Page 81 of Vex

“Tessie! Oh my God, girl!” I shout at her smiling face.

“Just joking. Yes, you have my permission, biker boy. Marry my sister and give me lots of nieces and nephews.”

“I look forward to granting your wish, Tessie.”

Chapter 28


My offer on the house and property was accepted. I close on it tomorrow. We have a lot of work to do, but the women have already started packing things and preparing to move. Horse Nuts came to Taja and I and asked about renting their home for now. We agreed and the rent he’ll be paying will go directly into Tessie’s savings account.

Taja finally agreed to not go back to work, at least until after the baby’s born. She’s taking a few classes, and that’s fine by me. I spoke with the club and they agreed I could cut back on hours at Dreams. Freddy hired a friend of Rod’s. He’s been working out well so far. I still work there, just not as much. I have enough to do right now, and I want to be with Taja as much as possible. She’s still having some issues with morning sickness even though the doctor said it should have ended by now. That keeps me worried.

Taja has developed cravings for black licorice, and I often see her with a stick of it in her hand. Craig takes full credit for that and makes sure to always have some for her when we’re at the clubhouse. He’s still carrying a torch for Taja, and they’re so cute together. He willingly takes a bath and always wears his “romantic” shirts when he knows Taja will be on the compound. He often pushes himself between us to stand closer to her. It’s cute, but I often find myself jealous of a five-year-old boy. Sad, but true.

Taja’s also missing Duffy since we don’t see him as much. She visits the compound often just to get her Duffy fix. He’s back to being mellow with me but only if Taja’s lavishing her attention on him. If I’m receiving it, I often have my blood drawn by the ill-tempered cat. I’m learning what the club sluts must have dealt with when Duffy would ruin their day instead of mine. At least the fat bastard doesn’t live with us.

I decided to speak with Ava and Reno about one of Loki’s puppies. They’re due any day now and I want one for Taja and Tessie. Our house is isolated, even with Rex setting up a security perimeter, I want the women to have a large dog with them there when I’m not. I know both women will love the idea. They both fuss over Ava and Craig’s pets constantly so getting them a puppy will not cause an argument. After speaking with Ava, I’m on the list in the number four spot to choose. That will be a fun day for the sisters.

My mother has reached out to me numerous times since the restaurant incident. I know she’s torn, but she’s an adult and needs to stand up for what she wants. I can’t make it easier for her. She also texts with Taja often, and I’m hopeful the pull of a grandchild will get her to make the right choices. Time will tell.

Even knowing that I can afford anything she might desire, Taja’s still hesitant to spend money on things she deems unnecessary. Tessie’s become my best ally in helping me get around Taja’s refusal to spend money. We’ve spent hours together online picking out baby things. Taja will walk past, look at what we’re buying and gasp at the cost. Tessie has no qualms about picking out the best and neither do I.

Luckily, the guy we’re buying the home from has moved out and is allowing us to move things in already. The first order of business was Rex getting the security system up and working. Second, Chubs and Pooh helped me paint the nursery. I now wished I hadn’t teased Gunner so much when he kept repainting the twins’ nursery, because I’m just as bad. I couldn’t decide on a color and then changed my mind twice after it was completed. Chubs just smiled and continued painting with one hand while eating with the other. Eventually, the nursery ended up being a very pale gray with white trim. It turned out awesome.

Bailey agreed to sketch some pictures for the walls. She did animal sketches and they’re adorable. The “Pooh” bear is sniffing a flower, the cat is curled up in a blanket and the puppy has a ball next to it. All will work whether we have a boy or a girl. She also sketched my favorite bike and it’s perfect. It has every tiny detail, and I’m debating whether I want it in the nursery or the living room. With the mountains in the background, I’m leaning toward the living room.

While buying furnishings for the house, I hear, “You’ve lost your damn mind!” often from Taja. I just grin and click add to cart. If I don’t do it, she’ll never spend the money and my girls are not going to live with second best anymore.

I had to enlist Tessie’s help when it came to maternity clothes. Taja needs them and she’s broke down and bought some but not nearly enough. She usually wears my shirts, which I love seeing, but she needs more than that. Tessie didn’t hesitate to take my credit card and hit the stores. Taja now has a beautiful maternity wardrobe. And she loves it.

