The guys rise out their chairs fast as lightning and Cara releases a shrill whistle, gaining everyone’s attention. “I know you’re all starving, but I know you haven’t lost your minds. Kids first. You know the rules.”
The guys groan and plop back down as the Ol’ Ladies get up and make their way to fix the kids’ plates.
“Are you kidding me? I was jacked by one of the ‘said kids’ and they still get to eat before me?” Dice whines. Madison’s family looks on in confusion as Capone and I snicker.
Cara has two plates in her hand with Khai and Liam flanking both sides of her. Liam pulls at Cara’s shirt, and she peers down at him. He points toward our table. Cara gaze connects with mine and she raises her brow at me. I nod my head and Madison and I scoot over to make room for him. I grab a chair from a nearby table. Liam takes his seat, smiling over to Madison. She plants a kiss to his forehead as he sighs happily and begins to dig in.
Andrew barks out a laugh when he watches how Liam scarfs the food down. “Little man has a healthy appetite. What’s your name?” he asks Liam.
Liam is oblivious to anything other than his plate right now. “His name is Liam and he’s our godson,” I tell him.
“Our?” her mom asks with a smile.
“Yeah. My best friend Cara has four kids and we’re the godparents to all of them. Liam is smitten with Madison.”
Madison smiles at her mom. Martha turns to me and gives me a nod with a smile. It feels like acceptance. She finally sees I’m going to make Madison happy here.
After the kids' plates are made, everyone gets up and starts making their plates. With so many people here, it takes about twenty minutes for me to make my rounds, making plates for me and Madison. When I make it back to the table, I sit Maddy’splate down, take my seat, and dig in. Her family joins us a few moments later.
Her mom takes a bite, and she looks down at her food in disbelief. “Oh my God,” she gasps before taking another bite.
“I told you.” Maddy snickers.
“You eat like this every day?” Ethan asks around a mouthful of food.
“Pretty much,” Madison says, shrugging.
Ethan turns to me with the most serious expression. “What do I have to do to become a Warrior?”
Martha chokes on her food and stares at her son in shock. “Don’t even think about it,” she warns.
Laughter goes around the table. Everything is going to be alright. I have my woman back and her family has accepted our relationship. I want to start my forever with her. There’s only one thing left in my way.
And Iwillend him.
Chapter Twenty-Five
The past few days have been the best of my life. I loved having my family here, getting to know everyone. My mom hit it off with Crystal and Victoria, and Paul and my father were like long-lost friends. They even made plans to go golfing together in a few weeks. My heart is filled with so much love and happiness having everything come full circle.
I haven’t thought of Thomas all week. I’m too consumed with enjoying time with my family. My brothers love it here. Although Austin is about to graduate from college with a degree in business finance he was intrigued by the club. Ethan, on the other hand, is fully committed to convincing Mom to let him join.
The club threw him a surprise birthday party. My family and I were completely surprised. Jonah arranged that as well. The party was tame compared to what I have witnessed being here. That is until my parents went home for the night. As soon as they left, Blade and Torch had a group of strippers come down from their club.
Ethan was like a fox in a hen house. The guys sat him in the middle of the room so he could receive a lap dance from not one, not two, butthreestrippers. That moment only solidifiedhis determination to join the club. Austin rooted Ethan on while laughing but I had to cover my eyes. My baby brother had tits and vaginas all over him and he looked like there was no other place he’d rather be.
He tried talking me into letting him have a beer but I refused him immediately. Mom and Dad would kill me if he came home drunk. They were already nervous enough about leaving him there. Jonah and I promised to keep an eye on him. If Mom ever finds out about the strippers, I will plead the fifth. I knew nothing.
The best part of this holiday was watching Jonah reconnect with my family. He and my brothers played video games like they used to. He watched the game with my dad while Mom cooked and occasionally snuck in the kitchen to steal a piece of food. Everything was exactly like it should have been all these years.
I’m devastated that it's come to an end, but I know it won't be the last time. My parents plan on visiting a lot now that Ethan has graduated and they have a bit more freedom.
I’m currently standing at the terminal with Jonah behind me. His arms wrap me in a cocoon as I cry my eyes out. I just said goodbye to my family. I knew it would be hard, but with each step that they took, I felt like someone was ripping my heart out.
Three years is a long time to have been away from them and five days wasn’t enough time having them back. I keep telling myself it’s only temporary because it is. Jonah let me know this morning that now that the holiday was over, they would finally be going after Thomas. I hope all this is over by Christmas. I don’t want to put my life on hold for any longer than I already have.