept a positive mental tickertape running through his mind.
Summer was still alive, best anyone could tell. And with this so-called “insider source” having leaked this tip to the Jordanians a little over an hour ago, his hopes were running high that she’d be here.