“I’m sorry to surprise you like this, but I need to talk to you and was afraid you wouldn’t take my calls.”
I saw the moment she realized Chase and I had planned this. Her expression turned dark.
Not a good sign.Shit!Then corrected it to crap because I’d gotten used to correcting myself when Chase was around.
“Doug, this isn’t a good idea. I told you I-” Her voice was flat, and I could tell she was barely holding it together.
I held up my flower-free hand as I cut her off. “Will you please give-”
“What’s the point? I can’t give you the kids you want.”
God, give me strength.
“I’m sterile!” My voice was high pitch, and in my frustration a lot louder than I’d intended.
So much for not making big declarations in public.
You could’ve heard a pin drop in the ice cream shop.
Beth’s jaw fell open, her eyes widened to saucers.
“I tried to tell you Sunday, but we got interrupted.”
“You’re…” her voice trailed off.
“I am. I’ve always wanted kids, but I can’t father them. I know it makes me less of a man-”
“No, it doesn’t.” She took a step towards me. “I’m sorry I wouldn’t listen to you.”
“I forgive you.” I took a small step forward.
In for a dime, in for a dollar. I held out the flowers and said, “Beth, I love you. I love Chase. If you'll give me a chance, I know I can be a good husband to you and a father to your little boy.”
Chapter 47
Did Doug just propose in an ice cream shop?What the hell do I say?
Doug stood there, staring, waiting for me to say something, and looking more nervous than I’d ever seen him.
Chase was pulling on my arm telling me he wanted Doug to be his dad.
Everyone in the ice cream shop was clapping and cheering.
I hadn’t actually said anything after Doug’s declaration of love and sort-of proposal, but it didn’t seem to matter. I was soshocked I hadn’t even accepted the gorgeous bouquet he was holding out to me.
The sound faded away as I looked in Doug’s eyes. Big, strong, quiet Doug had just admitted he was sterile to a room full of strangers, before telling me he loved me.He’s probably dying of embarrassment. He was holding it together so well, you’d never know by looking at him.
“Mommy, why are you crying?” Chase tugged on my arm again.
I brought my other hand to my face and wiped away the tears I hadn’t felt rolling down my cheek.
“These are happy tears.”
A slow smile spread across Doug’s face at my words. He asked, “Can we go outside and talk for a few minutes.”
I nodded, but Chase crossed his arms and stomped a foot. “What about my ice cream?”