Page 12 of Vex

“No idea. Can’t seem to get rid of him. He’s chased more sluts from my room than I can count, though. Has saved me from listening to the moaning and tears I get when I’m telling them to leave. Guess he does come in handy sometimes,” I answer with a grin.

“Saw Peaches was sporting some new scars a few weeks ago. Heard her complaining long and loud about them too. Her and a few of the other women were talking about placing a bounty on Duffy’s head. Tried warning them that if they take the cat out, Ava will eliminate them from this earth. Slowly and painfully,” Axel laughs.

“Bounty?” Mac questions when he flutters up to the bar top.

“Yeah, a bounty. It’s like a reward. Someone pays you to do something they don’t want to do themselves,” Axel explains.

“Like cashews?” Mac asks while cocking his head.

“It would be like you saying you’d give me 10,000 cashews to eliminate Axel,” Pooh tells Mac. “Your bounty on Axel’s head would be the cashews.”

“I be saving cashews,” crows Mac.

“Fuck you, Mac,” Axel spouts.

“Neva neva neva!” Mac responds loudly while shaking his head back and forth rapidly.

Mac strolls away leaving Pooh and I laughing at Axel. They fight constantly, and it’s always fun to see who’s going to win.

“You guys want to go for a short ride?” Axel asks.

“Can’t. I have to hit the shower and head to Dreams. Working tonight. Just surfaced long enough to grab something to eat beforehand,” I answer.

“I got time. Let’s go,” Pooh says.

I get a couple of back slaps and watch them leave the clubhouse. Ambling into the kitchen, I rummage around the fridge until I find all the makings of a sandwich and get down to the task of feeding myself. When done, I get ready for work and leave the clubhouse. I’m going in earlier than I need to, and I know why I am. I refuse to admit it, even to myself, but there it is. Taja.

It’s obvious Suki and Taja have worked together before because they move seamlessly through their duties. They’re chatting up the customers, and everything’s smooth so far. In this line of work though, it can change rapidly. It usually only takes one loudmouth to ruin the night. I keep a close eye on all the women but especially Taja. Making my rounds, I catch myself glancing back to the bar area often.

“I’ve never interfered with you and the women you’ve fucked, Vex, but unless you’re dead serious about that one in particular, keep your distance. Please. She’s a good girl and has a lot on her plate already,” Freddy states as he stops next to me.

I look down at his face and see that it’s serious as hell. Following his eyes, I note he’s looking directly at Taja. Well, hell, he’s picked up on my interest in her.

“Not sure why you’re bringing this up, Freddy. I haven’t touched her. And you’ve never cared before who I did touch,” I answer carefully.

“She’s young, Vex. Younger than the other women here and definitely less experienced. Who you do is your business. Not trying to interfere, but you could hurt her, and I don’t want to see that happen. The other women all know what they’re getting into with you, but she doesn’t. She’s had enough of life’s hard lessons already. Just let her be unless you’ve decided to change your ways and settle down. She’s that type of girl. Not your usual. I know I sound like I’m lecturing you, and I don’t mean to. I just worry about her is all,” Freddy explains.

I think over everything he said, and I see his point. I’m not ready to settle down. I like my life as it is, but Taja isn’t the type to be okay with a one-night thing. I sigh, knowing he’s right.

“I hear ya. I’ll keep it strictly business with her.”

Freddy looks at me closely, then nods, slaps me on the shoulder and walks off.

I feel a pit in my stomach, but I’m ignoring that shit and going to do as I told Freddy I’d do. Taja’s off-limits, period. Now I just have to convince my cock of that.

Chapter 7


I’ve been working at Dreams for a few months now and it’s gone very well. Working with Suki again has been fun, and I know I’m safer at Dreams than I ever was at Zero. Best decision ever. I’ve been able to make my payments to Rooster, and while I hate sending money to him it’s better than having him back in our lives. Tessie and I are slowly getting our lives back to our new normal and learning to live without our mom. It’s been hard, a lot of tears and anger at the world, but we’re making it work.

The only problem I have at work is this insane attraction to Vex. He’s always polite, nice and funny, but my mind and body crave more from him. I know it’s not smart, but I can’t help myself. I spend way too much time watching him and enjoying the view. But there’s so much more to him than just his looks, I’ve found. I don’t think many have taken the time to look past the gorgeous exterior. I have, and I like who he is as a person and not just his appearance. He’s kind, protective and so easy to be around. We chat often and have become great friends. I’ve definitely noticed the heat in his eyes when he looks at me, but he’s never made a move, and I’m confused by that. I’m assuming I’m just not his type. I don’t know what his type is, though, because I haven’t seen him hit on any woman since I’ve been here. I see them hit on him, and he always politely brushes them off or jokes his way out of their demands. What I do know is that I need to get a grip on myself and get over my infatuation with such an unattainable man. I think I need to start dating. Maybe having someone in my life like that would alleviate my obsession with Vex.

My problem with the idea of dating is that the whole idea is unappealing to me if it’s not Vex. I meet dozens, if not more, men each night at work and none measure up to him. I don’t mean appearance-wise either. He’s such a nice guy, and so many that come to Dreams are not. They’re married, engaged or have a girlfriend, but they’re here coming on to me, Suki, waitstaff and strippers alike. They hand out their phone numbers like a pervert does candy. They’re disrespectful to women, something I’ve never seen Vex be, even when he’s had reason to. The other members of the Devil’s Angels that I’ve met are a lot like Vex. I can easily see why they’re all in the same club. And yet, they don’t quite measure up to him either as far as I am concerned.

Vex and I take most of our breaks together, even with Suki giving us the stink eye. We chat, but things always stay light. I don’t want to discuss Mom and how that defined who Tessie and I are. I don’t want to share all the ways that gutted us. I like our time together just being a man and a woman without heavy baggage. Vex occasionally asks more personal questions, but I’ve become adept at changing the subject. I can tell he notices, and I’m hoping he doesn’t think it’s because he’s not important enough to share with. He fast became very important to me and I value our friendship, but I don’t want pity for all the crap life’s thrown my direction. Vex never fails to make me smile or laugh and I selfishly want that to continue. I haven’t had much reason to either, and I’m enjoying it now.

One thing I really enjoy is Vex’s texts. Every single day I receive a good morning and good night text. We’ve taken to texting often, and it makes my day to know he’s thinking of me at the beginning and end of his day. I often receive texts with pictures attached of something funny he’s seen that he wanted to share. A bumper sticker, someone out in public wearing some outrageous outfit or a club member caught doing something ridiculous. I even got a video of a club member getting his ass waxed, and I’m still laughing over that one. His cries of agony never fail to amuse me, and I know that’s just wrong, but it’s too funny to care.