Page 77 of Missing

On the ride home, Chase reminded us about getting ice cream. Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t let him have ice cream after eating two donuts, but today I was more than happy to get him all the ice cream he could eat.I’ll worry about the belly aches later.

“Why don’t we go to the Ice Cream Palace and get ice cream for everyone, then go back to the SSI office. What do you think, Chase?” I asked, hoping he’d forget about the donuts he wanted to get them.

He nodded so enthusiastically I thought his head would break off. “We can get ice cream for Auntie Meg and Uncle Jack. And Uncle Jamie. And Mr. AJ. Will Aunt Mary be there? Because she’ll be sad if we don’t bring her something…”

Chase went on for awhile, talking about what we should get for everyone. My thought had been to get him whatever he wanted and grab a few half gallons for everyone else to share. But no, Chase was on a mission to get everyone what he thought their favorite flavor would be. I made a mental note to add Agents Jones and Maxwell to the list, just in case.

I could hear John chuckling from the front seat as I made eye contact with Doug and shrugged.

His ear-to-ear smile mirrored my own.

Having to spend a small fortune so he could buy everyone ice cream was a problem I was happy to have.

Chapter 38


Chase had a blast ordering for everyone. We apologized more than once to the couple behind us, grateful they understood. When I offered to pay, Beth refused saying it was the only way she’d be allowed to pay SSI for everything they’d done. I couldn’t argue with that; we both knew that as Chase’s godfather, John wouldn’t charge her.

“But you can help me carry all this stuff,” she added as she signed the receipt.

“Happy to.” I handed the cashier thirty bucks. “For the couple behind us.”It’s the least we can do. I thanked them again for their patience.

John and I carried the bags of assorted sundaes and the two half gallons Beth had chosen in case anyone didn’t like what Chase had picked for them. Beth had her hands full herding Chase, who was too busy eating his banana split, with extra hot fudge and whipped cream, to pay attention to where he was going.

Chase was done eating by the time we got to the office, so he insisted on carrying a bag in his hot fudge smeared hands.

I wasn’t surprised everyone, including Jones and Maxwell, was still there. Plus, Sammie and Eric had stopped by to offer what assistance they could, and stayed to celebrate after hearing Chase was safe.

“I got everyone their favorite ice cream!” Chase announced as he walked in.

Eyebrows around the room rose; it was unlikely Chase knew anyone’s favorite flavor let alone everyone’s.

Not that any of them would complain.

Chase stopped short when he spotted Agents Jones and Maxwell talking to Meg. “Are you new?” he asked, his head tilted to one side like a confused puppy.

“Hello, Chase. I’m Agent Jones.” Jones held out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Hello, Agent Jones.” Chase mimicked him. “It’s nice to meet you too. Do you work for my Uncle John?”

“I don’t. I work for the FBI. Agent Maxwell,” he pointed to her, “and I wanted to help him find you.”

Agent Maxwell held her hand out for Chase, who shook it.

“Chase, what do you say to someone who helps you?” Beth nudged him.

“Thank you.” He looked down at the bag, “I’m sorry I didn’t get you any ice cream.”

“It’s okay,” Maxwell answered.

“We have two half gallons: vanilla and chocolate. Help yourself,” I said over Chase’s head.

“Chase, why don’t you pass out the ice cream before it melts.” John encouraged him.

Chase talked to everyone as they ate their sundaes. He didn’t notice a few people swapping out, or Jamie giving his to Emily then getting a bowl of chocolate for himself. He was too busy telling them all about his rescue, visit to the hospital and police station, and how brave he’d been the entire time.

He told everyone who would listen, “I’m going to be a policeman and work at SSI and save people when I grow up.”