“Hey, Lisa. Sure can. Do you know what the others want?” James asks as he’s opening a beer and setting it before Lisa.
“What they want is to have snuck out without me tonight, but joke’s on them. Lucy should know better than to leave her unlocked phone sitting in the same room as me if she’s trying to keep me out of the loop. Oh, hey, Rex, glad you’re here. Lucy will be needing your help resetting her passcode. I took a page out of my little friend Craig’s book and changed it on her. Might want to make it two beers, James,” Lisa explains in nearly one long breath. “Being annoying is thirsty business.”
“Damn, girl,” James mutters as he grabs another beer.
“I’m curious about what a person would have to do to piss off both Lucy and Chubs. Didn’t even know that was possible,” Horse says while clinking beer bottles with Lisa.
“Being a loving, protective older sister is grounds enough, apparently,” Lisa says with an exaggerated eye roll. “And Chubs isn’t actually mad at me. He’s just wise enough to know he needs to take Lucy’s side if he wants to sleep indoors tonight.”
“Still haven’t forgiven him, have you?” I ask.
“Kind of, yeah. Mostly, anyway. But I haven’t forgotten, and I’m still keeping my eye on him,” Lisa answers honestly.
“That’s totally fair, Lisa. Trigger hasn’t completely come around yet either,” James says.
“Nor Axel,” I add.
“Lucy got hurt. I got mad. She loves him, and things will work out perfectly for them, just like we all knew it would eventually. Doesn’t mean I’m not still a little pissed, though. Candy even lectured me yesterday about anger management techniques,”Lisa admits with a grin. “Those classes must have really helped her a lot.”
“I think the part that helped her the most was kicking Axel and Pooh’s ass every day,” James states with a laugh.
“Maybe you should make Chubs get in the ring with you, Lisa,” Horse suggests with a wicked grin.
Lisa’s whole body perks up for a few beats before her shoulders slump.
“He’d just stand there and let me hit him. I couldn’t do that to him,” Lisa says with a sigh.
“That wouldn’t stop Candy,” James says, and we all laugh at the beautiful memories of Axel and Pooh getting stomped.
“Those were good times,” I add.
“Hey, guys. Brother James, can I get some drinks from you?” Chubs asks when he leans against the bar on my other side.
“Nice chatting, guys. I must go annoy my little sister some more,” Lisa states before strolling off, beer in each hand.
“What are you guys up to tonight?” Chubs asks while waiting for James and his drinks.
“Not sure yet. Definitely a few beers and most likely some questionable decisions,” Horse replies with a grin.
“All your decisions are questionable, Horse,” I state.
“Heard you’re going to work at the security office, Horse. Who’s left to work with Freddy at the strip club?” James asks.
“Freddy is pretty much it. Vex told him he’s cutting his hours back now that he’s a dad. Wants to spend more time at home spoiling his daughter,” Horse answers while ignoring my comment.
“Vex might be worse than Axel when it comes to their daughters,” I mutter before taking another long pull of beer.
“Might be time to let the strip club go and let Freddy retire,” Chubs says thoughtfully.
“With the security company doing as well as it is, the club can afford to do that now,” I reply while considering his idea.
“Bring it up at Church, Chubs,” Horse suggests.
“Yeah, maybe I will. Enough work talk. Let’s go see what the town has in store for us,” Chubs suggests.
I tip my beer bottle back and finish it off before Horse and I follow Chubs to the table to make plans.
I really should have stayed at the bar, chatting with James. Life would have stayed simpler.