From across the room Foster met his gaze, a muscle flexing in his jaw. “That’s correct.”

“Can Adam hear me?”


“Adam, I’m so sorry.”

He hated the sorrow in her voice. Sorrow because she thought Summer might already be dead. He refused to accept that.

“Thank you,” he made himself say. It was probably hard for Schroder to hear her right now, to have her dragged into this without any warning, and not be able to talk to her in private first. “I’m hoping you can help us.” He wasn’t sure what information she had, but he knew she’d been held captive for a long time and must have solid insider info, otherwise the director wouldn’t have brought her in.

“I’ll help in whatever way I can. What is it you want to ask me, Director?”

Adam hung on every word as she answered specific questions about Qureshi’s network at the time of her captivity, and their possible ties to the ATB. Most of it he hadn’t been aware of, and he knew that’s why the director was asking her in front of everyone.

Foster had no doubt been briefed on all this months ago, but he wanted them all to understand what he was getting at. Taya confirmed there had been connections between the two groups while she was held prisoner in Afghanistan.

Near the end of the conversation, Foster crossed his arms and spread his feet apart. “So let’s get right down to it. I’m sorry for the bluntness, but I need to ask. In one of your previous interviews you said that during your captivity you came into contact with female hostages either bought from or sold to the ATB.”

“Yes. Several that I knew of. I overheard Hassan talking to Qureshi one night about it. The ATB would sell female captives to Qureshi in exchange for heroin or weapons smuggled out of Afghanistan.”

Adam leaned forward and steepled his hands over his nose and mouth, his heart slamming hard against his ribs. The thought of Summer being sold as some fighter or warlord’s slave turned his stomach inside out. He was terrified for her. After what she’d already endured and all the emotional baggage she’d worked so hard to unload, being raped would surely shatter her.

Foster nodded in confirmation, then asked, “We have access to several prisoners you’ll be familiar with. You have firsthand knowledge of these guys and I want you directly on hand because these are high value hostages and we need to find them as soon as possible. I’d like to bring you on board as a contractor, per se. In the interest of convenience and efficiency, would you be willing to fly here and assist us with the investigation in person?”

A surprised pause followed the question. Adam shot a sharp look over at Schroder. Three seats down from Adam, the medic was scowling, his expression full of alarm.

Adam felt bad for him. He didn’t blame Schroder for not wanting Taya anywhere near this hemisphere after all she’d gone through, let alone digging all this up again. But if it helped them find Summer…

“Yes, of course,” she answered, and Adam wanted to hug her. She was so brave, always standing tall in the face of whatever life dealt her.

Schroder apparently couldn’t take it anymore. “Tay, are you sure?” he asked, his voice full of concern.

“Yes, Nathan. I want to help, and if something I know can help get Summer back, then I have to do this. So I’m coming.”

“Thank you,” Foster told her, and Adam added his silent thanks as well. “How soon can you leave?”

“Almost right away,” she answered. “I just need a few hours to clear my schedule and get to the airport.”

“We’ll arrange a flight for you, then have an agent come to escort you to the airport. Someone will accompany you on the flight here.”

“I’ll call Celida,” Tuck interjected from beside Adam. “She’ll take you to the airport.”

“I’d appreciate that, thanks,” Taya answered.

Foster ended the call and the meeting broke up a few minutes later. Adam stood and immediately turned to Schroder, feeling a little awkward about what had happened.

“Hey,” he began, but Schroder shook his head to stop him and held up a hand.

“It’s okay, man. Taya’s right, and I know she’s strong enough to handle this. If she can see something that might help us break this case open, then I want her here too.”

“Thank you,” he managed, voice rough. He hoped like hell Taya would be able to give them a clue, a detail they were missing that would enable them to get a location on Summer.

Schroder clapped a hand on his shoulder, gripped tight. “We’re family. We take care of our own.”

Adam nodded, throat too tight to speak. Theywerefamily. A band of brothers. And he honestly didn’t know what he’d do without them right now.

Chapter Seven