Same question I’ve asked countless times, and I receive the same reply.
“No, nothing yet.”
Once I got into the CCTV and Club Ace’s security systems, I turned it over to Reeves. He’s watched countless hours of video, looking for anything suspicious or any clue as to who slipped us the drugs. So far, it’s been a waste of time. Frustrated, I slam my hand against the door jam and turn toward my office.
“She’ll be okay, Rex,” Reeves states quietly.
“She blames herself,” I respond before turning back, entering the office, and leaning my back against the wall.
“I know, but for what exactly? She had no control over anything, but she looked guilty as hell,” Reeves says, clearly confused. “Does she really feel she took advantage of you?”
I stand without answering for a full minute, thinking over Reeves’ words. Slowly, I nod my head.
“I think so. Not completely sure, but she not only looked guilty but ashamed. God, I hate that for her. She’s as innocent in all of this as we were.”
“Keep in mind she is Chubs’ sister, and they think a lot alike. He would feel all sorts of ashamed and guilty if he were in her shoes,” Reeves states.
“You’re right. I just wish I could get her to talk to me about it. I don’t blame her in any way. Hell, I don’t even remember if anything happened that anyone could feel guilty for,” I answer in a frustrated tone as I run both hands through my hair.
“I hope you never told her you didn’t remember if something did happen. Women don’t take that well at all. Even if you were drugged. I know this for a fact. I got shitfaced drunk one night at the club and woke up to a random in my bed. Probably a Vex fan who got rejected. Anyway, I made the mistake of asking who she was and why she was in my bed. My aching head couldn’t handle the screeching of obscenities at me, so I locked myself in my bathroom and took a shower after telling her it was time for her to leave. Yeah, asshole, I see by your grin you know what morning I’m speaking of. Fuck off! Anyhow, next thing I know, my bathroom door got kicked in, and Trigger dragged my naked self into the hall while Axel put out the fire in my bedroom. Therandom had put all my clothes in the middle of my bed and torched it. I didn’t even have underwear, and only Axel was kind enough to loan me a pair,” Reeves says with a sad shake of his head.
I’m laughing so hard at that fun moment in time that I’m wheezing. When I can speak again, I ignore the bird Reeves is flipping me and say, “Axel didn’t loan them to you. You stole them from his room, and he beat your ass in the ring for it. God, I forgot about that morning. Good memories, brother.”
“Whatever. I let him win so he’d quit whining. Should have seen the looks I got riding my bike home in nothing but that one piece of material. Didn’t even have boots to wear. I’ll never live down the fact that I walked into the main room wearing a banana hammock with the words “Hot Stuff” plastered on them.”
“Thank God, Petey is quick with his phone. That was the top video of the club for quite a while. Axel’s ass waxing finally took that spot away from you,” I state and then duck the ink pen meant to impale itself into my eye.
“What’s got Reeves throwing things?” Horse asks as him, Pigeon, and Ava’s pig Gee, walk into the room.
“None of your business, jerk face,” Reeves barks before throwing another ink pen, but at Horse this time.
I snort-laugh when I spot the t-shirt Gee is wearing. It’s bright orange and has black lettering that spells out “30-minute orgasms. Jealous yet?”
“Pooh’s going to end up taking your spot on Ava’s hit list when she sees this shirt,” Pigeon says before frowning.
I’m sure Pigeon would love to see me stay on that list because I ended up there while trying to get even with him and Reeves for a taser vs. balls incident.
“Why do you have Gee?” I ask in an attempt to distract Pigeon before he thinks to remove Gee’s shirt. I want Ava to go after Pooh. I desperately want off that list.
“Chubs had something to do, so we’re taking him back to the clubhouse,” Horse replies while blocking Pigeon from getting to Gee. It works because Pigeon turns back to me, stares for a minute before asking why I was laughing when they walked in.
“We were discussing the burning bed incident,” I answer with a grin.
“Damn. I heard about that, but it was before I was a prospect,” Horse states. “Saw the video, though. The words “Hot Stuff” were hard to read because the hammock wasn’t, um, shall we say, stuffed very well.”
“The fuck it wasn’t!” shouts Reeves.
“Petey said he had to zoom all the way in to even notice there was print on it,” Pigeon adds with a taunting grin.
As expected, this is the point where Reeves jumps out of his chair and goes after Pigeon. Seconds later, they’re wrestling on the floor while Horse and I make our bets. Gee, because he’s a smart pig, squeals, then runs for cover under the desk.
“What started it this time?” asks a voice from the doorway.
I turn and see Ivy, Pigeon’s wife, standing there, hands on hips, frown on her face.
“Dick size,” Horse comments without looking away from the wrestling match.
“You should all be forced to watch horses breed,” Ivy mumbles.