Page 103 of Pooh

“Don’t push, honey. Wait until I can check and see if it’s time to push. Hang tight, I’m going to carry you to Axel’s room and everything is going to be okay,” I instruct her. I do this calmly even though I’m nervous as hell.

I pick Bailey up carefully and my heart goes out to her because she’s struggling with another contraction and I know it hurts. But she’s brave, she’s strong and we’ll do this together. I look for Gunner to have him call 911 and Axel and find he’s missing in action. No time to waste, I head to the hall that leads to the rooms. Axel’s door is locked because that’s just our luck right now. I am struggling to hang onto a writhing Bailey but upon checking doors, I find Vex’s unlocked. I’d have gone to my room next but I’d have had to stand Bailey on her feet to get my key out of my pocket. Sorry, Brother Vex, but your room is about to look like a crime scene.

I pull the comforter off and place Bailey on the bed. I pile the pillows up behind her back and lean her against them and the headboard. During all of this, she’s having contractions. Without thought, I help Bailey lose her pants and panties. I push her knees up and I can see the baby’s head. It’s go time!

“What the hell does Vex do in here to make this room stink so bad?” Bailey pants out between contractions.

“We probably don’t want to know that, darlin’.”

Gunner busts through the doorway and instantly turns his back to us. I have to chuckle a little, but I need him to calm the hell down and get me the things I need. Using a soft voice, I tell him the items he is to bring to me and to call Cash. He bolts from the room and I can hear his huge feet thundering down the hallway.

“You’re doing great, Bailey. I can see your little angel’s head and everything looks perfectly fine. It’s time to push with your next contraction. Let’s bring her into this world so she can meet her mommy and daddy. And her favorite Uncle Chubs.”

Gunner crashes back into the room and starts tossing the items I need on the bed. He got everything I asked for, but there are also random things in that pile. I have no clue why he thought we’d need a pack of gum and a porn DVD but there they are. He turns his back to Bailey but reaches out and grabs her hand. I tuck the sheet around her the best I can to preserve her dignity and go to work.

“Do you have any idea what the fuck you’re doing?” asks Gunner.

“Yeah. I read up on childbirth and how to assist if needed. I wanted to have that knowledge just in case. Good thing I did.”

“Love you to death, Chubs!” Bailey gasps out.

“Chubs loves Bailey. Now push, darlin’. Keep going!”

Six minutes later we welcome little baby girl Taylor into the world. She’s beautiful! Even wailing her lungs out, she’s beautiful. I’m instantly in love again as I place her squirming body onto Bailey’s chest and in her arms.

“Bailey! Bails! Chubs! Let me the fuck in! Where’s Bailey!” Axel shouts. We hear this along with hard pounding on a door. Apparently, Axel thought we had locked him out of his room.

“We’re in Vex’s room, you fucktard,” shouts Gunner.

I pull the sheet over Bailey’s bottom half and look up in time to watch Axel come skidding into the room. His eyes are wild and his movements are jerky, but that all changes when he sees Bailey and his new baby girl. His eyes go soft and wet and he’s on his knees next to the bed in an instant, big hand cupping the back of his baby’s head.

I give them a minute and then explain what else has to be done. Bailey is a trooper and we’re finished soon. I give the baby and Bailey each a kiss, a man hug to Axel and leave them alone. Everyone has gathered to meet the baby and the women are getting baby, Bailey and the room cleaned up. The paramedics have arrived so I’m off duty now.

“You used my room? Really? What the fuck!” Vex barks. “I’ve got to start locking that fucking door.”

-*- -*- -*- -*-

“Hi, Chubs! What’re you doing to your bike?” Craig asks as he squats down next to me as I’m sitting on the ground next to my bike.

“Giving it a tune-up, little man. Want to help?”

“Sure! What can I do?”

“In my saddlebag, is a small, metal toolbox. It’s green. Can you hand it to me, please?”

“Yep,” Craig responds as he stands up and opens the saddlebag. “Here it is.”

“Thanks, buddy.”


“Yeah, Craig?”

“Why do you have so many rolls of duct tape, spray paint cans and super glue tubes in your saddlebags? What do you use all of that for?”

The End