After dinner it was such a nice night out that they decided to walk around to look at all the shops and restaurants in this little pocket of the city. The March breeze was chilly though and when he saw her tug her shawl tighter around herself, he stepped in close and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. The feel of his strong arm around her sent tingles racing over her skin like sparks.
“That better?” he murmured, and she nodded. “We can go back to my truck if you’re too cold.”
“No, this is perfect.” She loved the solid weight of his arm around her. And he was just so easy to talk to, she didn’t want the date to end.
At her place later he walked her to the front door, put his hands in his pockets. “I had a good time.”
“Me too.” Best time she’d had in a long damn time. He was smart, focused and had an easy smile. A combination that left her more than a little breathless.
As he stared down at her, his face illuminated by the overhead light at the building’s entrance, his relaxed expression turned serious. “Like I told you, I’ve only got a few more weeks left here before I go back overseas. I want to be up front with you about that.”
“I appreciate that. But if you’re worried I won’t want to go out with you again just because you’re leaving soon, you’re wrong. Unless you don’t want to go out with me again,” she added hastily.
“No, I do,” he said just as quickly. “I’d love to go out again. I really like you.”
She smiled at him, warmth rushing through her. “I really like you too.” A gust of wind kicked up, blowing her hair around her shoulders and tugging the end of her wrap free.
Adam caught it deftly in one fist. His intense expression as he held her gaze sent a shiver of excitement through her as he carefully wound the fabric around her shoulders, his fingers brushing against the bare skin of her upper arms.
But he didn’t stop there. Sliding his hands to her back, he gently drew her toward him. The breath stalled in her throat as she gazed up at him, pulse thumping in anticipation.
One big hand smoothed up to her nape, his long fingers spearing into her hair as he cradled the back of her head. She placed her hands on his chest, desire pooling low and thick inside her at the feel of those powerful, steely muscles beneath her palms. Everything about him was so unexpected. And exciting. The thought of unbuttoning his shirt and stroking all that raw strength with her fingertips made her heart pound.
His ice-blue gaze dipped down to her mouth. Her belly pulled tight as she tilted her head back, let her eyes drift close. His lips brushed against hers. Twice. Three times. Soft and warm.
And then they closed over hers completely and he kissed her until she melted against him.
His hand remained rock steady at the back of her head, holding her still, the other splayed across her back. That mixture of dominance and tenderness turned her inside out.
She could feel herself melting in his embrace, a little moan slipping from her throat as his tongue slid into her mouth to caress hers. God, the man could kiss. He took his time, exploring, tasting. Teasing. Making her crazy.
When he pulled back a few minutes later she was gripping those broad shoulders, fingers digging into his muscles. And all she could think about was what it would feel like to sink them into his naked back while he used that wicked mouth on other parts of her body.
As though he knew what she was thinking, with another easy smile he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her tingling lips. “You taste just as sweet as I thought you would,” he whispered, his fingers dragging against her scalp in a drugging caress as they left her hair.
She had to force herself to release his shoulders, drew the wrap tighter around herself to hide the way her nipples were beaded tight against the bodice of her dress. Her mind was blank, completely wiped clean from a single kiss. That had never happened to her before.
“How busy are you going to be with studying the rest of this week?” he asked.
“Not so busy that I wouldn’t make time for you.” Yeah, her voice definitely sounded a little breathless, but it was a miracle she could formulate a sentence right now.
His eyes warmed as he smiled. “Good, then I’ll call you.” The hand splayed across her back rubbed gently before withdrawing, and she immediately regretted the loss of his touch. “Thanks for the date. Have a good night.”
She almost asked him to come upstairs, something she never did on a first date. But there was something about him that made her want to throw caution aside, and it wasn’t just that he came with an expiration date. In just a few short hours together, this man had already begun to work his way under her skin.
And the truth was, she liked the feel of him there too much to stop whatever was forming between them.
Chapter Five
Present day
Adam shoved open the door and stumbled into his hotel room, barely aware of moving.
Ten hours. Ten fucking hours since Summer had been taken and not a single trace of her. He’d spent that entire time searching in the vicinity where she’d been kidnapped at gunpoint, kicking down doors with his teammates and following leads that had gone nowhere.
The Jordanians were working on the situation with them but so far they’d found nothing of use. By now she could be across the border in Syria for all he knew.
He sank down on the edge of his bed and dragged his hands through his hair, feeling so many things at once he couldn’t feel anything at all. And this downtime was killing him because it gave him too much time to think, for his imagination to conjure up all kinds of twisted, sadistic things the captors might be doing to Summer at that very moment.