“Can I have one?” Chase asked.
John winked and answered, “Of course, but only if you get one for your mom too.”
Chase looked at his feet and asked in a shaky voice, “Am I in trouble?”
“No, he just wants to ask you some questions about what happened.” John used his best soothing dad voice. It was hard to believe this was the same guy who used nothing but his tone of voice to snap everyone at SSI to attention.
Chase loved going to the police station, but this time was different— they’d be asking him to relive his kidnapping.I don’t think he’s convinced he isn’t in trouble.
“Will you come with me, Uncle John?” Tears were forming in Chase’s eyes again.
I wished we didn’t have to take him to the PD, but the sooner it was done the sooner we could go home and start healing.
“Of course I will.” He walked over and high-fived Chase before ruffling his hair. “Then we’ll get ice cream.”
Chase smiled as he moved his head away from John’s hand. The normalcy of his action calmed my overwrought nerves.He’ll be okay. It might take some time, but he’d be okay.
After the doctor confirmed there were trace amounts of a sedative in Chase’s system, and reassured me there’d be no lasting side effects, he released us. John scooped up Chase and carried him to the waiting room, where a patiently waiting Doug stood when he saw us.
He opened his arms as I walked up to him, my need to be in his arms written all over my face. “Shh, it’ll be okay. I’m here,” he whispered near my ear as he stroked my hair.
I let a few tears fall before pulling myself back together. There’d be time to cry tonight, after Chase was asleep, safe in his own bed.
“Thank you,” I said as I wiped my tears, “I needed that.”
He smiled softly as he brushed my hair off my blotchy face, calming my nerves and adding a little energy to my depleted well.
“Uncle John said we can get donuts.” Chase interrupted the moment.
I turned just in time to see John’s smirk; the one with a ‘what took you so long’ vibe to it. Doug had been here the whole time, ready to hold and comfort me, but I’d been so focused on Chase I hadn’t noticed.
Doug didn’t miss a beat. “That’s good news because I’m starving.” He slid his hand down my arm to hold my hand before looking at John. “I talked to Meg, everyone’s gone back to the office to wait.”
“Thank you,” John answered. “Can you stay in touch and send updates?”
Doug nodded. “Of course.” He squeezed my hand as he talked to Chase. “You’re Aunt Mary and Auntie Meg want me to tell you they can’t wait to see you.”
“Can we bring them donuts too?” Chase asked John.
“I’m sure they’d like that,” John answered with a laugh.
My kid was going to buy out the bakery if he added anyone else to this list, because we couldn’t just buy donuts for Mary and Meg, we’d have to buy donuts for everyone at SSI.
True to his word, John let Chase pick out two dozen donuts to take to the station, and one for himself. Chase remembered to ask me what I wanted, then asked Doug if he wanted one too. John added three large coffees to the order. When Chase asked about the donuts for SSI, we told him we’d come back and buymore later. I tried to pay, but John insisted it was his treat. I was too exhausted to argue.
The chocolate glazed donut I ate on the short drive to the station was literally the best thing I’d ever tasted. It represented my son being home, safe and sound, and the loving people who surrounded us.
Chase told Doug all about his hospital visit in between bites of his powdered donut. John’s back seat would be a mess, but I didn’t think he’d mind.
I hadn’t had a chance to talk to Doug during all the chaos, but he’d been the entire time. I couldn’t stop thinking about seeing Chase safe in Doug’s arms. The warmth of his hand on my lower back. The soothing effect of his thumb rubbing the back of my hand. He stuck by my side, taking care of my every need, sometimes before I even knew I needed it. And I loved him for it.
Love? It happened fast, but I was definitely in love with him.
More than once I could have sworn I saw love in his eyes when he looked at me. It was all a bit too much to deal with, and I wanted to push it to the back of my mind, but it kept creeping back to the front.
I’d been worried about falling for another protective alpha male who risked his life to help others, but it turned out I had a type because it was one of the things I loved about him.
Watching Doug give Chase his full attention, and seeing Chase so comfortable with Doug, was enough to melt my heart. I caught Doug’s gaze over Chase’s head, smiled, and mouthed, "thank you." His brief nod was interrupted by Chase, but not before I saw it.