Page 45 of Blade

The room is completely silent. Everyone is letting her words sink in. This could change a lot of lives. Growing up, my siblings and I went to many charity events. My parents were always giving back to those less fortunate.

“Sara’s right. We all have come a long way. None of us are strangers to growing up in rough neighborhoods. Giving back to those less fortunate than us is the exact kind of thing we should be doing,” Smoke says.

“Alright, let’s vote on it guys. All in favor of starting a charity, raise your hand.” Within two seconds, every hand is raised around the table. Sara smiles and mouthsthank youto the guys.

“Okay, Cara and Sara, you two are in charge of this since I’m pretty sure none of us have a clue on how to start a charity.”

“Oh no, we’re placing Mom in charge. She lives for this kind of stuff. Plus, with her occupied, it’ll slow her down from asking for more grandbabies.”

Viper chuckles while shaking his head at Sara. “Last but not least. Last night we had a situation. Ivy made her move on Bianca.”

All the guys sit up and began firing off question after question. Viper brings the gavel down, silencing everyone. “Bianca is fine, guys. We have Ivy hanging in the basement. Blade, since this is about you and your family, I’m going to let you make the final decision about Ivy.”

I was hoping he would do this. After we went back to Sara’s last night, my sisters pulled me to the side and told me all the shit Ivy said. She was going to kill Bianca just so neither one of them could have me. Death would be too easy of a punishment. Ivy wants to be crazy, well, crazy is exactly what she’s going to get.

“Sis, did you call that client?” I ask Cara.

She gives me her classic evil grin and a nod. Turning my attention back to the table, I see my brothers looking on expectantly. “Cara has a client who owes her a favor. He owns a maximum-security psych ward. He’s been known to dabble in a thing or two and he’s agreed to take Ivy as patient. She’ll never see the light of day. The rest of her days will be filled with straitjackets, padded walls, and drooling patients who try to use their Jell-O as a face mask.”

The room is silent for a few seconds then all the guys are roaring with laughter. “Remind me to never piss you or any of your siblings off. You all really are a devious bunch,” Thor says in between his laughter.

After everyone has calmed down, Viper takes the floor again. “Okay, Blade, do you want to deliver the news to Ivy?”

“Nah, Cara gets the honor. It was part of the deal for using her favor. Plus, Ivy took a shot at Cara last night so, in a way, she’s getting her payback since she can’t torture her.”

Viper shakes his head and brings the gavel down, ending church. We all go down to the basement where Ivy hangs from the ceiling by her wrists. When her gaze falls on me, she starts crying and begging me to help her.

“Blade, please don’t let them do this. All I did was love you. Are you really going to sit back and watch them kill me?”


Ivy smiles and breaths out a sigh of relief. Cara laughs then clicks her tongue at Ivy. “You’re misunderstanding what he means. While we might not be killing you, we will be locking your ass up in a psych ward, where you’ll never see the light of day. Straitjackets and padded walls are what your future looks like.”

Ivy face is red by the time Cara finishes. She shakes at her chains, cursing and kicking. “You think you’re so tough. I should have kicked your ass when I had the chance!”

Everyone looks on in shock as Cara starts lowering the chains and sets Ivy free. “Kick my ass? Well, here’s your chance. I’ll make a deal with you.Ifyou kick my ass, we’ll set you free.”

I know there’s no chance in hell of Ivy winning this fight, so I put my hands in my pockets and lean against the wall to watch the show. Ivy’s running completely off emotions. She charges Cara. Ivy throws a wild punch. Cara blocks it and sends a blow to Ivy’s stomach that has her staggering backward.

“Is Ivy out of her mind challenging Cara to a fight? Everyone has seen her sparring with me, Dice, and Gunner. The woman is a beast. No offense, Prez,” Capone says.

“None taken, brother.” Viper chuckles. He’s sending my sister a heated look that’s lets us know he’s turned on watching his woman in action. They really are the perfect pair.

“Come on, Ivy. You’re supposed to be kicking my ass,” Cara taunts her.

Ivy charges forward with another failed attempt to land a blow on Cara. After two minutes into the fight, Ivy’s face is a mess and Cara doesn’t have a single scratch on her. Ivy tries throwing another punch, but this time, Cara takes hold of her arm, extending it with a twist while driving her free arm into Ivy’s elbow, breaking her arm.

The sickening crunch makes a few of the guys wince. Ivy clutches her arm with a cry, leaving her face completely open. Cara delivers an uppercut that knocks Ivy unconscious. When she slumps to the ground, Cara looks a little disappointed.

“That’s it? I thought she would put up a bigger fight.” She pouts.

“Doc, patch up her arm so when the looney van comes to get her, we can send her on her way,” Viper orders.

He charges for my sister, throws her over his shoulder, and races out of the basement. Everyone howls in laughter except me and Torch. We’re flying out of the basement, making our way out of the clubhouse. I know exactly what’s about to happen and I don’t want to be here to hear it.

We make it to my mom’s in no time, and Bianca comes rushing out on the porch to meet me. “Is it done?” she asks us.

“It’s done, Coco. You’ll never have to worry about her ever again.”