We had a doctor’s appointment yesterday with an ultrasound. We both chose not to know the sex of the baby. Taja wants to go the old-fashioned way, as she called it, and find out at the birth. I’m scared to hear it’s a girl, so I’m putting that off for as long as possible. Yes, I can be a scared little child sometimes, and I’m not afraid to admit it. To myself at least.

The doctor’s concerned though and told us the baby isn’t as large as it should be by now, but everything else seemed okay. Taja asked a lot of questions. We left the appointment with her being quiet and worried. She’s doing everything the doctor told her to do, so I think all will be well. She’s tired all the time and sleeps a lot, but the doctor said that’s normal and not to worry about that. She wants us back in two weeks.

I closed on the house, and we’ve been moving things into it. Taja isn’t allowed to lift anything, so she does a lot of directing. It takes us a week, but we’re finally moved in and loving it. Tessie and Bella got free rein on decorating Tessie’s room. They did a great job and the room is perfect for Tessie.

While some of the guys helped us move in, others got to work making a road from our backyard to the compound. It’s just a dirt trail but it’s wide enough to drive a truck through. It ends up connecting to the road that Gunner, Pooh, Axel and the rest live on. Someday I may have it paved but for now it’s perfect. We own 640 acres with the house nearly in the center of it, so we have a lot of privacy. Chubs and I have already discussed him buying a corner of it so he can build a home for him and Lucy. He loves the idea, and I love that he’d be close to us. He doesn’t know it, but no way will I take money for the land he’d like. Chubs could ask for the moon and I’d try to get it for him. No better person in the world. And Lucy? Best ever.

Lucy and Taja get along great and hang together often. Lucy has approached Taja about helping out at New Horizons. Taja’s excited about it and has agreed as soon as the baby’s born. Once she has her nursing degree and license, Pippa, Lucy and Tammy have asked her to become New Horizons nurse on-call. They get women who need treatment for wounds that refuse to go to the hospital. That’s where Taja would come in. She’s thrilled at the idea of being able to help there. Gunner and Axel have also asked her to do the same for the MC. Of course, she agreed before she hugged the hell out of both guys. She’s still smiling over being asked. I’ve mentioned a few times now that if she wants to go forward with her education and become a doctor, I’m all for it. I’m proud as hell of her as she is but if she chose to do that, I’d back her every step of the way.

“What’s got you thinking so hard?” Taja says softly as she wraps her arms around my waist from behind.

“You. Tessie. The baby. Us. Just thinking about how perfect my life is now. Meeting you changed my whole world. I’m getting married, having a baby and bought a home. I’m going to have a sister-in-law that I get to watch grow into a beautiful adult. Everything’s coming together. I’m just amazed that in such a short time, everything’s changed, but it’s all for the better.”

Taja moves to my front without letting go of me. I look down into her beautiful face and again think how lucky I am. I wrap my arms around her and pull her snug to my chest.

“I wish so much that Mom were here to meet you and our little one. She’d be so happy that I met someone like you. She’d love being a grandma,” Taja says in a quiet, sad voice. “She’d love you.”

“I wish I could give you that, Taj. I would have loved meeting the woman who raised such beautiful daughters. But, baby, she’s here. She’ll always be with you and Tessie. She’s a big part of both of you. I like to think she’s smiling knowing her girls are happy and safe. I also like to think she’d approve of me being with her daughter,” I confess.

“She would’ve. Now, quit staring out the window and come to bed. It’s our first night in our new home and we have a bed to break in,” Taja says with a laugh as she pulls away.

Taja walks slowly backward, toward the bed, as she starts removing pieces of clothing. She doesn’t understand it, but her pregnant body’s a cock-hardening sight for me every damn time I see it. She was self-conscious in the beginning when she first started showing, but she’s gotten over it. When her bra hits the floor, my mouth waters. Her breasts have always been perfect, but now they’re slightly larger, fuller and I can’t get enough of them.

While I stand watching the strip show, Taja drops her yoga pants and panties. Naked, she climbs on the bed, lays on her back and plants her feet, knees raised. Looking at me from between her spread thighs, I watch as her hand drops to slide across her clit. That move puts me into action. My clothes are off without me remembering that I removed them. I walk until I’m standing at the foot of the bed, eyes still glued to Taja’s hand. I stroke my cock a few times before lifting my eyes to see hers locked on my hand.

“I’m getting a taste of you before you get my cock, baby,” I rasp out.