“We’re pretty sure it’s her brother. Her own fucking brother. The person who should be looking out for her the most, and he’s putting his hands on her.”
“Unfortunately, that’s not as uncommon as people think. Lots of siblings abuse the other. Do you know why she’s staying with him if he’s the abuser?” Pippa asks in a quiet voice.
“No. She made a comment that she’d lose everything her grandparents worked for and what they wanted for her if she left, but that’s all she said.”
“Could be some stipulation in their will. People add conditions to their wills but don’t update them as time passes. Not that it really matters, though. All that matters is that Ivy’s safe,” Pooh adds.
“We’re taking Craig to the rescue on Saturday. I wanted to meet Ivy even before you and I spoke about this because Craig thinks she’s the total shit. Ava and Gunner do too. I’ll give her my number, but I can’t question her about her brother. That’s a decision she has to make when she’s ready to share. Knowing she has people she can reach out to is the best we can do for now,” Pippa advises. “If things change for her, she’s always welcome at New Horizons.”
“Thanks, Pips. Appreciate it,” I reply.
“Anything new on Carmen’s family?” Pooh asks.
“Rex is working on intel for them. That’s about all I know, really.”
“I’m not sure I can see another child in the situation that Bella was in and not kill every single person involved,” Pooh says in a brutal tone.
Pippa instantly slides both arms around Pooh’s middle and lays her cheek against his chest. I watch as Pooh takes a deep breath and then pulls Pippa tighter. Bella’s rescue was hard on all of us but Pooh especially. Pooh never shies away from doing whatever needs to be done for the club but seeing sex trafficking of a child up close damaged his soul. He’s made it a point to check on Carmen, the woman rescued with Bella, regularly. By doing so, her family knew if they ever needed help, the club would have their backs.
“Not sure any of us would have a problem with that, brother. You have a family to look after now, though. Why don’t you sit this one out and let me do whatever needs done,” I suggest in a careful tone.
The look I receive from Pooh tells me what I knew he’d think of my suggestion. I nod in understanding and stand. No way in hell that Pooh would sit out the possible rescue of more victims. Slapping a hand against his shoulder, I remind him of something he already knows.
“I don’t have a woman or kid needing me if something goes sideways. I’m not anyone’s whole world. You are. Just saying, I’m fine with doing the wet work and you keeping your hands clean.”
“You have Ivy,” Pippa says quietly.
My head jerks to face her to deny this claim, but she speaks again before I can.
“You made her a promise, and you’re her lifeline right now. Even if she never calls, she knows she can, and that’s important. Also, don’t even think about standing here saying that you have no one who would miss you if something happened, Pigeon. Every single one of us would, and your loss would be devastating. What you guys are going to do will most likely be dangerous. Us women get that and back you 100% because someone needs to help the victims. But none of us are okay with you getting hurt so our man is safe. Pooh will go with you at his side, and I’ll be here worried sick until you both return.”
Staring at Pippa for a moment, I lean down and kiss her cheek. Giving Pooh a chin lift, I leave the clubhouse and ride to the security company. I feel a need to check on Ivy, and I’m a little unsettled as to why the feeling is so strong.
Chapter 8
I take the time to make two large lunches for work today. Craig will be hanging out with me, and I want to make sure he has a good meal. I had to get up really early to get the animals fed before leaving for my day shift, but I got it done in time to drive the speed limit for a change. Pulling into the parking lot, I see Dale’s car. I groan a little, but I should have checked the schedule to see who I was working with when I agreed to the shift swap. I’ll stay busy with Craig and can hopefully avoid Dale for most of the shift. He’ll cover the front desk, and I’ll take Craig with me to the barns, so it shouldn’t be too awkward working with him for one shift.
I drop my backpack and lunches off in the breakroom and make my way to the front desk. On my way past the aviary, I pop in long enough to scoop up Priscilla. Riding on my shoulder, she waits until I’m closing the door behind us to shout to the other birds, “Haha suckers!”
Grinning at her, we enter the doorway to the front desk area. Dale, who’s sitting at the desk, turns in time to watch us. He continues to blatantly stare as I take a seat, and Prissy jumps off my shoulder to land on the desk.
“I have a volunteer spending the day with me, so if you’re okay with it, we’ll work the barns. Anything new I need to know?” I ask.
“That’s fine with me. No new intakes. Had a few adoptions of cats and one dog. A lady was here yesterday and might be interested in the emu. Said she might be back today,” Dale answers while still staring.
I boot up the computer in front of me and do a quick check as to who was adopted. I can feel Dale’s eyes, so I continue looking at the computer so I don’t have to make conversation. Prissy struts the length of the desk between the two humans, muttering to herself. Each time she gets near Dale, she stops, extends her head at him, and stomps a foot. Each time, Dale gives in to his nervousness around her and leans back. Prissy holds her pose for a few beats, then cackles and struts away. When I hear the buzzer announce the front door opening, I sigh in relief at the chance to end the awkwardness in the room.
Standing, I see Craig race into the reception area. Behind him are Pooh and a beautiful, black-haired woman that must be Craig’s mom. Walking out of the room, I enter the reception area and brace. Craig rushes to me and throws his arms around my hips, his little head tipped back. I smile down to see his excited face. I lean down and give him a quick hug before looking at the two adults.
“Hi. You must be Ivy. I’m Pippa,” the woman says while extending a hand.
“It’s nice to meet you, Pippa. Thank you for letting Craig come today,” I tell her while shaking her hand.
“No, Ivy, thank you. He’s been so excited about today. This is like Christmas to Craig,” Pippa states with a smile.
“My pleasure. We can always use volunteers, and Craig’s great with the animals,” I assure her before turning to Pooh. “Hey, Pooh, thanks for bringing him.”