Nine years ago
Summer couldn’t believe how nervous she was as she waited for Adam to come pick her up. She’d been on plenty of first dates and none of them had given her butterflies like this one.
Something about the man drew her to him, made her want to learn all about him. He’d called her bright and early that morning to confirm, something she found adorable, and said he’d pick her up at six.
Going on the assumption that a military man would be punctual, she was on the couch by the front door ready to go at quarter to. When her buzzer rang at five minutes to, she jumped up to answer it.
“Hey, it’s Adam,” he said in that deliciously deep voice of his.
Yep, punctual. A good sign that he was dependable. She liked that in a man. “Hey, I’ll be right down.”
On her way out she paused in front of the mirror in the entryway to check her appearance. She’d left her hair down today, using a curling iron to make the ends into soft waves that fell around her shoulders.
The bright green gingham, sleeveless dress was one of her favorites, a 50s style number she’d picked up at a favorite retro boutique in Alexandria. The circle skirt flared out around her hips, the crinoline beneath it making it swish with every step. It was pretty and feminine and made her want to twirl around like a little girl, just to see it move.
She adjusted the wrap around her shoulders as she stepped outside. Adam was waiting for her by the building’s front door. His ice-blue eyes widened when he saw her, an appreciative gleam in them as he took her in from head to toe. And everywhere his gaze touched, it left a trail of heat in its wake.
“Wow, look at you.” He paused, gestured down at the blue button-down shirt and khakis he wore. “I guess I should have dressed up more.”
“No, you look great.” Hot, actually. Hot was the word, so tall and dark and handsome with all those muscles stretching the fabric of his shirt like that. “I just hardly ever get to wear dresses like this and I love them, so I thought what the heck.”
Maybe it was too much for a first date, but she’d been so excited to have an excuse to put it on. She loved how feminine it made her feel, and she’d wanted to make sure he noticed and remembered her.
“Well, you look beautiful. And it suits you.”
Her cheeks warmed at the compliment. “Thanks,” she murmured, tucking a lock of hair behind her right ear.
She expected him to turn away and lead her to his car but instead he reached an arm around her to set a hand on her waist and walked beside her. The gallant, almost possessive move sent a secret thrill through her. His big hand was solid against the curve of her waist, the heat of it seeping through the cotton fabric and into her skin.
A strong, capable hand. Protective and caring.
For just a moment she let herself indulge in imagining what it would feel like stroking over her naked skin. Not that she planned to let things go that far tonight, even if he was interested. Still, the fantasy was nice.
“So I was thinking of trying a steak place I’ve heard about in town,” he said, glancing at her as they headed for the black truck parked at the curb. She noticed how watchful he was, as if he was scanning for potential threats. No doubt something that had kept him alive overseas. “That okay with you?”
She nodded. “Sounds great, because I’m starving.”
He chuckled and opened the passenger door for her, even handed her the seatbelt. They taught nice manners down in Kansas. “Not something a guy hears too often on a first date.”
She gave him a coy smile. “Well I’m not your average girl.”
“Oh, I’m well aware of that already.” He came around the hood, slid behind the wheel and started the engine. “So, did you get to the bottom of your family mystery yet?”
“Nearly. I’m just waiting to hear back from a contact I was given over in Vietnam. He’s going to check records for me there and let me know if he can find the name and service record of my grandfather’s guardian angel. I’m really excited.”
He gave her a warm smile. “Good. It’s a neat story.”
“I think so too.”
After he parked he dug in his pocket for something, pulled out a piece of paper and held it out to her. “Got something for you.”
“What’s this?” she asked as she took it.
“I reached out to a contact of mine to see if he could help. He served in Vietnam and is pretty hooked into the veteran community. I told him about your grandfather’s story and he said he’d look into it if you give him the details.”
His thoughtfulness floored her. “Thank you.” It seemed like an inadequate thing to say in light of how much his gesture meant to her.
He shrugged. “No problem.”